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Offline popsofctown

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #20 on: December 29, 2006, 06:09:30 pm »
I think its strange how some people like felix react to people who think that their gun should be powered down.  First they claim they mastered it.  Logically, that means it is very difficult to use, and therefore should not be powered down. (which additionally isn't an excuse, i talk about that in my m79 idea thread).  Then they talk about how great they are at it, and make the assumption that everyone opposing the gun lacks the leet skilz 2 pwn wit it.

Well that's not the exact order he said it in, but its all there.

And gosh, some people make small english mistakes and apologize because they genuinely don't know english well, and this guy just gave me a headache because he loves the numpad.
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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #21 on: December 30, 2006, 12:06:32 pm »
Another interesting note. People that complain about getting killed by a m79 are usually the ones that pick the same route, or react in a very similar way to every confrontation. When a target acts in a very predictable way, it becomes a very good target. Any good M79er WILL be good with almost any other weapon, because of the skills needed for it ( aim, speed, prediction, and avoiding being killed while reloading) transfer over extremely well to any auto or even semi auto.
 If someone can hit you every time with 1 grenade every 4 or 5 seconds, how do you think they will do when they can shoot at you for 5 seconds, and only have to land 1/3 of the shots per clip?

Honestly, people just don't have common sense

Well the maps don't change, so you have to take the same two or 3 routes given. There's no way around that. Not to mention that moving unpredictably is very hard in soldat, because of it's realistic physics you cant change direction immediately, you have to flow into whatever direction your going. Which makes a slice of cake for m79ers. The only thing I can think of to move unpredictably is that back flip thing. But isn't it easy to predict where I'm going when I have to fall from the sky and land on the ground in order to attempt an "unpredictable" move, when you can predict that I am going to do it?
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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #22 on: December 30, 2006, 08:18:06 pm »
Yea i just really don't like it when nearly the whole team uses m79s then when they go in packs they just spawn kill you constantly.

Other than that when only one person uses the m79 its not nearly as bad

Offline popsofctown

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #23 on: December 30, 2006, 08:46:48 pm »
i think maybe you and others r sort of channeling some of your disdain (hatred) for spawnkilling at the m79 simply because it is the ultimate spawnkilling weapon.
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Offline RikezuGe

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #24 on: December 31, 2006, 06:58:44 am »
I think they are just easy to use. And fast to reload.

Offline JonWood007

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #25 on: December 31, 2006, 12:01:02 pm »
I'll use an experience I had a few days ago in CTF_Ash to explain why I hate the M79. So I'm playing CTF, I am on red team. I use the Mp5 a lot since Ash is small. Anyway, the blue team is a bunch of M79ers. They get the flag, then they hole up in their base. If I get their flag and go low, BOOM, they shoot through the floor. I'm dead. if I go up. BOOM. I'm dead before I even had a chance. And going through the base? Forget it. So then I decide to try to get the flag carrier. I go into the base, shoot the guy with the MP5, and he grabs a medkit, and blasts me with the M79. Now can anyone see ANYTHING wrong with the picture so far? So I keep trying and trying. Eventually I get in the base and get lucky and blast the M79er to heck and return the flag before one of the others blows me away. hen they grab the flag and do it again. If I spawn, a few M79ers would spawnklill me. If I am anywhere near one, they would kill me before I could even fire enough shots require to kill them. That si the problem with the M79. It's a 1 hit kill. So let me go back through the story and point out how the M79 is overpowered.

First, lets talk about the little incident where I got blown to kingdom come when going low. No one was in the lower tunnel except me. They were in the base. They fire DOWN at me through the floor. BOOM. Dead before I even knew what hit me. Now could that be done with any other weapon except the barret? Unlikely. You might damage them, but there is no way (unless you use grenades and get lucky) that you can just kill someone by shooting a weapon down into the tunnel, unless of course, you use the M79 (or barret, but that's MUCH harder, and if they barreted me from that position, they deserve that kill). Same thing with above, they may get some hits on me, but not kill me (unless theyre really good).

Okay. Point number two. My base assaults. I go into the base, I shoot them, they grab medkits, and then kill me one hit. Now lets go over this. Is it fair that I can shoot over and over and over again and not harm them because they have medkits? It would be fine if I could grab a medkit, but I cant, because if they shoot me, I'M DEAD. How is that fair? Out of the dozen+ time's I've tried to get the flag, I only succeeded twice, and that was because I was lucky. Sure, I was outnumbered like 2 or 3 to 1, but still, I wouldve done better if they were using autos or something.

Point 3. Spawnkills. Try doing that with a non-1 hit kill weapon. You might damage me, but hey, I can just come back and shoot you. But not if it's the M79. I get shot, I'm dead before I even have a chance to move. I dont mind spawnkills in themselves, but hey, I'm talking about 1 hit kills here.

