Well since Ru isn't kicking down jack I will get this bag of snakes and lay them out straight.
Ok I shot the lock to the shed off with the pistol you see in my kitchen, and stole the waffles with my truck. After everyone left to go to the waffle auction(or waffle sale.. whatever) I faked with the ad agency you see on a sticky note in my kitchen.... BUT Amblin went off in search other old supplier (Avarax) but I couldn't have him uncover the truth so selfkill imprisoned him. I dug under the house to plant my bomb and wired it through the floor to the ban key on bricks computer... why did I do this? Easy... to finally be in controll over all the forums.
I may have left a bit or two out since I had to figure this out a few hours before Ru even posted this topic and haven't read the entire answer since.