Author Topic: m79 noobish weapon?  (Read 35404 times)

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Offline M.rSnow

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #100 on: February 21, 2007, 01:27:06 pm »
what I think, as a professional m79 bomber is that sure it's a great weapon but it can be very difficult to use. as someone said before, it doesnt always get a 1 hit kill  and can always only bounce them away. people say the barret and m79 are noobish weapons when its just that their not good at using it. to use a barret you have to be very accurate or your shots are gone to waste, and with the m79, you have to understand its principles of how far the weapons ammo will go, how to use it smartly to avoid dying and to be able to kill one after the other. what I usually do is have a m79 and a knife, I roll then jump and shoot them then switch to a knife and throw it at them if they dont die.
^copy ed papercuts uber fix.
You don't get it.. You think that you are a pro(fessional) just because you can kill whit an m79? Anyone can do it. My class mates started once play soldat in school all they uesd was m79 and they had tested all the other weapons before that one. Guess what they ues now? m79! That is annoying i guess they owned (ruled if you want to put it that way) you some times i started to ues the other weapons because m79 was TO EASY. then i got online the first server i joined was full of m79 newbies, or pros i dunno because they are the same! There arent many people who really master the m79. My brother use the m79 a while that made him grow weak and bad then he used the AUG ([AUG]). And he slowly regained strength (aim). This proves that the m79 is to easy to use. Id really vote for removing it but i don't think anyone agree so to weaken it would be a great thing.

But i want the noob-cannon removed.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2007, 01:29:53 pm by M.rSnow »
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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #101 on: February 21, 2007, 02:13:04 pm »
This extreme arc also drastically reduces its range and it is practically useless against higher enemies.

This is not true as the M79's shell launches with enough distance and speed to hit most targets above it. The game is played on a horizontally positioned screen, and there just isn't enough distance to separate yourself vertically from an M79 user's reach as there is horizontally.

Offline {LAW} Gamer_2k4

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #102 on: February 21, 2007, 02:57:45 pm »
Here's a new opinion: the weapons are not balanced, but its a very good thing.


The whole reaches equilibrium shortly.
Um, hello? Equilibrium == balance.  Balance is not reached just because the reload, range, damage, and fire rate of every weapon cumulatively equals the others.

You don't get it.. You think that you are a pro(fessional) just because you can kill whit an m79? Anyone can do it. My class mates started once play soldat in school all they uesd was m79 and they had tested all the other weapons before that one.

Yeah, that's what new players do.  What to know why?
Everyone keeps saying, "Yeah, I picked up the M79 right away and did really well with it."  But there are probably several reasons for this:
1. You play on whatever server comes up first.  Good servers are likely to be filled, so you probably play in one filled with newbies.
2. Your accuracy isn't great, so you miss most of your shots.  At least with the M79, the ones you manage to hit count as kills.
3. You play in servers with low amounts of players, so you're not in as much danger while reloading as you would be in a full game.

Guess what they use now? m79! That is annoying i guess they owned (ruled if you want to put it that way) you some times i started to ues the other weapons because m79 was TO EASY. then i got online the first server i joined was full of m79 newbies, or pros i dunno because they are the same!
Which just goes to show how inexperienced you are.  M79 newbies rarely, if ever, hit me.  M79 pros...well, actually, that's hard to say.  I don't think I've really seen one.  I guess everyone who is actually good at Soldat realizes how weak the M79 really is.

There arent many people who really master the m79. My brother use the m79 a while that made him grow weak and bad then he used the AUG ([AUG]). And he slowly regained strength (aim). This proves that the m79 is to easy to use.
Absolutely not.  It proves that it requires different tactics than the Steyr.  Let's say you play tennis for a while and become pretty decent at it.  Then someone introduces you to volleyball.  You play volleyball exclusively for a while and become really good at it.  Now you decide "volleyball is for noobs, back to tennis."  Are you going to be as good at tennis as you used to be? Of course not.  Does that mean that volleyball is easier? No.  The same thing applies to Soldat.  If you leave a weapon for a while, you're not going to be as great with it once you get back.  For example, I used to use the ruger in Soldat.  I racked up over 2000 kills on U13 alone, and at times was accused of hacking.  Then I took a break and tried the AK-74.  Now I can barely maintain a 1:1 ratio with the ruger.  Is the AK-74 easier to use than the ruger? Is it overpowered? Is it a noob weapon? Of course not.  But it requires different tactics than the ruger.  And that's why your situation does NOT prove the M79 is easy to use.  When you're used to having to run right up to someone to get a kill, you're not going to be using other weapons as effectively as they could be used.

