Author Topic: Mancer's Ruger tips!  (Read 16479 times)

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Offline ultraman

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Mancer's Ruger tips!
« on: January 05, 2007, 11:15:41 am »
Let's start with the important stuff:
They were written entirely by Mancer. Please don't complain to me if you disagree with any of this stuff, as I didn't write it. I'm simply publishing them here to benefit the community. I did not modify them in any way before posting them, this is the original format that I recieved them in.
Having said all that...

..: The Rules of Aiming :..
Tutorial and tips recognized and inducted by Mancer.

Rule I : Adjustments

As the first rule, you must adjust your mouse speed in Soldat > Options to match certain variables you play with. These variables are:

- Whether or not you have an optical/laser mouse or a ball mouse

- If you play halfscreen or fullscreen

- How much desk space you have for your mouse

As comparison, I will give you my variables for soldat. I use soldat on halfscreen, with an optical mouse, and my mouse speed is on 30%

Q: 30%? Why so slow?

A: This is an estimate, but the lower the mouse percentage the less 'jittering' the crosshair gives you, so you can effectivley aim a lot better. This varies for some people. Though most of you know me as a ruger user, this tutorial is for ALL weapons, so I am confident when I tell you that the lower the better. I wouldnt go under 30%, though.

As a tip to get used to your newley lowered sensitivity, I would suggest going to about 65% first, and then work your way down, 60%, 55%, 50% until you get to a sensitivity thats confortable for you. At first, it will feel like a really fat guy is holding onto your crosshair, but you'll get used to it, trust me.


Rule II : Crosshair Position
The second rule is the most important rule of all, and the hardest to learn.

When aiming at your enemy, you know how you tend to look (with your eyes) at the enemy soldat, instead of your crosshair? You mentally adjust your crosshair based on where your enemy is. What you forget is that your CROSSHAIR decides where the bullets go, not your enemy! So why look at your enemy? look at your crosshair based on where your enemy is, not the other way around.

When you position your crosshair by staring at it, instead of staring at the enemy, you'll realize, "Holy ****, I've been putting my crosshair in the WRONG POSITION the entire time!" This takes a while to get used to, and even I am guilty of forgetting to do this sometimes.


Rule III : Overshooting and Undershooting

The term Overshooting means to position your crosshair very far behind the enemy, almost to the edge of your screen. The opposite of this is Undershooting, which means to put your crosshair too close to YOU.

Your crosshair wants to be within a 1 inch radius of your enemy. Sometimes close enough so that your crosshair turns red when you scroll on top of your enemy. Overshooting and Undershooting makes it so you shoot with an 'invisible sniper line' that you imagine in your head, effectivley worsening your aim. So, don't do it! Move your crosshair closer to your enemy.


Rule IV : Bink and Movement Acc 

Unfortunatly, Bink effects all guns. And so does movement acc (when you move, you bink). To counter bink and to help stop it, you can ease the pain by not running when you fire. What I mean is, when you fire, do not hold down the key that makes your soldat run to the left or to the right. You can be MOVING but not running. This is an optional rule seeing how its pretty tough to remember but if you do remember to do it you should experience less bink and more shots landing.


Rule V : Take Your Time

Some tend to think you should rush on any given chance you get. This is not the case. Take your time. Fire slowly, make sure each bullet has a good chance of landing before you are going to fire. Do not fire at enemies where you have very low chance of killing them, and unless you like spraying, don't spray because if you reload in the middle of a firefight you will be the one to die.

A good way of remembering to go slowly is to listen to your shots (if you have sound on). If your gun sounds monotonous and repititious, you are doing it wrong. Your shots should be random and jagged, so you can confirm that you are slowly aiming. Though in desperate situations this method is not reccomended (such as low Health)

Another good way of remembering is to consider each bullet to be worth 600$. You don't want to go wasting 600 dollar bullets, now do you? If you miss, thats 600 bucks down the drain. So take - your - time.


Rule VI : Vertical = Bad 

For this rule, think of 1,2, and 3 being measurements of difficulty. The hardest being 3 and easiest being 1:

3. Shooting Someone Virtically
2. Shooting Someone Horizontally
1. Shooting Someone Diagnoly

So what does that little chart tell you? That when you shoot at someone virtically, you are more likeley to miss than shooting at them horizontally or diagnoly. If you are in a situation where someone is above or below you, you have 3 options to pick from.

