Author Topic: m79 noobish weapon?  (Read 35387 times)

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Offline poopdogg

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #180 on: November 05, 2007, 10:13:07 am »
You may get just one shot before you are defenceless for 3 secs, but you only need one shot. I think the main reason why people hate it so much is because it really doesn't feel like you've had a good chance to kill the M79er. Because with autos, you shoot at each other, and the person who wins is the person who has the best aim, but with the M79 its just a case of running up to them and blowing yourself up in their face, especially if its a small map.

Sometimes it can be used with skill, but genereally its a good weapon for noobies to start off with.
then make m79 an auto....

(Sorry if I am unintelligent, since the knowledge I have only comes from a school text book...)

Offline tehsnipah

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #181 on: January 15, 2008, 08:22:51 am »
Most people that use the m79 know that it's far from the best weapon, and in many situations and maps, it's a big handicap to use.
sorry, but barrets are a lot harder to use and has a worse condition if u screw up the aim. i think barret should be the best gun
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Offline Pie

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #182 on: January 15, 2008, 08:24:42 am »
Most people that use the m79 know that it's far from the best weapon, and in many situations and maps, it's a big handicap to use.
sorry, but barrets are a lot harder to use and has a worse condition if u screw up the aim. i think barret should be the best gun
Stop Lurking in the Weapon balance forum... Jeez.
No barret doesn't "ROX MY JOX" Every gun is Fairly balanced. *Cough Styre Cough*
So stop saying it's better then sex.
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Offline Sir Jeremy

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #183 on: January 24, 2008, 06:55:36 pm »
No I dont think M79 is too noobish, sure it's 1 hit k.o but so is barret and barret u can use farther away so it's cool.

Offline Pite

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #184 on: January 26, 2008, 03:14:20 pm »
Just noobs say thay M79 is noobish. But I think it isn't very good weapon. I am better with desert eagles and i kill people faster with them, Love Deagles :D :D

Offline neurogenesis

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #185 on: January 31, 2008, 01:03:48 am »
Another interesting note. People that complain about getting killed by a m79 are usually the ones that pick the same route, or react in a very similar way to every confrontation. When a target acts in a very predictable way, it becomes a very good target. Any good M79er WILL be good with almost any other weapon, because of the skills needed for it ( aim, speed, prediction, and avoiding being killed while reloading) transfer over extremely well to any auto or even semi auto.
 If someone can hit you every time with 1 grenade every 4 or 5 seconds, how do you think they will do when they can shoot at you for 5 seconds, and only have to land 1/3 of the shots per clip?

Honestly, people just don't have common sense

I agree completely with this statement.

Here is my theory.

The M79 is a bad ass weapon. It is definitely one of the most bad ass weapons in the game, topped only by Deagles and a couple others. Also, it is very appealing to beginners.

This is why many people become very good at this weapon, and make it their main weapon. I did, though I am now also proficient in FM Mini and Ruger. With so many people using it, it becomes annoying. A server with too many M79ers becomes a 'splode-fest.

When people get annoyed or angry, they'll say stupid things (because people are stupid). Angrily they will just write it off as a n00b weapon. I agree, it is annoying to be killed by them, but it is FAR from a n00bish weapon, and here is why.

M79 has a very high projectory arc. The only weapons that have more of an arc to their shots are the Knife and Nades. This, one cannot logically deny, makes it one of the hardest weapons to aim. Combined with this, is the fact that it does have a long reload time. Sure, it's only like 1 second, but in Soldat's fast paced action, MILLISECONDS are important. To be really good with M79, in Death Match, or CTF, you need to hit EVERY shot. That's more pressure, and less chances to get it right. With deagles, hey, you got 7-8 shots to hit a person 4 times to kill them.

Anyway, I don't think it's out of balance at all. It's perfect the way it is. And I dont really think there's a solution to the problems. You can't prevent close M79 shots by not making them hit (a proposed solution I saw in another topic). It is possible, but not prudent, to prevent too many people from using the same weapon (have the server detect when too many people are using it). You can't make it less powerful, just so it's less attractive to newbies.


Spread the word that M79 is not a n00bish weapon, and is to be respected (and say why of course). If people get mad, remind them to just have fun (the only point to this game) and that it is just an annoying, not a n00bish, weapon. Also, if too many people on one server are using the weapon (or any weapon for that matter), you should kindly request that some people start using different weapons. Finally, if a n00b or anyone else is using the m79 in a cheap or stupid way, please educate them.


People just need to be more kind, and more intelligent. If you remember nothing else, remember to chill out and have fun as best you can. That's the whole point of the game.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2008, 01:09:06 am by neurogenesis »

Offline Pie

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #186 on: January 31, 2008, 01:51:17 am »
To the above,

First of, the weapons itself isn't "n00bish", just like all weapons aren't, It's the people that use them and the specific way that those people act while using the m79, Apart from the fact that i just completely undermined your argument, The m79 isn't not all you say it is.
Yes, in all reality it is brutal at short range, No it does not have an arc that falls in the same category as grenades and the knife. You said weapons with more of an arc, not the same sort of arc, my mistake.