Id really vote for removing it but i don't think anyone agree so to weaken it would be a great thing.

But i want the noob-cannon removed.
Another player who is unwilling to change his tactics to counter the M79.  I should keep a tally of them, because noobs like you are everywhere.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2007, 03:17:13 pm by {LAW} Gamer_2k4 »

Only anime shows I've felt any interest in over the years are Pokemon (original TV series) and various hentai.
so clearly jgrp is a goddamn anime connoisseur. his opinion might as well be law here.

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Offline Tai

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #103 on: February 21, 2007, 04:20:58 pm »
Yeah, I agree with Law here again. It's good that your bro was able to switch to a different weapon from the m79 because he'll have a better chance in playing against the best in Soldat who uses auto weapons in amazing ways, not because the M79 is overpowered.

I was in the "Fractured Soldat" server last week, and I was owning the opposing team with my deagles. There was this one guy with the M79 that was mad that I kept owning him, and even voted to have me kicked out for "hacking". Of course, no one agreed. Eventually, he decided to switch to Deagles and see if he could do better. But, he didn't know how to shoot as well as me, and I still beat him.

 See, that happens often. If the M79 is as easy to use as you claim, why would someone switch to a different weapon just because I'm beating them with the Deagles? Kinda ironic that an overpowered weapon doesn't hold much faith against auto users, huh?

 I'll even try to record something like this happening if possible and post it here.  But, you need to play better people if you honestly think the M79 is as broken as you claim it is.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2007, 04:24:40 pm by Tai »

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #104 on: February 21, 2007, 05:11:04 pm »
what I think, as a professional m79 bomber is that sure it's a great weapon but it can be very difficult to use. as someone said before, it doesnt always get a 1 hit kill  and can always only bounce them away. people say the barret and m79 are noobish weapons when its just that their not good at using it. to use a barret you have to be very accurate or your shots are gone to waste, and with the m79, you have to understand its principles of how far the weapons ammo will go, how to use it smartly to avoid dying and to be able to kill one after the other. what I usually do is have a m79 and a knife, I roll then jump and shoot them then switch to a knife and throw it at them if they dont die.
^copy ed papercuts uber fix.
You don't get it.. You think that you are a pro(fessional) just because you can kill whit an m79? Anyone can do it. My class mates started once play soldat in school all they uesd was m79 and they had tested all the other weapons before that one. Guess what they ues now? m79! That is annoying i guess they owned (ruled if you want to put it that way) you some times i started to ues the other weapons because m79 was TO EASY. then i got online the first server i joined was full of m79 newbies, or pros i dunno because they are the same! There arent many people who really master the m79. My brother use the m79 a while that made him grow weak and bad then he used the AUG ([AUG]). And he slowly regained strength (aim). This proves that the m79 is to easy to use. Id really vote for removing it but i don't think anyone agree so to weaken it would be a great thing.

But i want the noob-cannon removed.

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Offline iDante

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #105 on: February 21, 2007, 06:10:10 pm »
m79 is fun... hehe...
even though I dont use it often because I only like big maps...

Offline M.rSnow

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #106 on: February 21, 2007, 08:48:37 pm »
Guess what they use now? m79! That is annoying i guess they owned (ruled if you want to put it that way) you some times i started to use the other weapons because m79 was TO EASY. then i got online the first server i joined was full of m79 newbies, or pros i dunno because they are the same!
Which just goes to show how inexperienced you are.  M79 newbies rarely, if ever, hit me.  M79 pros...well, actually, that's hard to say.  I don't think I've really seen one.  I guess everyone who is actually good at Soldat realizes how weak the M79 really is.
I´m just saying that its my experiences they might have been bad experiences but they are mine. And i'm not inexperienced so stop making personal assault's. m79 have iv only seen one.. he was really amazing he used bounce to totally crush the enemy we could hardly take him on 2v1 (we wasn´t newbies) of course he had 2 m79´s.
Id really vote for removing it but i don't think anyone agree so to weaken it would be a great thing.

