Author Topic: m79 noobish weapon?  (Read 35401 times)

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #80 on: February 09, 2007, 11:17:57 am »
It's really not easy to kill somebody who is moving around in 3 seconds, absolutely wrong, the weapoons are too weak nowadays.
Hit him with a nade + any weapon = a kill in easily less than 3 seconds.
Close range + a Spas or a Mp5 = a kill in easily less than 3 seconds.
A law to the face = a kill in however long the start-up time is. (which is, again, easily less than 3 seconds).

Offline Sytrus

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #81 on: February 10, 2007, 08:02:36 am »
who is moving around! Against what kinds of m79 are you playing when you can hit them with a LAW in 3 secs? Or with a nade? Total noobs, right.

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #82 on: February 10, 2007, 08:35:05 am »
^ Shadow Puppets being one of the best North American clans... competing in leagues, playing versus some of the very best soldat players. Hitting the enemy isn't about how noob he is, but how good you are. It's easy as one-two-three to kill an enemy within a matter of seconds. Ever played a clanwar Sytrus?

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #83 on: February 10, 2007, 11:00:45 am »
I honestly have feared autos more than M79s. Are you having THAT much trouble with M79s to the point it must be a "noobish" weapon? Then, I have to agree with Law Gamer, and maybe you guys aren't as skilled as you think you are, after all. People who use autos well can actually put damage to you to the point you don't stand a chance against anyone else.

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #84 on: February 10, 2007, 11:18:36 am »
I don't think the m79 is a noobish weapon, personally. Every gun has its own characteristics, and perhaps to learn the m79 it takes a shorter time than the others. Either way, the only reason you'd blatantly say that it's a "noobish" weapon is because you probably get killed by it -alot-. I'm sure everyone can use M79 to some extent, and, after all, it's a popular weapon, but to actually learn the arcs, when to shoot with the ability to lead the player into the bullet, etc .. takes some practice.

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #85 on: February 10, 2007, 11:36:14 am »
^ Has always been my opinion. I also agree with Tai, I'm not especially scared of the M79, unless they're at a very, very close range. If its at a moderate range, they're pretty much screwed if they miss, unless they pull off a fancy knife throw or something.

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #86 on: February 10, 2007, 11:54:40 am »
learning the arcs is good, really. There's nothing to learn about it, really. Just guessing.

But well, this discussion shall say wether its overpowered, and I think so.

Offline {LAW} Gamer_2k4

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #87 on: February 13, 2007, 04:38:45 pm »
The AK can kill in what, 6, 7 hits?  The ruger and deagles can kill in 2-3 hits, depending on the situation.  The M79 should have NO CHANCE against a reasonable skilled player.  But if it's that big of a deal for you, play DM instead of CTF.  You'll find that M79s lose much of their appeal.

who is moving around! Against what kinds of m79 are you playing when you can hit them with a LAW in 3 secs? Or with a nade? Total noobs, right.


If motion really makes it that hard for you to hit an enemy, I think the problem is on your end.

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #88 on: February 13, 2007, 05:18:49 pm »
Noobish weapon?, that BS. Lets break it down now (I'm trying not to sound like a rapper here):
Noob: An idiot with little skill and no desire to better himself and completely ignores and rules for his own self amusment. Thats about right.
M78: Grenade launcher with a parabolic arc. This gives it an advantage over hills much like the Desert Eagles, the HK MP5, the AK-74 and the Socom and maybe a few others. This extreme arc also drastically reduces its range and it is practically useless against higher enemies. Coupled with its long reload time and low ammo, this gun requires real skill to use effectively, definently not a "Noob's" weapon. It is only called so by people to unskilled to avoid it and shoot the user from afar and get a hight advantage. The grenades themselves are actually weak, you can withstand a glancing blow, which is the main type unless you stand still enough for the user to get a pinpoint shot.

I admit I haven't enough skill to use it mainly, I use it occasionally when the need arrises but only when it arrises.
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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #89 on: February 15, 2007, 01:26:38 pm »
I only think people call it a "n00bish weapon" is because majors, and most new players choose it, because (once being a Major myself),  they think it has an advantage because it is the only grenade launcher with, if not half-decent reload time. They just probably don't want to wait for the LAW to reload, thats probably why they use it.

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Offline Cato269

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #90 on: February 15, 2007, 05:53:13 pm »
I rather think because people tend to use it point blank, killing the both of you. the only thing why i think it's noob. If there was a suicide penatly i wouldn't mind this.

Offline Fenixdown

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #91 on: February 15, 2007, 09:59:37 pm »
Well, the part of it being noobish is very debatable. The M79 is a one-hit kill rocket launcher AND it does do some good splash, but it has slow reload time and someone could easily use that opening and kill a person with an AK-74, or another automatic weapon.

Then again, someone could easily zip around and get some good kills with the weapon if they wanted. Sometimes it's hard to tell whether shots with the thing are skill or not.

The M79, annoying, noobish--not so much in my opinion.

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #92 on: February 15, 2007, 10:06:55 pm »
The Ruger is annoying, but it's certainly not noobish. The M79 is noobish because it gets you cheap kills (in most cases at least) with little skill involved; but that's not to say it's the best weapon, just a very good beginners weapon. I know, it's the first weapon I 'mastered'.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2007, 10:08:53 pm by SDFilm »

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #93 on: February 15, 2007, 10:14:01 pm »
I could easily say any weapon is noobish, because they all have at least one distinct advantage. The M79's just happens to be high damage.