And there you have it. If the guy was using a barret, some of those shots were possible, but they would be a little harder. Sure, if they miss, theyre screwed....oh wait, secondaries *get knifed*. I think the M79 needs to be nerfed, maybe make it more binkable or something. It needs SOMETHING to make it a weaker weapon.  Otherwise it's just too easy to use, especially in small maps.


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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #26 on: December 31, 2006, 02:08:22 pm »
I think it is a skillful weapon but it fell to noobs hands.First,is it a small map,noobs can frag everybody,but when good players take it,they can shoot enemies from long distances.I mean,it is good and bad.Every rose has spines,M79 has too..
O rly?

Offline popsofctown

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #27 on: December 31, 2006, 02:41:18 pm »
i played socom against 16 m79-using computers, set to insane difficulty, and i won.  r they noobs?
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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #28 on: December 31, 2006, 02:45:33 pm »
I'll use an experience I had a few days ago in CTF_Ash to explain why I hate the M79. So I'm playing CTF, I am on red team. I use the Mp5 a lot since Ash is small. Anyway, the blue team is a bunch of M79ers. They get the flag, then they hole up in their base. If I get their flag and go low, BOOM, they shoot through the floor. I'm dead. if I go up. BOOM. I'm dead before I even had a chance. And going through the base? Forget it. So then I decide to try to get the flag carrier. I go into the base, shoot the guy with the MP5, and he grabs a medkit, and blasts me with the M79. Now can anyone see ANYTHING wrong with the picture so far? So I keep trying and trying. Eventually I get in the base and get lucky and blast the M79er to heck and return the flag before one of the others blows me away. hen they grab the flag and do it again. If I spawn, a few M79ers would spawnklill me. If I am anywhere near one, they would kill me before I could even fire enough shots require to kill them. That si the problem with the M79. It's a 1 hit kill. So let me go back through the story and point out how the M79 is overpowered.

More that it's obvious that you just lack the ability to deal with M79ers and make poor choices. MP5 is a short range weapon, and while you match it well for the map, if the other team is "a bunch of M79ers," you're then just setting yourself up for failure.

M79 complaints can be transferred to any one-hit weapon. You need to learn to adjust your own play if the situation calls for it to handle an opponent. Whining about weapons which match up favorably to your choice is a poor substitute for skill. While I agree the M79 could use some slight tweaks such as longer reload and reduced range, it is far from the BFG people like to make it to be. Use a better suited weapon, learn how to evade, and get your M79 opponent to waste his shot to get an opening.

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #29 on: December 31, 2006, 02:47:01 pm »
I'll use an experience I had a few days ago in CTF_Ash to explain why I hate the M79. So I'm playing CTF, I am on red team. I use the Mp5 a lot since Ash is small. Anyway, the blue team is a bunch of M79ers. They get the flag, then they hole up in their base. If I get their flag and go low, BOOM, they shoot through the floor. I'm dead. if I go up. BOOM. I'm dead before I even had a chance. And going through the base? Forget it. So then I decide to try to get the flag carrier. I go into the base, shoot the guy with the MP5, and he grabs a medkit, and blasts me with the M79. Now can anyone see ANYTHING wrong with the picture so far? So I keep trying and trying. Eventually I get in the base and get lucky and blast the M79er to heck and return the flag before one of the others blows me away. hen they grab the flag and do it again. If I spawn, a few M79ers would spawnklill me. If I am anywhere near one, they would kill me before I could even fire enough shots require to kill them. That si the problem with the M79. It's a 1 hit kill. So let me go back through the story and point out how the M79 is overpowered.

More that it's obvious that you just lack the ability to deal with M79ers and make poor choices. MP5 is a short range weapon, and while you match it well for the map, if the other team is "a bunch of M79ers," you're then just setting yourself up for failure.

M79 complaints can be transferred to any one-hit weapon. You need to learn to adjust your own play if the situation calls for it to handle an opponent. Whining about weapons which match up favorably to your choice is a poor substitute for skill. While I agree the M79 could use some slight tweaks such as longer reload and reduced range, it is far from the BFG people like to make it to be. Use a better suited weapon, learn how to evade, and get your M79 opponent to waste his shot to get an opening.

I just made a post like that, hit backspace, went back a page, came back, said 'Fuck it" and then came here again when Domino posted because Domino's smart.


Offline JonWood007

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #30 on: December 31, 2006, 06:13:09 pm »
So is it fair that a 1 hit weapon can totally dominate a small map? Not to me. Not when other short range weapons usually require more than one shot. Let's look at the other 1 hit weapons and see if they're balanced/unbalanced.

Barret- maybe a little overpowered at short (not long) range, but at least it has the delay and no splash damage.

Chainsaw- No range.....

