Author Topic: What would you do with an open source Soldat?  (Read 13148 times)

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Offline Twistkill

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Re: What would you do with an open source Soldat?
« Reply #40 on: January 01, 2007, 05:25:29 pm »
And...prolly make a hot coffee mod for it (Soldat Sex anybody? :P)
I really hope you'd also add female Soldats... D:

I wouldn't really want to change anything, other than try to make more aesthetically appealing maps and gosteks. :\

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Offline Jeez

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Re: What would you do with an open source Soldat?
« Reply #41 on: January 02, 2007, 09:48:54 pm »
I'd add roundhouse-kick as super-duper-uber-imba-weapon and a chuck norris gostek... nuff changes =D

Offline jettlarue

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Re: What would you do with an open source Soldat?
« Reply #42 on: January 02, 2007, 11:03:13 pm »
I would change the title and release it as my own game, fully taking credit for it, and create my owns freewebs website to advertise my game. I would later create a phpbb board with default layout and colors and horrible grammar. Then I would make a page on the freewebs website about all the stuff I'll never add but would be really cool if I did.

Offline papercut

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Re: What would you do with an open source Soldat?
« Reply #43 on: January 03, 2007, 04:06:53 pm »
I would change the title and release it as my own game, fully taking credit for it, and create my owns freewebs website to advertise my game. I would later create a phpbb board with default layout and colors and horrible grammar. Then I would make a page on the freewebs website about all the stuff I'll never add but would be really cool if I did.

hahahaha. you jerk

Date Posted: January 03, 2007, 04:06:02 PM
And...prolly make a hot coffee mod for it (Soldat Sex anybody? :P)
I really hope you'd also add female Soldats... D:

I wouldn't really want to change anything, other than try to make more aesthetically appealing maps and gosteks. :

Tiny soldat sex is hot
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Offline .Long-Range

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Re: What would you do with an open source Soldat?
« Reply #44 on: January 03, 2007, 05:00:54 pm »
LMAO @ all of MofoNofo's posts

If I actually knew how to code and do all of that programming Soldat stuff, I would turn Soldat into a more complex game filled with a whole bunch of stuff to do. First, I would add more game modes.

Search and Destroy (Alpha versus Bravo): One team has a base with gun emplacements and many other types of defensive weaponry and destructible important structures. The other team attempts to destroy the designated structures by lowering it's health bar to 0% (health bar shown over the structures). If all structures are destroyed when the time limit is up, the attacking team wins.

Search and Destroy (Alpha, Delta, Charlie, and Bravo): Two teams are designated as defenders of structures and two teams are designated as attackers. The two attacking teams get points for killing each other's soldiers and the same concept applies to the defending teams. However, the defending teams cannot destroy each other's structures. The two attacking teams may secretly alliance with each other in order to take down the two defending teams. If all structures are destroyed, the attacking team with most points wins. If one team's structures are destroyed and the time limit is up, the game goes into overtime where the remaining defender has a chance to win.

Squadron Survival: A squad of about 6 or less soldiers face wave after wave of bots while taking shelter with defensive structures and barriers. The waves get much more difficult as time progresses (increased aim, better AI, more lethal weapons, more bots per wave, etc). Bots may vary from soldiers to vehicles to hybrid mutant creatures. A boss enemy is faced after every 5 waves.

Mission: A team of commandos proceed on accomplishing randomly-selected mission objectives whilst the opposite teams are assigned those objectives to defend. The series of objectives may range from the simple protection of a single intelligent bot to upholding a super-base's defenses. Multiple amounts of objectives are assigned. If 3/4 of the objectives are accomplished by the commandos, they win. If not, the opposite team wins.

Territory: Certain parts of the map are marked by flags. Each team attempts to capture as much territory as possible. The more territory in possession of the team, the more points are earned every 30 seconds. Players may spawn at their team's captured territories to get back into the battle quickly. The team with the most points wins.

