Author Topic: Why do people Hack  (Read 14926 times)

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Offline Clawbug

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Re: Why do people Hack
« Reply #40 on: February 18, 2007, 02:18:28 pm »
People hack when they think that they have no other way to win. This kind of people can not stand the fact that others are better than them. In other words, arrogant people hack. I am not generalizing that other do not, or that all arrogant people hack. To be honest, I am somewhat arrogant, and yet 100% against hacking. I like to do the stuff in the harder way, in the more respectful way.

Other thing that making hacks for Soldat is laughable easy. :/ And the ones who make hacks, promote others to follow them, providing tutorials and hints&tips for the newcomers.

Wll, other than that, there are hackers who do it just for fun. Do it privately. Do it for learning purposes, for testing, trying, and not to ruin others game, they do not release their hacks, they do not use them online. They just spend some time learning how stuff works, how hacks work, try to make their own hack, make it better, add new features. Stuff like that.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2007, 02:20:24 pm by Clawbug »
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Offline M.rSnow

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Re: Why do people Hack
« Reply #41 on: February 18, 2007, 03:04:56 pm »
My thougths aboute hacking:
  • The people who uses it is  A*sholes
  • The migth have osme thing against the game
  • I Kill most telehackers more than they kill me
  • I hate em all
  • They don´t get kicked/banned if you kill them
  • Anti-vote hackers are the worst
  • It some one told me theres a hacker going on the street i whould jump out the window and beat him to his death
  • I wish that 1.3.2 will be totaly hacker free.
Thats my thougths (think whatever you want)
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Offline Tinky Winky TKer

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Re: Why do people Hack
« Reply #42 on: February 19, 2007, 07:12:23 am »
My thoughts, why people want to hack:
  • They are BORED!!!
  • They can't play and try to be cool
  • They test anti-hack system for MM ;D
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Offline The Red Guy

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Re: Why do people Hack
« Reply #43 on: February 19, 2007, 07:41:27 am »
My thoughts, why people want to hack:
  • They are BORED!!!
  • They can't play and try to be cool
  • They test anti-hack system for MM ;D

Offline Carlitos

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Re: Why do people Hack
« Reply #44 on: February 19, 2007, 10:42:31 am »
People hack because those people suck at playing soldat, so they use hacks to win, but 70% of times they always loose and get their ass kicked
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Offline Jæson

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Re: Why do people Hack
« Reply #45 on: February 19, 2007, 01:11:34 pm »
I think this comes from deep within their own minds. They put it forward themselves that they must use hacks, that they need them. Whether or not they're better with them usually doesn't cross their mind until someone brings it up in-game.

Truth be told, I would like to see a hacker play a normal game without the use of his magic. It'd be like a puppy biting the ankle of a wolf. That is, if he has played with hacks for too long or has just gotten too used to the style of hacks.

I think this problem is mostly psychological, because in their minds they think with them they are better than everyone else, or they do it sub-conciously, ignoring the main topic of being bad at a game, and make up doing it for laughs or some other b.s. reason.
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Offline I_AM_GOD

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Re: Why do people Hack
« Reply #46 on: February 19, 2007, 01:56:28 pm »
they like the power, the attention, the fact that everyone is focucing on them and getting mad. oh and the fact that 99% of the votes dont work becuase too many ppl do auto f11
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Offline M.rSnow

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Re: Why do people Hack
« Reply #47 on: February 19, 2007, 02:54:39 pm »
Auto F11? Third party program? Or is it just an reaction?
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Offline Clawbug

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Re: Why do people Hack
« Reply #48 on: February 19, 2007, 04:05:35 pm »
Auto F11? Third party program? Or is it just an reaction?
I do almost always F11 in publics, unless I am sure that the one is hacking. Being good does not mean they are hacking.
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Offline Tinky Winky TKer

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Re: Why do people Hack
« Reply #49 on: February 19, 2007, 04:09:21 pm »
Anothe dumb vote:
Voter: I always forget their names
Reason: Flame hax
I've just picked up Flame God in Deathmatch!
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Offline JohnCena

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Re: Why do people Hack
« Reply #50 on: March 29, 2007, 02:43:10 pm »
I think that some of th ehackers fell insecure about their skill and want to hack and some of them just wants to try hax to get amused.
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Offline Jæson

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Re: Why do people Hack
« Reply #51 on: March 29, 2007, 04:16:20 pm »
Hey Cena, next time you want to post in a topic make sure the last post date isn't almost two months ago. This is a really old topic and it shouldn't have been bumped. Please, always check last posts dates before posting a reply.
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Offline Blue-ninja

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Re: Why do people Hack
« Reply #52 on: March 29, 2007, 04:29:30 pm »
Browsing the internet to find the question to why hackers hack, I found one:

"Hackers hack to experience a whole new way of playing the game. Some even possibly view it as a challenge since hacking something is new and strange to them."

Offline Mangled*

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Re: Why do people Hack
« Reply #53 on: March 29, 2007, 05:20:15 pm »
I think in all reality hackers hack because they get a kick out of annoying other people.. And doing that through the internet is something so simple and so easy to get away with.

Just like spammers in chat rooms, or people who make viruses.

I've never tried hacking in any games, and I hate hackers with a vengence.

I consider myself to be somewhat of a hawk-eyed anti-hack crusader in soldat.. I can always tell when someone is hacking, even when it's too subtle for others to notice. It comes with experience.. Having played Soldat for just shy of 5 years now, and having observed how players move and how the game runs, I find it easy. - I can even tell between speedhacks and the infamous crouch bug.

Always, as soon as I spot a hacker I reach for the menu key and votekick them.. What annoys me alot is where other players simply won't press f12, even when they're against hackers (or claim to be)...  I don't know if it's them just automatically voting f11, or doing so because the hacker is helping their team win.. I don't know..

I wish it was possible for repeat offenders to be permenantly banned on soldats lobby server..

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Offline Crimson Goth

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Re: Why do people Hack
« Reply #54 on: March 29, 2007, 05:27:10 pm »
I don't think hackers really care what others think about them. They just hack to entertain themselves. People hack just as often in off-line games. You guys are making it sound like hackers are hacking to get your attention. They don't hack for YOU they hack for themselves and for their own amusement. People get bored of the game so they hack to make it more fun for themselves. All things get boring eventually, people crave variety.

he pretty much nailed it.

Offline Kavukamari

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Re: Why do people Hack
« Reply #55 on: March 29, 2007, 07:58:08 pm »
what do they hack (in the game)
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Re: Why do people Hack
« Reply #56 on: March 29, 2007, 08:12:29 pm »
This topic is now about: Why do people bump OLD TOPICS

Offline Silverflame

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Re: Why do people Hack
« Reply #57 on: March 29, 2007, 09:02:25 pm »
maybe they didnt see the post date?  ???

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Offline Sytrus

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Re: Why do people Hack
« Reply #58 on: March 31, 2007, 09:21:05 am »
This topic is now about: Why do people bump OLD TOPICS
Because they are not allowed to make a new one.

Offline Exterminans

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Re: Why do people Hack
« Reply #59 on: March 31, 2007, 10:37:35 am »
hackers are noobs xD because they can't play without hacking (they suck ^^)
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