Author Topic: Why is it so hard?  (Read 6168 times)

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Offline Clawbug

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Why is it so hard?
« on: December 19, 2006, 05:14:23 pm »
Many people might think about this. I have tought this many times also. What I have found out is that there are at least 2 things which you can not really affect to.

First thing is maps.

On open wide maps, people like to use weapons which have high bullet velocity. (AUG, Ruger, Ak, Barrett, Minimi). Some people spray with these weapons, to gain an advantage when it comes 1v1 situation. Spraying is not considered as good nor fair behauviour, and thus it should be made harder. (ctf_Run, ctf_B2b)

On mid-far distances, people tend to use weapons like Mp5, deagles, Spas and M79.
This kind of maps are ideal for good Mp5 and spas users. Spraying is more rare on this kind of maps. Still it might occur.
(ctf_Laos, ctf_voland)

Maps with small areas are ideal for peple with good knowledge of M79 or barrett. Spas might be also used alot, alongside with Mp5.
(Usually alter ways of maps. Especially alter way of ctf_Run and ctf_Laos)

Second thing is public and organized games. (Also known as noobs and pro's)

In public servers, people tend to use weapons wich make fast kills. Weapons like M79, Barrett, Knife & LAW are probably most common ones. Spraying is very common aswell, especially with Minigun.

With organized games I mean gathers(especially Gather+'s) and clanwars.

This kind of games are usually played mostly with AUG, M79 and Barrett, depending on players. Almost every weapon is used in one 2-3 round CTF game. (including even minigun. :P) When there is some weapon overpowered, it affects the most in this kind of games. These kind of players get annoyed about it the most.

It is hard to serve both "noobs" and "pro's", when another side is happy, the other is not. Maps we can not change at all, maybe modify a bit.

IMO the original CTF maps are the best there is. I just can not like ctf_Maya or Blox as I like ctf_Laos or Flashback. They might not have these all cool coloured polygons and extra super cool sceneries, but the gameplay is awesome. Simple and clean.

Probably yet another non-sense topic by me, but hopefully this gives someone something to think about.

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Offline Zamorak

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Re: Why is it so hard?
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2006, 06:59:05 pm »
What do you mean, maya is bad?
ZamoraK |2Wai|

Offline Clawbug

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Re: Why is it so hard?
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2006, 07:27:55 pm »
What do you mean, maya is bad?
It is not bad. It should not be removed. But I find Laos more fun to play. :P

Maybe it is because when I started, there was no such maps as Maya or Death, Ash or Dropdown.
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Offline a-4-year-old

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Re: Why is it so hard?
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2006, 07:34:50 pm »
Also, on small maps, whichever team starts spawning sooner will be the victor.
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Re: Why is it so hard?
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2006, 05:05:06 pm »
i second you ppl, but this topic become more Map-topic then Weapon-balance if u say which map u like or not?
Hmm, any idea what to write here?

Offline Bgretydews

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Re: Why is it so hard?
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2006, 05:40:13 pm »
Spraying is fair, Spawning is fair, I call them tactics deal with them.
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Offline Clawbug

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Re: Why is it so hard?
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2006, 05:54:28 pm »
Spraying is fair, Spawning is fair, I call them tactics deal with them.
And spraying kills the skills needed to win. Whats the point when clan A with 4 months of experience beats clan B which has 4 years of experience, just because clan A sprayed and clan B did not?

I am very sorry I have to whine abot spraying, but is there more easier, cheaper and lamer way to play? :|
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Offline 1010011010

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Re: Why is it so hard?
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2006, 06:23:17 pm »
Because it's not all about clans, Clawbone. Soldat isn't even a clan based community. Soldat's supposed to be a fun game you can jump into in and play for ten minutes. It's a casual game, which is why there's no required registering, stats or levels.

Offline Bgretydews

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Re: Why is it so hard?
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2006, 07:13:47 pm »
Spraying doesen't kill the skills needed to win, any experianced player can tell you this, if someone is just blind spraying maybe you will take a few hits if you are coming there way say you lose 25% of your health before you even see your enemy, this is not much for the disadvanteges it has on the enemy player if they are spraying they are leaving them selves vunerable if they meat you they are more than 50% likely to have under half a clip or they could be reloading which most certanly mean their death.

I'm a realistic mode player, all of the experianced players spray at some point, take for example if i was playing a clan war match in ctf_Voland, i will be getting informed from my teammates where my enemies are heading and if they are coming my way in a tight spot i would blind spray maybe half a clip bullets across and leave the other half to kill the player, half a clip of any gun is more than enough for a expericanced player to kill someone else. Spraying has its advantages and disadvanteges and they both weight each other out, so i use it as a tactic even if some other players may see it as cheap or newbish.

Spawning is a tactic to, i use it and so do all of the other good players if they are playing a serious match to win, if the FFC is getting away with the flag you will spawn your teammates buying your FFC as much time as possible to make it safely back to your base.

Even the best players use these tactics to there advantages in CW games to win, i don't think it hurts the game in anyway only makes it more tactical.
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Offline Clawbug

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Re: Why is it so hard?
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2006, 07:52:05 pm »
Because it's not all about clans, Clawbone. Soldat isn't even a clan based community. Soldat's supposed to be a fun game you can jump into in and play for ten minutes. It's a casual game, which is why there's no required registering, stats or levels.
This is why I started this thread. If you make good balance for public games, the balance is really fucked up in clanwars. Registering, stats and levels would just suck. One who has played most, has highest level, highest advantage over others.