In addition to these new game modes, I would make it so that each server can hold up to 100 players playing simultaneously at once. Of course, this would mean the maps would have to be much, much larger and more complex. The end-result of this would be mini-battles and skirmishes all over the map.
Also, if I could do ANYTHING I wanted (yes, I know this is highly impossible due to lag, the need for a monster computer, etc.), I would create one large, godly-like server that would act like a world for every player. In this world, players could join clans/squads/gangs and wage war on lone wolf soldiers or other clans/squads/gangs. It would kind of be like a massively multiplayer online SHOOTING game. Ooooh...
With all that accomplished, I would add destructible terrain and more interactive objects such as deadly traps (pungi sticks, deep pitfalls with deadly hot acid at the bottom, random creature attacks, etc).
Also, I would allow map-creating to be much, MUCH easier. Kinda like a combination of MS Paint and PolyWorks.
Finally, I would allow each weapon to be customized with certain components such as scopes, silencers, weaver rails, laser sights, etc.

Quite impossible... but imagine if the general concept of Soldat remained (2D side-scrolling action) with all that added in.
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Offline Horve

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Re: What would you do with an open source Soldat?
« Reply #45 on: January 04, 2007, 06:16:15 pm »
this is my idea, basically I would use soldat 2d battling system in an online medieval rpg. It would go like this:[/b]

The goal of my idea is to ascend the ranks of nobility. To do so, you must assemble an army of mercenaries and bring them successfully into battle. But be sure to equip your mercenaries with the finest armor and weapons, or they will not last long. Buy mercenaries, battle your opponents, get experience points, nobility points and gold, level up your mercenaries, buy them armour, increase your nobility rank. Increase your attributes with the two nobility points gained each nobility rank and increase your salary, maximum mercenary amount or your mercenary buy level with which you can buy mightier mercenaries in your army.

Protective purchaseable items in the game: (click on the images to see samples)

General Information  
Mercenary Type:   Stingman 

Mercenary Class:
Weapon Classes Permitted 

General Information
Mercenary Type:  Duelist 
Mercenary Class:  Swordsman 
Weapon Classes Permitted 

General Information 
Mercenary Type:  Zealot 
Mercenary Class:  Stavesman 
Weapon Classes Permitted 

General Information  
Mercenary Type:  Fiend 

Mercenary Class:
Weapon Classes Permitted  

General Information 
Mercenary Type:  Arbalest 
Mercenary Class:  Ranged 
Weapon Classes Permitted 

General Information 
Mercenary Type:  Villain 

Mercenary Class:
Weapon Classes Permitted 

General Information 
Mercenary Type:   Strongman 
Mercenary Class:  Axeman 
Weapon Classes Permitted 

and the goal would be... becoming the ultimate kickass commander of the strongest army that consists of the mightiest of warriors.

Offline xtishereb

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Re: What would you do with an open source Soldat?
« Reply #46 on: January 04, 2007, 06:33:29 pm »
I'd make a mod like G-mod. So you'd be able to pose Soldat ragdolls, spawn guns (support for additional guns!), spawn bots, spawn physics props, make wheels (so you can have vehicles!), add remotely detonated explosives, add thrusters, and make balloons.

Of course, I don't know Delphi. All I know is a little C++.
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Offline popsofctown

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Re: What would you do with an open source Soldat?
« Reply #47 on: January 04, 2007, 08:29:36 pm »
calm down horve.  you aren't really going to get the source code to soldat.
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Offline Avarax

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Re: What would you do with an open source Soldat?
« Reply #48 on: January 05, 2007, 02:51:51 am »
ya, let him speculate, this topic is about speculating ;)
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Offline papercut

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Re: What would you do with an open source Soldat?
« Reply #49 on: January 05, 2007, 05:12:48 pm »
I'd make a mod like G-mod. So you'd be able to pose Soldat ragdolls, spawn guns (support for additional guns!), spawn bots, spawn physics props, make wheels (so you can have vehicles!), add remotely detonated explosives, add thrusters, and make balloons.