Offline Magic Odd Effect

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #94 on: February 15, 2007, 10:49:04 pm »
I'm pretty good with this weapon, and I don't think it's noobish. However, it is USELESS at close range and long range, it's better for hanging a few yards behind the front, taking pot shots at the enemies you see just beyond your own guys. Unless you have friendly fire turned on...that's where it seems noobish. A noob with a M79 is a dangerous person, particularly if they have no idea how the round travels. They'll probably kill a few people on both sides (and die plenty more, I might add, for trying to get close up with a grenade launcher) before they realize that the round WON'T travel straight.
It's a good weapon for guys like me who don't like being the first into battle, we hang around behind those first rushers, behind a hill, and help them advance through suppressing fire. And that's where the moving away from the round plays in.
If you're rushing up to the guys in front of me, I can calculate the trajectory of the round and deliver pretty good shots at your guys. Maybe get a kill or two, but, if they're moving, it makes them harder to hit. The worst an M79 round will do to a moving soldier is launch them maybe 20 or 30 meters back behind their fighting teammates. Then, while they're being launched back and upward, they'll kiss their little friend Mr. Grenade adieu for now, and let 'em fly...
That's the end of the frontline. Then, it's time to RETREAT!!!
Those who don't know how to avoid M79 bullets are either working against reasonably skilled players, or are complete noobs. Or their opponent just got lucky. Kinda like me...I'm often lucky, and rewarded with the bone-crunchy-squishy-bloody noise that comes with a direct hit.
Often what leads noobs to the weapon is their inability to fight with any autos or rifles, so they pick it, find it (or themselves, rather) better than the other weapons during use. So, they stick with it.
Bad idea.

My advice: Force yourself, noob, to use another weapon. Trust me, you'll get better eventually. And, if you hear that hollow *plunk* noise, run backwards some. Then, charge the guy while he's reloading.
Don't say that you're Magic. Because you aren't, and I am.
All-around good with weapons that aren't long range, except in TW.
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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #95 on: February 15, 2007, 10:52:06 pm »
its annoying as hell but for newcomers its easy to use but if your not a newcomer i think you better try out an auto-matic you might like it better

Offline {LAW} Gamer_2k4

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #96 on: February 15, 2007, 10:52:24 pm »
Everyone keeps saying, "Yeah, I picked up the M79 right away and did really well with it."  But there are probably several reasons for this:
1. You play on whatever server comes up first.  Good servers are likely to be filled, so you probably play in one filled with newbies.
2. Your accuracy isn't great, so you miss most of your shots.  At least with the M79, the ones you manage to hit count as kills.
3. You play in servers with low amounts of players, so you're not in as much danger while reloading as you would be in a full game.

But, over time, most people ditch the M79 in favor of another weapon.  Is it because they feel bad because they own servers with it?  Is it because they want a change?  Is it because people complain when they use it?  No.  It's because they increase their skills and learn that the disadvantages of the M79 often outweigh its advantages.  Ask any skilled player (not n00bs who say they're 'pro', but actually skilled players) what their primary is.  You'll get one of two responses:
1. I use the ruger/steyer/barret/etc. as my primary.
2. I vary my weapons based on the situation.

Either way, you'll find that they don't exclusively use the M79.  And how many M79 clans are there? Seriously.  If the weapon is really as overpowered as you say, why aren't more clans using it?  And why do so many people explain in these threads how to avoid/counter an M79?  Do you think they're all just lucky, or happen to be playing with the Majors?  Of course not.  People have used these tactics, and guess what? They work.  The M79 is newbish, sure.  New players will often use it.  But that doesn't make it a cheap or overpowered gun.

My advice: Force yourself, noob, to use another weapon.

Not another person who doesn't know the difference between n00b and newb...
« Last Edit: February 15, 2007, 10:55:44 pm by {LAW} Gamer_2k4 »

Only anime shows I've felt any interest in over the years are Pokemon (original TV series) and various hentai.
so clearly jgrp is a goddamn anime connoisseur. his opinion might as well be law here.

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Offline Magic Odd Effect

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #97 on: February 15, 2007, 11:26:32 pm »
I meant n00b when I said it. Not newb.

The M79 isn't overpowered. It's just a grenade launcher, and those should have a ridiculous amount of damage.
Don't say that you're Magic. Because you aren't, and I am.
All-around good with weapons that aren't long range, except in TW.
Now be careful out there, soldier.
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Offline {LAW} Gamer_2k4

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #98 on: February 15, 2007, 11:55:36 pm »
I meant n00b when I said it. Not newb.

Maybe so, but you indicated that this is the first weapon that they use (implying a new player), and you said that they'll get better.  What makes people n00bs is that they've been playing long enough that they SHOULD be good, but they AREN'T.  They have no desire to learn.  Anyone better then them uses hacks, apparently.  Being a n00b is the result of regression, not a step forward on the path to being a skilled player.

Only anime shows I've felt any interest in over the years are Pokemon (original TV series) and various hentai.
so clearly jgrp is a goddamn anime connoisseur. his opinion might as well be law here.

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #99 on: February 21, 2007, 04:24:57 am »
Here's a new opinion: the weapons are not balanced, but its a very good thing. Each weapons potential depends on the player. If everyplayer was the same, then the weapons wouldn't be balanced. Experts on sniper will always beat an expert Aker. People are not all the same though, and different playing styles compliment different weapons, as do different situations. People can make up for the defficiency of guns with creativity and ingenuity. If one gun is overpowered like the m79, other players simply learn to get better at dodging and dealing with it. The whole reaches equilibrium shortly.
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