If anything it falls in with the DEagles.
And just like most games the weapons are based around the weapon triangle;
Autos>Semi-autos>On hitters>Autos>semi-autos ect.

Semi autos-should be better against automatics because they fire fast and deal massive damage, usually at a price of a long reload or fire interval.
Autos- Usually better against one hitters because the one hitters are slow- Te autos are very fast and each bullet doesn't deal too much damage but when you add every bullet up it counts as alot, they usually cause alot of bink too.
One hitters- Very slow, Very powerful, Power comes at the cost of self bink reload times ect.
These kill in one shot, hence the name.

Now the weapons are supposed to be this way, Unfortunately people don't use the weapons in a proper manner. As in they charge up to a person and blow them to hell with an m79, and because the m79 explodes on impact, Even if the damage is zero i'm pretty sure it's an instant kill.
The same with the barret, Oh noes i'm binked, but if i run into their face and fire at point blank i'll still kill them.
Now i've got no problem with the weapons, Just the way people use them, Instead of playing the game to have fun, they use them to ultimately annoy others (Even if they don't mean to) By using the weapons in the wrong way, like spawn camping with a saw/knife/m79/barret, Notice how people always spawnkill with the one hit weapons, It's because by the time the other person has respawned the weapon has reloaded.

People use the weapons the wrong way, Even in war there's sportsmanship, so next time you go to blow up that guy at point blank, let him fire first, or at least jump then they can't complain because they had time to react.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2008, 01:54:30 am by Pie »
Lol, internets.

Offline neurogenesis

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #187 on: February 01, 2008, 04:37:17 pm »
Every weapon has it's own strengths and weaknesses. They each also have their own place where they're effective.

I like to use m79 in the classic ctf_voland, because it's good for shooting long range on the top, and also for killing those buggers running away through those tunnels. ctf_kampf is also a good map for this.

For ctf_snakebite, ctf_cobra, or whatever those crappy maps are (I hate them), FM Mini and Spas are good for those tunnels underneath.

All weapons have their uses, and techniques. I don't really think you can't just rule out one technique for any particular reason. Running up close to people and eating them with an m79 is just a valid strategy as any other. Even camping is still a valid strategy.

My only suggestion is that you politely request that a person stop the technique they're using if it is making the game less enjoyable for too many people.

Also, as far as the spawning goes... I really think every weapon should start loaded completely. M79 starts empty, leaving the user helpless against spawners. I would say 1-2 seconds of invincibility and a loaded weapon when you spawn would be ideal.

Offline Pragma

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #188 on: February 01, 2008, 05:02:24 pm »
A server with too many M79ers becomes a 'splode-fest.

To each his own I guess.  Personally, I happen to like a rather 'splody match.  I think this is just further evidence of Soldat's appeal: there's something for everyone here.

(Heck, are there any m79-only servers around?  "CTF-'splode" anyone?)

Besides, there's just something undeniably satisfying about a really messy, bloody, mid-air, flaiming gib at the other end of your mouse-click.

Just remember what ol' Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake.  Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big old storm right in the eye and says, "Give me your best shot. I can take it."

Offline Despair

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #189 on: February 02, 2008, 04:03:36 am »
To Pie:
In a CTF game, if you are running to the flag, and you m79 kamikaze them, it's justified. Here's why:
You are running for the flag, you don't care about HONOUR TACTICS(is there any when you rush, rush being the key word). If the person didn't have time to react because a person is too fast, THEIR FAULT for not seeing the m79er.
I'm not advocating anything other than m79-rushing btw.
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Offline tehsnipah

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #190 on: February 02, 2008, 08:45:10 am »
Just noobs say thay M79 is noobish. But I think it isn't very good weapon. I am better with desert eagles and i kill people faster with them, Love Deagles :D :D
oh yeah deagle ftw! and yes, all the weapons are balanced i agree with. i think to put it simple, M79 is like a close range of barret.
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Offline Lord Frunkamunch

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #191 on: February 02, 2008, 09:27:06 am »
My only suggestion is that you politely request that a person stop the technique they're using if it is making the game less enjoyable for too many people.

Please tell me you're kidding. Politely request? To the type of idiots you see playing? Yeah, right. They're more likely to stop if you wish really hard for them to die. Heart attacks, maybe. Politeness in the average Soldat player? Not a chance.
I attend grammar school, last grade, and ignorance is all around me. Well, good for them. Ignorance is bliss.

