Welcome fellow players, are you looking for a clan? well than why dont you give this one a try..
Name:  .:§O§:.
Leader: 2big4u
Established: June, 18 2006
Matches: Deathmatch
People Im Looking for: Someone with great m79 skill, and spas master.
Own server: I will make this sometime soon.
Tryouts: June 18 ALL DAYÂ
Room: (.:SOS:. Tryouts!)
Objective: I want at least 4-6 ppl in this clan if not more. We will start out just playing for fun. As soon as I get enough ppl, well be looking for tournaments.
If you need any information contact me at:
Send me a private message,
freak3721@aol.comLeave a reply.
AGE: 14+
REGISTERED players are always welcome!!