But i want the noob-cannon removed.
Another player who is unwilling to change his tactics to counter the M79.  I should keep a tally of them, because noobs like you are everywhere.
I had bad experiences you know the m79 is a one hit one kill weapon that fires on close range.. totally awesome in a 1v1 situation. (like the Barret was before the delay) Most of the people iv met whit m79 have spawn killed.. SO don´t make me angry by saying "Another player who is unwilling to change his tactics.." i have but its still really annoying if there are people spawn killing you all the time.. Don't say that i´m to nooby to take on a spawn killing situation cuz i usually play at least whit 2 men low on my team. (gains me some respect) You don´t want me to be angry on you. Do you?
Good that someone agree
« Last Edit: February 21, 2007, 08:53:16 pm by M.rSnow »
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Offline {LAW} Gamer_2k4

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #107 on: February 22, 2007, 12:51:52 am »
M79 newbies rarely, if ever, hit me.  M79 pros...well, actually, that's hard to say.  I don't think I've really seen one.  I guess everyone who is actually good at Soldat realizes how weak the M79 really is.
I´m just saying that its my experiences they might have been bad experiences but they are mine. And i'm not inexperienced so stop making personal assault's. m79 have iv only seen one.. he was really amazing he used bounce to totally crush the enemy we could hardly take him on 2v1 (we wasn´t newbies) of course he had 2 m79´s.

If you want to take "inexperienced" personally, I think the problem is on your end.  There's nothing wrong with admitting that you are getting beaten by a weapon simply because you don't know how to counter it.  And believe me, that is the case.  It's unbelievably easy to evade newbie M79 shots, and an easy matter to finish them off after they miss.  Also, I've now dealt with pro M79ers.  I was in a clan war, and the opposing team used M79s on B2b.  At first I ridiculed them for using a short range weapon on a large map, but they used it to boost each other and were fairly accurate with it as well, making them especially deadly.  But the same is true with any weapon.  If you're playing someone who is better at Soldat than you, you're going to lose.  Easy enough.  You even draw a distinction because newbie M79ers and experts (although earlier you claimed there was no such distinction).  If it's so easy to kill with the M79, what makes the experienced player better?  More "style"?  Using two M79s?  I don't think so.

If you really want, we can do a 1v1 sometime.  You use the M79 and I'll use whatever weapon I think is best.  I'll show you that it's easy to beat an M79er if you know what you're doing.

Id really vote for removing it but i don't think anyone agree so to weaken it would be a great thing.

But i want the noob-cannon removed.
Another player who is unwilling to change his tactics to counter the M79.  I should keep a tally of them, because noobs like you are everywhere.
I had bad experiences you know the m79 is a one hit one kill weapon that fires on close range.. totally awesome in a 1v1 situation. (like the Barret was before the delay) Most of the people iv met whit m79 have spawn killed.. SO don´t make me angry by saying "Another player who is unwilling to change his tactics.." i have but its still really annoying if there are people spawn killing you all the time.. Don't say that i´m to nooby to take on a spawn killing situation cuz i usually play at least whit 2 men low on my team. (gains me some respect)

You're using a straw man argument here.  Until this point, neither of us even addressed the issue of spawnkilling.  I never advocated it, though there's no rule against it either.  You want the gun taken out because
the m79 is too easy to use.
Spawnkilling was not listed as a reason.  I admit, there isn't much you can do about spawnkilling.  However, that's not the issue here.  The issue is that you don't change your tactics to deal with M79ers IN THE OPEN.  If you see a guy with a chainsaw coming at you, are you going to keep running at him?  Of course not.  You're going to jump or otherwise get out of the way.  And you should do the same thing when dealing with M79s.  You know that he's firing slightly in front of you.  You know he'll fire as soon as he sees you (which, if you're paying attention, is the same time you see him).  And you know the arc the projectile will take.  Now if you know when he's firing, where he's firing, and how he's firing, is it really that hard to dodge?  It shouldn't be.  Stay in the air, and superman down as soon as he fires.  If this doesn't work, then just get away and stay away, preferably while still firing.  He'll fire and miss, then you can close in and take him out.

