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Upon further thinking about m79ing...I guess the m79 balances the game out in the sense that it can easily kill experienced players so that noobs newbs can have a chance. I guess that may be why I hate that gun so much. It's because I took so much time in learning to use the other weapons in the soldat arsenal, and new players took so little time to learn the use of m79, and still become adequate foes to myself when I use the other guns. It's a lot more satisfying fighting non-m79-using-players because I know they must have taken the time to learn the other guns, instead of learning the "point and click" gun.
Every weapon is at an advantage in some situations and at a disadvantage in others. For example, the m79 will defeat any auto, but the ruger will defeat the m79. The shotgun will beat the ruger (at close range) but will be defeated by autos. The barret is good for one kill, then the sniper is vulnerable. The m79 kills in one hit, but it's easy to stay out of range, or to dodge when necessary. The knife is good for one kill, but it has a short range and the act of firing leaves the bearer weaponless. Once the minigun gets going, it will tear people apart, but once it gets going, it's harder to hit with it.The weapons are balanced. The question of balance occurs when new players (and many regular players) fail to recognize disadvantageous situations. Of course you're going to die if you charge an m79 or shotgun. Obviously you'll lose if you try to take on an auto with a binkable weapon. That doesn't mean the weapons are unbalanced; it just means that you don't know how to make the best of your situation. Experienced players take advantage of (or avoid) these mismatches, which is why they do much better. Any weapon looks overpowered in the hands of an expert. Any weapon looks weak in the hands of a novice. You might be surprised at how often a new player will miss with the m79. If he hits you one out of five times, the instakill will still be annoying. But that doesn't mean the weapon is overpowered.Again, the weapons are very well balanced. Before you complain that a weapon is overpowered, try it out yourself. Before you complain that a weapon is underpowered, look for people who constantly use that weapon. Don't you think they have a reason for making it their primary? Lastly, experiment with new tactics. Learn how to avoid the instakill shots. Learn how to avoid self-bink. Learn which weapons are best against others. But please, stop complaining that the weapons are unbalanced.
I'll use an experience I had a few days ago in CTF_Ash to explain why I hate the M79. So I'm playing CTF, I am on red team. I use the Mp5 a lot since Ash is small. Anyway, the blue team is a bunch of M79ers.
They get the flag, then they hole up in their base. If I get their flag and go low, BOOM, they shoot through the floor. I'm dead. if I go up. BOOM. I'm dead before I even had a chance. And going through the base? Forget it.
So then I decide to try to get the flag carrier. I go into the base, shoot the guy with the MP5, and he grabs a medkit, and blasts me with the M79. Now can anyone see ANYTHING wrong with the picture so far?
So I keep trying and trying.
Eventually I get in the base and get lucky and blast the M79er to heck and return the flag before one of the others blows me away. Then they grab the flag and do it again. If I spawn, a few M79ers would spawnkill me. If I am anywhere near one, they would kill me before I could even fire enough shots require to kill them. That's the problem with the M79. It's a 1 hit kill. So let me go back through the story and point out how the M79 is overpowered.
First, lets talk about the little incident where I got blown to kingdom come when going low. No one was in the lower tunnel except me. They were in the base. They fire DOWN at me through the floor. BOOM. Dead before I even knew what hit me. Now could that be done with any other weapon except the barret?
Unlikely. You might damage them, but there is no way (unless you use grenades and get lucky) that you can just kill someone by shooting a weapon down into the tunnel, unless of course, you use the M79 (or barret, but that's MUCH harder, and if they barreted me from that position, they deserve that kill). Same thing with above, they may get some hits on me, but not kill me (unless theyre really good).
Okay. Point number two. My base assaults. I go into the base, I shoot them, they grab medkits, and then kill me one hit. Now lets go over this. Is it fair that I can shoot over and over and over again and not harm them because they have medkits?
It would be fine if I could grab a medkit, but I cant, because if they shoot me, I'M DEAD. How is that fair? Out of the dozen+ time's I've tried to get the flag, I only succeeded twice, and that was because I was lucky.
Sure, I was outnumbered like 2 or 3 to 1, but still, I wouldve done better if they were using autos or something.
Point 3. Spawnkills. Try doing that with a non-1 hit kill weapon. You might damage me, but hey, I can just come back and shoot you. But not if it's the M79. I get shot, I'm dead before I even have a chance to move. I dont mind spawnkills in themselves, but hey, I'm talking about 1 hit kills here.
And there you have it. If the guy was using a barret, some of those shots were possible, but they would be a little harder. Sure, if they miss, theyre screwed....oh wait, secondaries *get knifed*. I think the M79 needs to be nerfed, maybe make it more binkable or something. It needs SOMETHING to make it a weaker weapon. Otherwise it's just too easy to use, especially in small maps.
Quote from: jrgp on September 30, 2010, 03:36:50 pmOnly anime shows I've felt any interest in over the years are Pokemon (original TV series) and various hentai.so clearly jgrp is a goddamn anime connoisseur. his opinion might as well be law here.
Only anime shows I've felt any interest in over the years are Pokemon (original TV series) and various hentai.
Best Admin: jrgp, he's like the forum mom and a pet dog rolled into one.
I think we should shorten the range of the m79, even by only 10 speed would make a difference, that way the m79 can still be used as a lethal weapon, but hopefully the people using it will eventually require a more long range weapon and wean themselves off of the m79 and on to a gun that requires more skill, that they hopefully acquired when they used the m79.If there is any adjustment needed, that should be it.
I attend grammar school, last grade, and ignorance is all around me. Well, good for them. Ignorance is bliss.
It is why I dislike weapon mods of any kind to enhance the m79's abilities. It throws me off too much.
the way i see it is these key points: M79 shells are really slow you cant dodge them then your no better off than the one who uses itM79 are easy to counter with the LAW
Quote from: decoyIt is why I dislike weapon mods of any kind to enhance the m79's abilities. It throws me off too much. 'That's what's the point with it, you get focused on it and you loose the ability (or don't even gain it] to be good with other weapons.'
Somebody already said it, it's a very bad thing in CTF and INF. 10 People camping at the flag and the EFC has no chance to escape.