Knife- You lose the weapon when you throw it

LAW- Crouching, startup time, insane reloading time

M79- click and you're dead. No downsides, at least none when compared to the other weapons.

Look at the other 1 hit weapons. All of them have some sort of handicap to them. not the M79. Click and kill. Repeat every 3 seconds. Use secondaries if you're in a jam.

When it comes to my skill, I may not be the best player out there, or anywhere near it, but you dont need to be an expert to see that a weapon is overpowered. I'm usually not one to rag on stuff being powered, I advocate a lot of controversial tactics because they are apart of the game. The M79 is part of the game too, but that's why I'm on the weapon balance discussion. I am discussing how the M79 should be changed.

@pops- Just because you can take on bots doesnt mean that the weapon isnt overpowered. I used to defend the Yuri side in Yuri's revenge because I could wipe the floor with a Yuri computer. But every online player says it's overpowered. It probably is. Players are smarter than bots, they use tactics bots dont use.

Also, In ash, I can take on people with different weapons and do much better. Like the MP5, Spas 12, Deagles, etc. It's the M79 I have problems with. As I said, I may nto be the best player, but you have no right to bash my skills. How the heck can you evade in ash? Except for by the flags, it's all buildings and corridors. Not much room to evade. And if you are trying to take on someone camping in a base with the flag, forget it. How the heck can I evade when I have no room? That's like telling me to fire a gun without ammo. i switch to the M79 every once in a while too, it's not my weapon of choice nor the weapon I am best at, but I can kill with it, and I fare better against other M79ers with it. And that's the thing. If I can fare better against other M79ers with an M79, it needs to have some overpowering to it. The M79 is weaker out in open spaces, but in a lot of maps there isnt much and the map becomes just a M79fest.

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #31 on: December 31, 2006, 09:59:26 pm »
i actually think ppl complaining about m79 are noobs themself
Hmm, any idea what to write here?

Offline papercut

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #32 on: December 31, 2006, 10:53:06 pm »
Upon further thinking about m79ing...

I guess the m79 balances the game out in the sense that it can easily kill experienced players so that noobs newbs can have a chance. I guess that may be why I hate that gun so much. It's because I took so much time in learning to use the other weapons in the soldat arsenal, and new players took so little time to learn the use of m79, and still become adequate foes to myself when I use the other guns. It's a lot more satisfying fighting non-m79-using-players because I know they must have taken the time to learn the other guns, instead of learning the "point and click" gun.

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #33 on: January 01, 2007, 10:13:16 am »
instead of learning the "point and click" gun.

Haha, it's funny how a small delay time makes M79 the new "point and click" weapon.

I've learned to live with M79 by only using saw. That way, if they miss, I have total satisfaction in ripping them apart.

Offline popsofctown

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #34 on: January 01, 2007, 01:43:30 pm »
I've learned to live with M79 by only using saw. That way, if they miss, I have total satisfaction in ripping them apart.

lol.  I oughtta try that sometime.  If they miss and hit behind you, they can speed their own deaths.
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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #35 on: January 02, 2007, 12:04:09 am »
Or you can all stop bitching, because if you want to complain, you can make your own server/make your own game/leave/die/shove your foot up your misc. holes/shut up. Unless you have SOMETHING TO CONTRIBUTE by posting in these forums, don't bother posting at all. Telling us over and over again that the weapons aren't balanced doesn't solve the problem.


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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #36 on: January 02, 2007, 12:07:28 am »
A bit offensive... should delete post... but he's right... I'll allow it!

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #37 on: January 02, 2007, 12:10:59 am »
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Offline JonWood007

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #38 on: January 02, 2007, 12:20:43 pm »
But isnt this the place to complain about how the weapons are unbalanced? How is the game going to improve if people dont stand up and say what they think is wrong with it? Complaining is contributing IMO.

The thing is, the M79 needs some sort of restraints to it like the barret, LAW, etc do. It needs to be more binkable (so that some dude firing a MP5 will screw his aim up so much that it is hard to hit the guy with the MP5, right now it is way too easy). It also needs some start up time. Right now it's just point, click, and you're dead.

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #39 on: January 02, 2007, 02:08:31 pm »
Think of it this way, "noobs" use the M79 a lot but people who use the M79 are NOT always "noobs".

But about it being over-powered or too easy, In my opinion the balance is the fact that there are other guns to choose if you are getting beat by a certain one in a certain place. Although the M79 is very powerful in places like Nuubia on a map like B2b it is rather weak in some spots due to range. Adjust your playstyle/weapon choice and anyone can be beat no matter what gun they use, especially if you are decent at placing grenades or baiting your opponent to shoot. That being said the M79 and Barret do piss me off when people are really good with them, but I just get annoyed easily.

Edit: Forget the NOT at the beginning....
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