You don´t want me to be angry on you. Do you?

To be honest, I really don't care how you feel about me.  I don't consider myself a great Soldat player, but even I know how to counter the M79.  And yet, you say you're experienced, but you keep getting killed by it, even to the point that you want it removed.  One of us isn't evaluating his skills realistically, and I'm pretty sure it's not me.  I have nothing against you, personally, but it gets frustrating when people constantly complain about a weapon which they could defeat, if they just took the time to approach the situation differently.  Believe me, I know where you're coming from.  I once had the same problems with the M79.  But, unlike you, I tried to figure what could be done about it, instead of complaining that the M79 should be removed.  And I'm not alone.  Many, many experienced players don't share your point of view.  Soldat has been around for almost 5 years.  If the M79 was truly overpowered, shouldn't it have been nerfed or removed by now?

Think about it.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2007, 12:54:29 am by {LAW} Gamer_2k4 »

Only anime shows I've felt any interest in over the years are Pokemon (original TV series) and various hentai.
so clearly jgrp is a goddamn anime connoisseur. his opinion might as well be law here.

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Offline M.rSnow

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #108 on: February 22, 2007, 07:26:30 pm »
Quote from: {LAW} Gamer_2k4 link=topic=9154.msg126964#msg126964
To be honest, I really don't care how you feel about me.  I don't consider myself a great Soldat player, but even I know how to counter the M79.  And yet, you say you're experienced, but you keep getting killed by it, even to the point that you want it removed.  One of us isn't evaluating his skills realistically, and I'm pretty sure it's not me.  I have nothing against you, personally, but it gets frustrating when people constantly complain about a weapon which they could defeat, if they just took the time to approach the situation differently.  Believe me, I know where you're coming from.  I once had the same problems with the M79.  But, unlike you, I tried to figure what could be done about it, instead of complaining that the M79 should be removed.  And I'm not alone.  Many, many experienced players don't share your point of view.  Soldat has been around for almost 5 years.  If the M79 was truly overpowered, shouldn't it have been nerfed or removed by now?

Think about it.

I think it would probably there arn´t so many complains of the m79 after all..
Well i am evaluating my skills realistically. So don't think my judgment is wrong. I have full reasons to have that opinion out of my position. Seems that were getting no were by saying this but wen i use m79 (rarely) i get kicked for hacking if i don't miss one shot by intention. I think that proves that the m79 is overpowerd because its hard to miss whit, really. Not literally.
(Seems like you arent that type who believes in stories like these)
« Last Edit: February 22, 2007, 07:38:58 pm by M.rSnow »
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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #109 on: February 22, 2007, 10:36:48 pm »
Well i am evaluating my skills realistically. So don't think my judgment is wrong. I have full reasons to have that opinion out of my position. Seems that were getting no were by saying this but wen i use m79 (rarely) i get kicked for hacking if i don't miss one shot by intention. I think that proves that the m79 is overpowerd because its hard to miss whit, really. Not literally.
(Seems like you arent that type who believes in stories like these)

The fact that you get kicked proves that you were playing against newbies.  And, as you may recall, my position on the M79 is not that it's easy to use, but that people make themselves easy targets.  Newbies, who don't know any better, are easy targets.  Therefore, you'll hit them a lot.  Try playing on a respectable server, like U13 or #Fractured, and see how well you do.  Again, any time you want to prove to me that the M79 is overpowered, simply PM me a request for a 1v1.  I'll show you how I deal with the M79 and why I don't think it's overpowered.

Only anime shows I've felt any interest in over the years are Pokemon (original TV series) and various hentai.
so clearly jgrp is a goddamn anime connoisseur. his opinion might as well be law here.

Best Admin: jrgp, he's like the forum mom and a pet dog rolled into one.

Offline n00balici0us

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #110 on: February 22, 2007, 10:51:06 pm »

Well I see how deep this discussion is going...My opinion probably doesn't mean crap (and probably said already but...)

