(Soldat Realistic Survival Tournament)
Welcome friends and fellow clan mates. {SEAL} is hosting the first ever serious realistic survival tournament. This is a serious project and if you decide to enroll your clan, be sure you will be there to participate. This tournament is supposed to be a fun project for all of the Soldat community who is interested. So without further ado LET THE GAMES BEGIN!
If you would like to sign up your clan for the first ever SRST please follow the following steps.
Your clan must have at least 3 active members that will participate.
go to and post your request
Post your clan name, members, and possible contacts.
Once you have posted this you have agreed that you will participate seriously in the tournament.
Match Rules:
-It is best 2 out of 3
-Both clans agreed that it is an SRST match
-Both clans have to have 3 to 5 members for a match.
-Servers should be neutral to both parties.
-That server will be used for the rest of the match.
-If the server has problems the match will be postponed till a later date or in a different server.
-Only default maps are allowed
-Double capping is not allowed(A double cap is when you kill the last enemy and capture the flag which results in 2 points)
-The use of any program to relay messages to a teammate while dead is not allowed.
-You are not allowed to ghost or "spy" in any way.
-There are to be NO spectators allowed during any leagued matches.
-If a substitute is to be put in the server must be paused and during the beginning of a round.
-Only 2 subs are allowed during a match.
-Only 2 pauses(not including planning time) are allowed during the match.
Server Settings:
Realistic - On
Survival - On
Friendly Fire - On
Bullet Time - Off
Sniper Line - On/Off (Both parties should agree)
Time Limit - 30 Minutes
Capture Limit - 10
Max Grenades - 4
Bonuses - 0
Weapons - All
Stationary Guns - Off
(Reporting wins)
go to and post your win there
It is your job as the winning clan to report you win.
Post the scores of each map and make sure to provide screen shots
Clans will be put in slots along the tournament board as randomly and as fairly as possible.
You will have a date by which you must battle this clan.
Once clan will be challenger clan and the other will be the opponent clan.
The opponent clan will pick the map.
The challenging clan will pick the side.
A "planning period" will be an opportunity at the beginning of each map to plan out your assault
The 2 clans will battle until a clan wins by reaching the captures limit or by who ever has the most captures at the end of 30 minutes.
The clan that lost the first round will pick the next map.
The clan that won the first round will pick the side (bravo or alpha).
The two clans will battle again to see who wins
If one clan wins 2 times in a row they are victors of the battle.
If the other clan wins making the rounds tied (1 win and 1 lost for both clans) a tie breaker round will commence.
The losing team of the last round will pick the map.
The winning team will pick the side.
They will start to battle again to see who will win the match.
If you are caught spying/ghosting for in game the first in game an admin will /kill you next round.
If you are caught spying/ghosting in game for the second time your clan forfeits the match.
If you are caught using Ventrilo or TeamSpeak your clan forfeits and will be expelled from the tournament.
If you fail to battle the clan by the date given you will have only 1 day to do it, if this date is not completed the clan that did not show up on the last day will be eliminated.