Of course, I don't know Delphi. All I know is a little C++.

That's actually a really good idea. I wouldnt have thought of that one. Well thought out man.  :)
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Offline Mr. Domino

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Re: What would you do with an open source Soldat?
« Reply #50 on: January 09, 2007, 04:13:54 am »
I'd stare at the code for 12 hours and wonder what the hell I was looking at.

This. :) Still, in a fantasy world where I can program, I'd add a Z-axis and allow polygon placement behind the characters and objects. I'd also would allow polygons to share multiple properties when their effects don't conflict, meaning I could have "hurt" and "only players collide" polygons among others. Then, I'd add a few weapon tweaks and additions I'd like to see such as making the flame thrower a primary, changing the minigun so that it is a powerful but stationary weapon, and so forth. Finally, I'd add the ninja rope and have it as a player and server selectable alternate for the jetpacks. The ninja rope would be capable of grabbing anything, including other players and would be lots of fun for knifers and sawers.

Offline MofoNofo

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Re: What would you do with an open source Soldat?
« Reply #51 on: January 10, 2007, 08:25:06 am »
I'd put heaps of minigames. Like mario party.
Then I'd put monsters you can train.. like pokemon.
Then I'd put a connection to that ps2 guitar.. so you can play metals on soldat.
Then I'd make everything in it change memory addresses every 1min. if thats possible.
Then I'd make it RTS except like soldat and worms except you have to click with the mouse to move.
Then I'd make it $70 USD and sell it in K-mart.
Then I'd put porn on it.
Then I'd masterbate to it.

Offline Bv

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Re: What would you do with an open source Soldat?
« Reply #52 on: January 10, 2007, 11:17:37 am »
Didn't see anyone mention the h4x thingy :(

Offline MofoNofo

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Re: What would you do with an open source Soldat?
« Reply #53 on: January 10, 2007, 09:27:12 pm »
Then I'd make everything in it change memory addresses every 1min. if thats possible.

Offline Hans Lemurson

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Re: What would you do with an open source Soldat?
« Reply #54 on: January 12, 2007, 05:33:14 am »
Code: [Select]
include_lag = 0 :D

(Oh, and also some teleports-tiles to make maps topologicly resemble swiss cheese on a bad hair day.)
May the Lag be with you.

Alt+F1 - F3 are hotkeys for your custom lag settings.
Alt+F4 will disable the lag entirely.

Offline MofoNofo

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Re: What would you do with an open source Soldat?
« Reply #55 on: January 12, 2007, 08:13:58 am »
I'd make hacking allowed so people wouldn't do it.

Offline AdamD

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Re: What would you do with an open source Soldat?
« Reply #56 on: January 12, 2007, 11:03:56 am »
I would make any sentence including "lag", "hack", "spray" etc instantly cause Soldat to consume all of the users RAM and cause them to blue screen.

Also, iPod support for Soldat.
vam; dicko
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Offline toRch

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Re: What would you do with an open source Soldat?
« Reply #57 on: January 12, 2007, 01:36:07 pm »
Also, iPod support for Soldat.
yeah, car driving and playing soldat at once would be very fun!

i would make everything scriptable, ideas arent my strength ;p

Offline The Philanthropist

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Re: What would you do with an open source Soldat?
« Reply #58 on: January 12, 2007, 07:24:25 pm »
Assuming I had the only version of the source, I'd delete it. The game is perfect as it is. 98% of these suggestions would shred Soldat. My god am I glad that MM has it, instead of one of us.

Offline 4X4

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Re: What would you do with an open source Soldat?
« Reply #59 on: January 13, 2007, 12:48:20 pm »
I would add classes:

Kickass clown


attack:NoSE gREnade

2nd attack: throw pie

uber gangsta masta

wpn: spray,the powa of teh musik

att: ubers gangsta music



attack:TOXIC gas

uber n00bz0r

wpn: none

att: kill me PLZ