Isn't the real problem here is the fact that M79's (and Barrets) are used *TOO DAMN MUCH*

I look at that kill count on the side and it'll always show something like:

Ruger get the idea

Whatever, that's my useless 2 cents from a dude who rarely posts.
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Offline {LAW} Gamer_2k4

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #111 on: February 22, 2007, 11:44:13 pm »
Isn't the real problem here is the fact that M79's (and Barrets) are used *TOO DAMN MUCH*

No, because if you know what you're doing, they're easy to avoid.  When I see a team of M79ers, I think "free kills!"  Same with the Barret.  Just whip out the MP5 and you're set.

Only anime shows I've felt any interest in over the years are Pokemon (original TV series) and various hentai.
so clearly jgrp is a goddamn anime connoisseur. his opinion might as well be law here.

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Offline R0L4ND

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #112 on: February 23, 2007, 06:04:47 am »
Well... In order to make it a bit more "realistic" (to the little extent you can in a game like Soldat) - bink it more, and give it more range.
That way you can use it to supress from a little farther away, while its effectiveness in the infamous "get up close and personal and then blast them away"-method gets severely limited if you get hit in the process of the approach. What makes me shout out that the M79 is a "noob cannon" at times is when you fire off 5 rounds into an M79-user, while they just turn on a dime and fire off a well-aimed shot straight into you, because the bink didn't throw them off enough.
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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #113 on: February 23, 2007, 01:18:40 pm »
No, because if you know what you're doing, they're easy to avoid.  When I see a team of M79ers, I think "free kills!"  Same with the Barret.  Just whip out the MP5 and you're set.

Since when is 4 random campers 5 charging m79's easy to avoid  :-\

I know a large number of any weapon is hard to combat of course but...I rather dodge 50 bullets than 5 explosive shells and 4 50 caliber bullets.

I can make a simple dodging errors with bullets since i'll survive but a tiny li'l error with the one hit killers and oh look! I'm dead with a lucky shot -_-

I mean...sure, I would dance around like... the first 6 m79 shells, then i'll finally reach the enemy base and he'll nail a lucky shot on  me and I get a wonderful 20 second respawn.

And some one here has to admit that there's just this uncomfortable feeling to do so much work on some random 79'er/sniper, implanting alot of your lead into the kid's skull, but the li'l brat manages to get lucky and kill you with a well placed shot (for once). And yes I know a lot of you have these godly dodging skills but we know it isn't 100%  perfect...When it fails on ya don't you get a little, tiny feeling inside of you saying "WTF? I shot this brat 10 times and this boy, with little to no effort blows my face off"

Don't lie >_>

Meh, but...I personally think it's kinda easy to run up to someone and click which is kinda why I use it sometimes  :-X

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #114 on: February 23, 2007, 03:18:36 pm »
No, because if you know what you're doing, they're easy to avoid.  When I see a team of M79ers, I think "free kills!"  Same with the Barret.  Just whip out the MP5 and you're set.

Since when is 4 random campers 5 charging m79's easy to avoid  :-\

Never? When you're against 9 people, you're dead no matter what.

I mean...sure, I would dance around like... the first 6 m79 shells, then i'll finally reach the enemy base and he'll nail a lucky shot on  me and I get a wonderful 20 second respawn.

The highest respawn I've seen on a server is 10, and it's not like the weapon affects the time.
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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #115 on: February 23, 2007, 03:27:03 pm »
GRRRR .... You  hate m79?! Sooooooo play on servers that don't allow it.
I hate m79 < n00bs :P > but i can handle them <just pick a ruger, deagles, ak, styer .... whatever>
I play on 'small' servers <I mean 6 to 8 ppl max> and I have NO fuc^%*# problem with them!

@ {LAW} Gamer_2k4 : yeah volleyball is for n00bs xD

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #116 on: February 23, 2007, 06:42:08 pm »
Since when is 4 random campers 5 charging m79's easy to avoid  :-\
9 of anything spells death for you.

Offline n00balici0us

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #117 on: February 23, 2007, 07:08:35 pm »

Never? When you're against 9 people, you're dead no matter what.


And after that sentence I said

"I know a large number of any weapon is hard to combat of course but...I rather dodge 50 bullets than 5 explosive shells and 4 50 caliber bullets."

Uh ja, I'm serious...Dodging a hail automatic/semi bullets is way better than a bunch of m79 shells/sniper shots.

