Author Topic: This is my opinion on the beta balance.  (Read 5490 times)

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Re: This is my opinion on the beta balance.
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2007, 09:12:53 am »
Please sytrus. A lot of beta testers are against the idea of public balancing. I wanted to keep it for democratic reasons. If you're going to post opinions of hatred based on lack of know-how then you're going to make brickie lock this section down.

AK's bullet still packs the biggest punch. That's 8% more over the closest contender - minimi. And there are three attributes that affects the damage output, not just one. Also if you don't like ruger being a 1-hit killer then stop playing realistic. And the chainsaw's fireinterval had to be changed. It's not much better than trying to stab somebody with the knife.

Clawbug, happy christmas
« Last Edit: February 03, 2007, 09:15:06 am by 5th_account »

Offline Sytrus

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Re: This is my opinion on the beta balance.
« Reply #21 on: February 03, 2007, 09:57:49 am »
I said, I don't wanna offend anybody. I just said my oppinion, and me as a player of this game needs to be telling my oppinion, otherwise the beta testers are screwed. And the ruger isn't only a One-hit-kill in realistic with the new balance. And how can you say that my oppinion is based on a "lack of know-how"? I said that I simply don't want the AK to loose it's balance because all of the guns are already way too weak. And the AK is simply supposed to be the really strongest of all autos, wich is balanced with a low fire interval. Lower the fireinterval and there would be some better balance, then taking more and more of the weaponpower out. I already see myself standing in front of an afk opponent shooting a whole clip at him.....Not 1.3.2., but (though it will propabely never come out) 1.3.5 or stuff, if it keeps on going this way.

When I faced an opponent in 1.2 and opened fire at him while passing by him, he was dead when he was behind me in 8/10 times. Now in 1.3.1 already, in 8/10 times I ran by him and he's still alive, there to pwn me in my back.

It's getting annoying, the weapons don't have enough power anymore, so it shouldn't be lowered again.

That's my oppinion and no offense to the beta testers, who do a really good job.

Offline M.rSnow

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Re: This is my opinion on the beta balance.
« Reply #22 on: February 03, 2007, 03:25:05 pm »
Minigun Gotta be inproved.
Zitron stats
Look! its the lowed weapon on the prim kill list! Even fists are above it!
Lapis: You need a vacation or a bullet though the head both works just fine by me.

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Re: This is my opinion on the beta balance.
« Reply #23 on: February 03, 2007, 07:19:26 pm »
Minigun Gotta be inproved.
Zitron stats
Look! its the lowed weapon on the prim kill list! Even fists are above it!
Guess why? Because a lot of servers dont even have it on the list. And why? Because it's a typicall spraying weapon. You can't really kill with it, you cann only force back.

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Re: This is my opinion on the beta balance.
« Reply #24 on: February 08, 2007, 04:51:44 pm »
Orly? I haven't noticed and iv visited some server (9/10 on the lobby) Still it ain't good.. it cant only be for spraying!? That's just sick.
Anyway look at this.
No, it doesnt >_> look at that:

// Changes from default -> this
// Deagles :   dmg +1, reload -8
// HK MP5 :   dmg -2, reload +10, bink +9
// AK :      dmg -10, fireinterval -1, moveacc +1, bink +18
// Steyr :   moveacc +1, bink +13
// Spas :   speed +1, fireinterval -1
// Ruger :   dmg +2
// M79 :   speed -3, bink -5
// Barret :   moveacc +1
// Minimi :   dmg -1, moveacc +1, bink +34
// Minigun :   dmg +2, bink +2
// Socom :   dmg -1
// Knife :   --
// Chainsaw :   fireinterval -2, speed +6, reload +60, ammo +100
// LAW :   reload -60

Okay, I'll pick it apart for you:

// Deagles :   dmg +1, reload -8
This seems pretty okay to me, maybe the reload is too fast.

// HK MP5 :   dmg -2, reload +10, bink +9
This is the first that I don't like: The best exemple for how weapons loose power. Why did the MP5 get -2 dmg? I don't understand that, killing takes already way too much time, in conclusion, all the weapons should get +5 dmg from where they are now.

// AK :      dmg -10, fireinterval -1, moveacc +1, bink +18
OMG! WHY? This is the most cruelful thing to me. The AK is supposed to be the strongest Auto in the game! But this balance absolutely screwed it all up. No offense to anybody, but this is the major flaw of the whole balance.
Well thats the fu**ing point!! It is a BALANCE the AK isnt supposed to be the strongest in the game. There isnt any weapon who is supposed to be equal. the must have theyr differences but still they must takeout eatch other (if players dont have some teamwork).
// Steyr :   moveacc +1, bink +13
Overpowerd.Because the other Autos lost all of their dmg, they're equal or even below the Steyr, wich TOTALLY screwed the balance.
// Spas :   speed +1, fireinterval -1
This is very okay in this new way

// Ruger :   dmg +2
Not this. The Ruger can already be a one hit kill if you're lucky, but now it's become way more often. It should loose a lot of it's dmg, simply because it'll become a C2K weapon.

// M79 :   speed -3, bink -5

Here, the reload needs to be a lot longer.

// Barret :   moveacc +1
Yeah, this is okay I'd say.

// Minimi :   dmg -1, moveacc +1, bink +34
This is also pretty good. But the bink should be lower a bit.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2007, 05:05:40 pm by M.rSnow »
Lapis: You need a vacation or a bullet though the head both works just fine by me.

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Re: This is my opinion on the beta balance.
« Reply #25 on: February 08, 2007, 05:02:39 pm »
So after playing on the beta server a bit, the only thing I can really see is that the AK is incredibly, incredibly good. However, I only played a bit, and even then it was just messing around and on non-standard maps, so I hesitate to speak any more about the balance. My one strong opinion that I came away with is that lessening the ROF and increasing the damage on the AK again is a better idea than turning it into what it is on the current balance.