Shoozza chatMod
(Version 0.1-0.3 for Soldat 1.3.1 only)
(Version 0.4.0.x for Soldat 1.4.1 only)
(Version 0.4.1.x for Soldat 1.4.2 only)
(Version 0.5.0.x for Soldat 1.5.0 only)
ChatMod is a extension which adds new chatting features to soldat.
When you run Soldat the extension is automatically loaded into memory.
Features:animated text-cursor (can be moved with left/right arrow-keys)
typed text appears at cursor-position
Del and Backspace removes text at cursor-position
text can be pasted with ctrl+v (at cursor-position)
filtering of non allowed /wrong displayed chars
switching between cmd: and say: with pageup and pagedown
text appears in a blue rectangle
home-, end- and del-key functionality
cursorcolor, cursorblink, backgroundcolor, Chatmod enable/disable, HudTransparency and backgroundTransparency can be changed in inifile
known bugs:ESC wrongly clicks on elements in menus if mouse is hovering them
Access violations on PgUp/PgDn when writetext is not visible
todo:Any ideas?
Screenshots v0.1: -1- -2- Screenshots v0.2: -1- -2- -3- -4- Screenshots v0.3:no screenshots
MM and Flab allowed me to post that tool here.Changes in v0.2:fixed taunt bug
fixed alt+F-key bug
fixed rectangle and cursor are no longer visible at bullettime
added holdkey feature (DELkey, left and right arrowkey)
added home-, end- and del-key functionality
added config inifile
added cursorcolor option in inifile
added cursorblink option in inifile
added backgroundcolor option in inifile
added Chatmod enable/disable option in inifile
added HudTransparency option in inifile
added backgroundTransparency option in inifile
added greeting message
Changes in v0.3:fixed keys are no longer added when opening console after sending to console while cursor was not at end
added selection of written chars with shift + arrowkeys/home/end
added backspace/delete keys support with selection
added ctl+x for cutting written text
added ctl+a for selecting whole written text
added ctl+v support for selected text
added charkeys replace selected text
added color and transparency for selected text
added insertkey functionality
added ctrl+arrow support (works with space (' ')only)
added /hide /show and /server commands (it doesn't work with tautns - sry)
modified greeting message
Changes in v0.4 (alpha):added unicode support
added custom fontsize support
added support for screen res bigger 640x480
added autoupdate
added soldat versioncheck
added /news /update /time /credits command
added compatilility mode handling (no unicode + charfiltering + rect size)
added mouse selection
added weaponsmenu disable on ctrl+tab
added ansicopy option in inifile (allows copying of ANSi instead of UNICODE)
modified ctfl+v without need to press chatkey
modified charfiltering (unicode support)
modified rectangleposition/size/length calc
modified adding chars to (write)console (unicode support)
modified copy, cut, paste chars (unicode support)
modified adding text to console (unicode support)
modified greeting message
fixed ini/exe Path calculation
fixed cursorpos bug with fast typing
fixed shift + arrowkey handling
fixed possible memory leak with adding text to console
Changes in v0.4.1 (alpha):added ctrl + tab and alt + tab for disabling weaponsmenu
added arrowkey up+down message history support
added experimental q,w,e,r second weapon choose (works only after next death)
Changes in v0.4.1.1 (alpha): (now unavailable)
added Version info to dll file
added history / cmd support
readded mouseselection
readded ctrl+v writeconsole open + paste support
improved arrowkey up+down message history
removed qwer second weapon choose (due to BE problems)
removed alt+tab / strg+tab weaponsmenu diabler (due to BE problems)
Changes in v0.5:note chatMod 0.5 is an almost complete rewrite of chatMods code.
added support for soldat 1.5.0
added insertmode drawing support
added jumping to next and previous word
added del and shift+del support
added backspace deleting support
added selection support
added insertmode support
added color support for cursor
added background color drawing
added writing at cursor position
added pasting with shift+insert
added cursor positioning support for soldat pasting
added cursor positioning support for nick completion
added better pasting detection
added text deselection keys
added deletion support of selected text with backspace
added deletion support of selected text with del
added chars replace selected text
added selecting with ctrl+a
added support for ctrl+c
added support for ctrl+x
added support for coping selection
added support for command/say chat switch keys
added ctrl+backspace deletes text in front of cursor
added ctrl+del deletes text after cursor
added disable weaponsmenu for next respawn with ctrl+tab
added no weaponsmenu visibility change with alt+tab
added deleting next/previous word with ctrl+del/backspace
added using ctrl+shift+del/backspace for deletion till end/start
added ESC key hides chat
added color support for selection background and cursor
added HUD transparency option (can be changed in ini file)
modified default update urls for ini files
modified credit list updated
fixed stability issues
fixed flickering text background rendering on keypress
fixed wrong cursor position after taunt
fixed cursor doesn't jump to next word on ctrl+arrow when there are multiple space
fixed selection gets replaced with non char key presses
fixed unicode characters displayed wrong
fixed bug relatig to maximum chat text length
fixed issues with getting soldat folder location
Changes in v0.5.0.1:added ESC hides team chat
fixed drawing at wrong place with custom Soldat screen resolution
fixed wrong cursor positioning on team chat
Changes in v0.5.0.2:added cursor blink support
fixed wrong rendering on compatibility mode
fixed starting soldat with -mod commandline argument
Changes in v0.5.0.3:added taunt switching after alt has been released
added notepadlike transparent cursor blinking
fixed added space on alt press when text equals taunt message (Soldat bug)
fixed command taunt makes tauntswitching impossible (Soldat bug)
fixed F1 menu player name/score etc are not visible in DM and RM (Soldat bug)
Changes in v0.5.0.4:fixed Soldat stops drawing after logout or UAC popup (Soldat bug)
fixed access violations on empty lines in taunt file
Changes in v0.5.0.5:fixed Access violations on PgUp/PgDn when writetext is not visible
Changes in v0.5.0.6:added custom colors for demo playback
added font drawing access violation fix
Old installer download:
Download v0.4.1.1 (from detects chatMod as a d3d8 hook.
When you want to play on MSAC protected servers please delete chatMod or rename it temporarily if you want to use it later again.