Well, withs spraying you get that 25% health away from enemy. Reloading AUG takes, what, 3 seconds? You can hide behind a collider for that 3 seconds and then attack, or swap out socom, throw a nade, shoot with LAW.

Well, I admit. For me the skill in 1v1 situation is mostly the aiming. I dont appreciate players who run away in duels and snipe behind a polygon, run away to hide, then snipe with barrett. Or do the same with any weapon. I like when it comes straight 1v1, the one with better accuracy wins, it feels very thrilling when you are sure than 1 miss with Ak might cause a faster death for you than for your enemy.

When you play against a sprayer, you have about 0-100% less health than he/she does, givin a huge adtantage on that 1v1 situation. (or x vs. x depending on the position in CTF game)
When you do not spray, you have the disadvantage over the opponent, when you spray, you might have an advantage.

Bah, I don't care. I do not respec any sprayer, and I will not spray. (Unless I get sprayed).

I don't consider spawnkilling lame though. I do it aswell, but I do not camp in bushes of Laos just to spawnkill enemies and take their flag. Maybe I am too kind for the enemy, an easy target while I try to be fair and maintain the fun of the game. :/
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Offline 1010011010

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Re: Why is it so hard?
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2006, 08:21:43 pm »
So? Soldat is part skill, part luck and part timing. If you can't get beat them when they're spraying, it's your job to learn how to beat them. It's not their fault you can't get over their legit tactics.

Offline Clawbug

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Re: Why is it so hard?
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2006, 08:32:20 pm »
So? Soldat is part skill, part luck and part timing. If you can't get beat them when they're spraying, it's your job to learn how to beat them. It's not their fault you can't get over their legit tactics.
Legit tactic could be camping aswell, but why do people hate it so much? I like to camp im public games. Fun to make people die without doing anything!
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Offline iDante

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Re: Why is it so hard?
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2006, 10:18:55 pm »
camping... ITS A LEGITIMATE STRATEGY... lol...
anyways spawning and spraying are the game so deal with it or die like most. its annoying at worst, but not impossible to deal with, unless you suck. Spraying can be a very good tactic if there is a wounded flagger running away and you blindly spray with steyr and kill him.

Offline a-4-year-old

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Re: Why is it so hard?
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2006, 10:24:04 pm »
Spraying is fair, Spawning is fair, I call them tactics deal with them.
Spraying and spawning are both unethical and dishonorable, Anyone who needs to resort to these "tactics" should be ashamed of themselves.
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Offline Clawbug

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Re: Why is it so hard?
« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2006, 10:43:59 pm »
camping... ITS A LEGITIMATE STRATEGY... lol...
anyways spawning and spraying are the game so deal with it or die like most. its annoying at worst, but not impossible to deal with, unless you suck. Spraying can be a very good tactic if there is a wounded flagger running away and you blindly spray with steyr and kill him.
There is nothing wrong in spraying an EFC, but there are some clans which just take 3x Minimi and spray as much as they live, over and over again. Can something feel even more frustrating that dyung before even seeting the enemy? :|
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Offline iDante

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Re: Why is it so hard?
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2006, 10:52:47 pm »
so then when they do that you hide behind a collider and go another route, come up behind them and blast their noses to yesterday. OR YOU HIDE AND WAIT UNTIL THEY STOP AND RELOAD and what in soldat isn't unethical or dishonorable?

Offline Clawbug

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Re: Why is it so hard?
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2006, 12:29:16 am »
so then when they do that you hide behind a collider and go another route, come up behind them and blast their noses to yesterday. OR YOU HIDE AND WAIT UNTIL THEY STOP AND RELOAD and what in soldat isn't unethical or dishonorable?
Why to stop reloading? Minimi does not really run out of ammo when rushing, and when it does, just take nades and secondaries. 1 nade to legs from down below should take out one enemy, especially when the enemy is wounded.
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Offline ultraman

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Re: Why is it so hard?
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2006, 05:49:29 am »
Spraying is fair, Spawning is fair, I call them tactics deal with them.
Spraying and spawning are both unethical and dishonorable, Anyone who needs to resort to these "tactics" should be ashamed of themselves.
Guess I'm dishonorable then, I spray all the time, as for spawning, I only use it cover my FFC's escape, which the only time when it's really useful.

Offline Bgretydews

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Re: Why is it so hard?
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2006, 06:00:43 am »
Spraying is fair, Spawning is fair, I call them tactics deal with them.
Spraying and spawning are both unethical and dishonorable, Anyone who needs to resort to these "tactics" should be ashamed of themselves.
Guess I'm dishonorable then, I spray all the time, as for spawning, I only use it cover my FFC's escape, which the only time when it's really useful.
Dishonarable? buahah
All it does is make the game more intresting bringing differant aspects of gameplay into the game, if you play CW games and don't use spawning and spraying to your advantage, your a moron.
Spawning is only a advantage to you to buy some time for your FFC or if anouther teammate is near and you are on low HP so he has a better chance of surviving.
Blind spraying is more of a disadvantage to the blindsprayer in realistic mode anyway most of the time when you meat an opponent one of you are dead in under 2 seconds.
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Re: Why is it so hard?
« Reply #19 on: December 23, 2006, 06:42:12 am »
Well of course spraying and spawning are tactics. But so could admin abuse be. Many people don't do these things since they're dishonourable and unfair. Just like the laws of war one nation should avoid intentionally killing civilians, torturing and misstreating prisoners of war and should refrain from using nuclear/biological/chemical weapons.

Hitler supported these tactics... are you a nazi, bgrety?