Offline mooman666

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #192 on: February 03, 2008, 01:51:34 am »
I don't see what the big deal about this is. Yes the m79 is used a lot and for good reason, it's a solid weapon. However it has a very limited range.

Each weapon has it's own strengths and weaknesses. Don't bash something just because you can't beat it. Find a way to. Look at it as a challenge and play to your weapons strengths.

Yes it is annoying when people with m79 horde together, but calling them noobs won't solve anything. Do what I do when I'm not doing so hot. Swap weapons until you find something else that works.

Offline cunchy

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #193 on: February 03, 2008, 07:17:02 am »
I pretty much use M79 24/7... and I get yelled by alot of peeps alot... The m79 is probably considered annoying because of the "One Hit KO" factor. But IDK why people complain because most people CANNOT aim with it. IMO, m79 is one of the harder weapons to use, but not as hard as teh minigun >:3

m79 doesnt work that well in Clan Wars though because most people can aim in wars >:O If the m79 DOES get nerfed in the next version, people will STILL whine about it nonetheless. Give it 1 speed and 500 ammo, and people will STILL whine about the 1 hit factor.

Offline O.R.I.O.N.

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #194 on: February 04, 2008, 05:42:38 pm »
It's all in the method. Constantly blasting away at point blank is going to pick up some pissed off people, but tactically arcing shots where you know the enemy is going to be is the real art behind the 79. Plus, it's a slow-ass weapon in every regard; like with the Barrett, if you miss, you're usually screwed.

"Noob"-ness is subjective.
To sum up my point: We had a multipage debate about toilet padding. (Putting TP in the water so you don't get splashed.)
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Offline cunchy

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #195 on: February 05, 2008, 03:13:28 am »
It's all in the method. Constantly blasting away at point blank is going to pick up some pissed off people, but tactically arcing shots where you know the enemy is going to be is the real art behind the 79. Plus, it's a slow-ass weapon in every regard; like with the Barrett, if you miss, you're usually screwed.

"Noob"-ness is subjective.

The m79 arch, thats why I main the m79. I have seen people who are good with m79 (not alot), but other people still call them noobs because they use the m79. JUST for the fact they use m79.

Even is the m79 gets nerfed, I will still main it... unless of course... it gets 1 speed and such, but that'll never happen.

Offline neurogenesis

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #196 on: February 06, 2008, 03:30:12 pm »
My only suggestion is that you politely request that a person stop the technique they're using if it is making the game less enjoyable for too many people.

Please tell me you're kidding. Politely request? To the type of idiots you see playing? Yeah, right. They're more likely to stop if you wish really hard for them to die. Heart attacks, maybe. Politeness in the average Soldat player? Not a chance.

Well that's the only chance. People really need to stop being dumbasses, and start being intelligent. It's much more fun that way.

Offline Trespasser

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #197 on: February 10, 2008, 09:38:06 pm »
To put my two cents in, I agree with what Nuerogenesis was saying.  But the M79 can be noobish -- it depends on who is holding it, in my opinion.  It depends on alot of things, actually -- the map, how many people are using it, how many people are in the server... it varies.  I personally use the barret most of the time, but I'm pretty good with the MP5 and I can arc an M79 every once in a while.  However, it does get pretty annoying in U13 when we go to a small map and it becomes a "'splode fest".
omg teh lmaoplane is liek "KILL TEH ROFLCOPTER" with teh kamikaze. then teh lollerskaters are liek "fire teh guns rofl! pwn teh coptah!" then teh roflcopter is liek WTF?^^ tiem for pwnage rofl and its like }OMG) MISSILE AT TEH NUB LMAOPLANES AND 10 ]WTFBombs> FOR TEH LOLLERSKATERS ROFLOL GG GL HF

Offline Noobinabox

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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #198 on: February 10, 2008, 10:57:23 pm »
Which is why I'm happy that HexerMod put a "2 m79 per team" limit.

IMO, m79 is the easiest to be noobish with. But that's because it's a one hit kill.
For instance, one using an HK can spray (like a noob) for their life, but whatever they manage to hit will only be hurt moderately.

With an M79, the typical noob can camp out, or do those "rush" techniques of firing when they fly into you.

Thing is, you shouldn't complain when that happens to you because the other guy was using a noobish technique...AND YOU FELL FOR IT!
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Re: m79 noobish weapon?
« Reply #199 on: February 11, 2008, 08:44:05 am »
No! It isn't and I don't get why some of people call it noobish gun. The only noob is one who says "m79 noob" and I hate whinzzorzz like them...  They are just silly <.< Besides, like someone said, they were killed by so called "noob", so who are they??

And yes, there are indeed good players who mastered that weapon. For example CTF or INF: They even don't have to kill to be pain in ass... And I mean here m79 jumpers... Not to mention those who adds 2 grenades for it. But they often fail on my mighty Steyr