Ladies, Lads dear friends and fans. To celebrate the relase of
Dawn Of War: Dark Crusade we bring you an early Christmas Gift!
We hope you will be pleased with our work and happy to rate our performance. We at the 40k team are proud to present Expansion Pack 1:
ENEMIES OF THE IMPERIUMAs per your request in the polls, we have included many Ork weapons and the odd Imperial selections. (My personal favorite is the ork Tank Busta, Hilarious! Not to mention a few more gosteks to play around with!
So! Will you purge the heretics, or destroy the servants of the false Emperor you decide!
INSTRUCTIONSIn order to play Warhammer 40,000: Enemies of the Imperium, you must have the original version fully working on you compter. We advise instaling this program onto a fresh copy of soldat.
1, Before installing, open up the original version. Set all weapon slots and gosteks to their default set, apply, and then close.
2, Download the Expansion pack. Then copy the file named '40k' into the soldat directory (C:\Soldat). When prompted, overwrite all files.
3, Once installed, it is advised to restart your computer so that all changes may take effect.
Original Link:;6227699;;/Expansion Link:;6227637;;/_________________________________________________
We hope you enjoy this mod as we have enjoyed producing it! and continue to use it to its fullest! If you feel so inclined please post your comments and sugestions as we need your feedback to produce this kind of work!
Thanks to everybody who supported this mod, including Anubis for creating a very superb selection of gosteks for this mod as well as the original!
Special thanks to Numgun, and his Eradication Wars mod, without a guideline, we would have never been able to produce a decent looking Las-Cannon!
Me! if you have the time! for designing the weapons!
Finaly a very special thanks to Stalky, who, although is no longer part of the Soldat community, played a massive part in the construction and and creation of the original mod and by bringing its genre into the soldat game!
ATTENTION WARHAMMER 40,000 NEWCOMMERS!!To those poor people who have never experianced the wonderous world of never ending war, please download and play these high-res introduction movies from the games.
Both feature the mighty Space Marines battling the alien foes who would dare oppose the God-Emperor!!
Planet Tartarus:;6230373;;/This battle takes place in the industrial city of Magna Bonum, one of the better films and depicts the 40k world a lot better! Outraged by their arrogance, the Space Marines wage a heroic charge against the impossible numbers of the orcish hordes. "When you hear that battle cry, you just wanna leap out of your seat and beat up the next person you see!"
Planet Kronus:;6230400;;/In this film you are looking through the eyes of a Space Marine Warrior, the battle against a recently awoken Necron army has drawn to a close, Or has it?