3. Wing it and try to kill them anyway.
2: Don't fire at all. Just wait until you get diagnoly to the person or horizontally to them.
1: Throw nades. If you have nades when you are above/below someone, USE THEM!

Now, which one is the easiest? Thats right. Throw nades when someone is above or below you. Don't have nades? Don't fire at all. You will probably miss and get caught in a reload. Diagnoly is the easiest place to kill someone because you are usually above them and can get headshots better than horizontally or virtically.


Rule VII : Optional Tactics

~ Wait

This rule is optional, but it can increase your chances of a kill if you chose to do it. A good tactic for killing someone is to wait until about 50% of their clip is emptied before you start attacking at all. When doing this, they will be caught in a reload faster and you have a better chance of killing them when they empty their clip. WARNING, almost 90% of the time, when someone has no clip, they begin to spam nades. So be prepared for nades if you decide to do this tactic.

~ Don't Start Firing Until...

Don't start firing until the enemy has been a good 2 second on screen. Why? This allows you to have time to aim and position your crosshair, giving a better chance of a hit.

~ Enemy is Speeding

If your enemy is moving very fast past you, wait until they slow down before you start unloading your clip. The faster they move, the more of a chance you will miss.


Rule VIII : Chill Out, **** Happens 

Getting angry only makes your game worse. You wont be flawless with these rules, so don't think you are going to be. Have fun, enjoy the game, and don't get angry. Once you get angry, **** gets broken. And when **** gets broken, you get even angrier.



Thank you for reading. 90% of the people who I've taught these rules to have since improved their game of Soldat. If for any reason you disagree with any of the previous, simply ignore it and do it your own way. This is how I aim, and if you want to aim like me, follow my rules. Practice makes perfect, so the more you do them the more fluent you will become at them.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2007, 07:12:47 am by ultraman »

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Re: Kryptonite's Ruger tips!
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2007, 12:07:17 pm »
There are actually Mancers tips, so the guy that gave it to you is just a wannabe. So i'll just edit it to give Mancer credit.

Offline ultraman

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Re: Kryptonite's Ruger tips!
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2007, 12:13:03 pm »
Sure thing, my mistake. Sorry Mancer  :-[
« Last Edit: January 05, 2007, 12:42:08 pm by ultraman »

Offline Rai-Dei

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Re: Kryptonite's Ruger tips!
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2007, 04:25:02 pm »
I can't belive krypt did that...

Offline Demonic

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Re: Mancer's Ruger tips!
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2007, 05:00:22 pm »
Mancer did it. Topic titled fixed aswell :p

Offline Chakra

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Re: Mancer's Ruger tips!
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2007, 05:23:23 pm »
man ...that reduced sensitivity percentage is gonna take some getting used to. Did just win a DM (usual gathering of unknown clanners and new fellas for good target practice) that was already half finished with it at 70%, which seemed mad slow compared to my usual 150%. can see the benefit of a lowered sensitivity, but i'm missing my lightning speed reaction.

I'm tempted to delete this to keep the population of rugertards minimal. The gun is popular enough as it is while also having to worry about 'sprayers' and 'campers'.
MM; seriously Chakra, stop the fisting
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Offline Twistkill

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Re: Mancer's Ruger tips!
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2007, 06:05:42 pm »
When I first started to try out the Ruger back in August, I wasn't landing too many shots. In only 2 weeks I was landing twice as many shots by simple practicing and learning it's bullet arc. :/ Maybe I just have a knack for learning new stuff? I was also complimented by several people in my first 2 weeks of playing; (April 2006) they said I was playing like someone who had been playing for a few months. Previously, I only used the autos and Barrett to make kills, but now I also use the Ruger, and I'm also trying to get the hang of the Spas to balance out my skills. ;) (Deagles are too hard for me, because of their high level of patience and aim required, and I'm not even going to bother with the M79 and Minigun.)

Even with all of that said...