The highest respawn I've seen on a server is 10, and it's not like the weapon affects the time.

......I was just throwing a random number there dangit the last part of that sentence has nothing to do with the bloody weapon. Ok, next time I'll be more accurate for you.

9 of anything spells death for you.

*grumbles* I keep forgetting you people here love extremely accurate numbers. I'll make a more "realistic" number.

two m79'ers and a sniper Vs. One MP5'er and two AK'ers

Like I said before, dodging a hail of MP5 and AK bullets kicks the crap out of dodging two m79 shells and a sniper round. Probably sounds absurd to you guys but I think so. I could get hit One or two times with the auto users in my attempts to get away from the punks and I can survive... Make a tiny error with dodging the other shots...POW yer dead.

If a massive majority of people are living off of the same two weapons for their Soldat life...I don't see how most of you people not realize there's an issue here that should be solved. Psh, forget it ...MIGHT as well leave it so I can piss off "pros" with a li'l click on their faces, I get a kick out of that.

EDIT: Hmm, when I think about it, arent most of us going about this all wrong (including me) I mean, what is up with this whole dodging crap. The best dodge we can even do is a backflip or a "superman". Dont'cha think it all comes down to the 79'ers/Snipers aim or common sense?
« Last Edit: February 23, 2007, 07:35:22 pm by n00balici0us »
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Offline {LAW} Gamer_2k4

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #118 on: February 23, 2007, 11:21:19 pm »
And some one here has to admit that there's just this uncomfortable feeling to do so much work on some random 79'er/sniper, implanting alot of your lead into the kid's skull, but the li'l brat manages to get lucky and kill you with a well placed shot (for once). And yes I know a lot of you have these godly dodging skills but we know it isn't 100%  perfect...When it fails on ya don't you get a little, tiny feeling inside of you saying "WTF? I shot this brat 10 times and this boy, with little to no effort blows my face off"

Don't lie >_>
Let's say I only manage to dodge two out of every three shots.  I'm still nearly guaranteed two kills before I die.  I'm perfectly fine with that.  If the M79er manages to hit me, I think "dang, wasn't paying attention" and move on.  Unlike some people, I don't dwell on my deaths.  And if that shot was taken for the FFC, so much the better.

Meh, but...I personally think it's kinda easy to run up to someone and click which is kinda why I use it sometimes  :-X
Oh, it is.  There's no doubt about that.  But part of M79 defense is NOT letting the M79er run right up to you.  That's why proficiency with the M79 is largely dependent on the target.

9 of anything spells death for you.

*grumbles* I keep forgetting you people here love extremely accurate numbers. I'll make a more "realistic" number.

two m79'ers and a sniper Vs. One MP5'er and two AK'ers

Like I said before, dodging a hail of MP5 and AK bullets kicks the crap out of dodging two m79 shells and a sniper round. Probably sounds absurd to you guys but I think so. I could get hit One or two times with the auto users in my attempts to get away from the punks and I can survive... Make a tiny error with dodging the other shots...POW yer dead.
Oh come on now...that's the PERFECT squad to deal with the M79ers and Barreters.  Assuming less than 100% accuracy, at least one of the one-hit-kill shots will miss.  The remaining autoer has 20 or 26 shots to pump into the enemies (assuming similar accuracy).  Triple kill anyone?  Remember, the barreter is likely to miss because of the binking effect.  The autoers will have no such problems.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2007, 11:27:30 pm by {LAW} Gamer_2k4 »

Only anime shows I've felt any interest in over the years are Pokemon (original TV series) and various hentai.
so clearly jgrp is a goddamn anime connoisseur. his opinion might as well be law here.

Best Admin: jrgp, he's like the forum mom and a pet dog rolled into one.

Offline iDante

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #119 on: February 24, 2007, 03:56:07 am »
I just played the actual game a lot today (strange idea, i know), and noticed something with the m79. I usually use it as kindof a backup weapon, like if I'm getting owned with everything else. I was getting owned something fierce by an awesome AK user (and I thought I was good...) so I switched to m79... WOOPDEEDOO, whaddayaknow? he still owned me, even more now. Proof that if you are better than someone, it doesn't matter what gun you use...