Hello everyone, this is my first ever map that I'm making.. It is called, as it says, Iwo Jima. It is based on the movie: The Letter from Iwo Jima.
Basically, Alpha team is the Japanese army and Bravo team is the American army.
There are a few things that I want you to do when you test it out when it's out.
Firstly, I want you to play this in tw settings. (Like EnEsCe's tw server's settings).
Secondly, I want you to enable stationary guns. Grenades to five. Enable all bonus settings and bonus frequency to 3-4.
Alpha has three turrets on its side, 2 on the mountain, and 1 below it. They have less grenades and health boxes, and no bonuses at all. This may sound unfair, and you may think it should be infiltration. However, if you look at the map and play it, you will soon realise that it is to make it fair for the Bravo team.
Blue has 1 turret, so far, and it is on the turret. While Alpha team spawns quite far from each other, Bravo team spawns close to each other. However, they have a smaller base, so.. Don't stick too close or you'll get bombarded!
This is reverse flag mode, which means, your team's flag is at the other flag... You can call it a hostage =D. ThereĀ isone trap in the game, where you get stuck (Not a glitch)! Hint: Near one of the healing points... Wait, there's two, well not a trap, but you have to be careful. There are many places where you can get hurt, and in the corridor leading you to underground maze, you have to crouch and walk or otherwise you'll end up getting hurt or dead because it is so narrow. (Meant for Japanese XD)
I need help with one thing, I have one flag spaws for each team and sometimes, blue flag (Which is supposed to be at Alpha because of my concept) dissapears and neither teams can cap. I have been trying to find out what exactly is the problem, but so far, I don't even know WHERE is spawns!
I will not take screenshots yet. However, expect one soon. And I plead you not to copy my idea.. Especially "IwoJima"... This is my first map, and I want it to be a success. If anyone can help me with the glitch, please MSN/Email me:
da.silver.guy@hotmail.com. Thanks!
Edit: I think I posted this in the wrong section, please move it to the forum below... Thanks!