Thanks a bunch for this guide, you Rugertard Mancer. :P

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Re: Mancer's Ruger tips!
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2007, 06:36:07 pm »
This topic should be deleted anyone can DL his tips through wiki or where ever else he posted them. Some of you are making it out to look like its so easy while its not. Go compete on a known league level and see how good you do against the best autos, barrets, etc these players possess..

Offline excruciator

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Re: Mancer's Ruger tips!
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2007, 05:46:55 pm »
ehm.... im a overshooter and I turned out fine

anyway great tip, its also good for other weapons
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Re: Mancer's Ruger tips!
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2007, 07:39:04 pm »
The 30% sensitivity is retarded, Unless you have a sizure you should be steady enought to have atleast 110% sensitivity, IT IS SO SLOW how do you expect us to not undershoot or even aim at all when you can't turn around because of slow crosshair. That is a really really bad tip.

Everything else is good and all, not much you wouldn't pick up after about a year of play.
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Re: Mancer's Ruger tips!
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2007, 09:13:07 pm »
You have to go down in sensitivity gradually as Mancer said. Going from 100% to 30% in a day is way too drastic and, and it won't be effective at all. If you do it slowly, you'll get used to it more easily, and you'll soon think of 30-50% as normal. I use 35% myself, and it's very useful for keeping my aim steady. For me, it's much more efficient than 100% ever was.

Offline Twistkill

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Re: Mancer's Ruger tips!
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2007, 09:42:13 pm »
You have to go down in sensitivity gradually as Mancer said. Going from 100% to 30% in a day is way too drastic and, and it won't be effective at all. If you do it slowly, you'll get used to it more easily, and you'll soon think of 30-50% as normal. I use 35% myself, and it's very useful for keeping my aim steady. For me, it's much more efficient than 100% ever was.
Exactly. I started around 110%, then I went down to about 85%, then I got down to 55%, and now I'm using 30%. It has improved my aim. ^_^

"A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult." -Proverbs 12:16

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Re: Mancer's Ruger tips!
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2007, 10:19:27 pm »
wow I'll try that!
Always remember the succubus...

Offline Mancer

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Re: Mancer's Ruger tips!
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2007, 10:55:40 pm »
The 30% sensitivity is retarded, Unless you have a sizure you should be steady enought to have atleast 110% sensitivity, IT IS SO SLOW how do you expect us to not undershoot or even aim at all when you can't turn around because of slow crosshair. That is a really really bad tip.

Everything else is good and all, not much you wouldn't pick up after about a year of play.

"If for any reason you disagree with any of the previous, simply ignore it and do it your own way. This is how I aim, and if you want to aim like me, follow my rules."
I have a Mac so I can't play with you guys no more :(
(psst MM make a Mac version)

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Re: Mancer's Ruger tips!
« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2007, 02:50:42 am »
I have 20 sensitivity, and my aiming, and mouse movement is just fine. When you change your sensitivity, it will seem "retarded" and unnatural because your so used to a higher set of sensitivity. In my opinion, the lower sensitivity helps with aiming and precision. It also helps to have a huge mousepad. ;)
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Re: Mancer's Ruger tips!
« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2007, 05:59:35 am »
I just lowered from 180%(!) to 100%. Damn it's hard, but with 5% a day, this could work. The only problem is that if someone passes me, I can't shoot him in the back fast enough :)

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Re: Mancer's Ruger tips!
« Reply #16 on: January 07, 2007, 01:10:11 pm »
spam by Skilled deleted


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Re: Mancer's Ruger tips!
« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2007, 01:18:24 pm »
I just lowered from 180%(!) to 100%. Damn it's hard, but with 5% a day, this could work. The only problem is that if someone passes me, I can't shoot him in the back fast enough :)

Its better to just drop down to your target percentage. Otherwise it will take you longer to get use to. After about a week (if that) playing everyday you get used to it.

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Re: Mancer's Ruger tips!
« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2007, 01:50:24 pm »
Yeah it's gonna take a while. Makes close range combat a lot more difficult at first too.
MM; seriously Chakra, stop the fisting
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Offline n00balici0us

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Re: Mancer's Ruger tips!
« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2007, 03:35:14 pm »
How the hell do you guys play with such high sensitivity >_>

Just playing with 90% feels like my mouse is whipping everywhere out of control. It's like...impossible to keep steady aim.
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