Author Topic: I feel sorry for laggers...  (Read 3860 times)

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Offline noobishness

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Re: I feel sorry for laggers...
« Reply #20 on: June 20, 2007, 07:18:06 am »
Lately I've been going on high ping servers just for the hell of it. It's funny how when I'm lagging like crazy, everyone complains and tries to get me kicked, but they don't mind going to other servers and lagging. They're such delightful little children.
You should have been good enough to kill me, but you weren't. Instead, you were killed by noobishness.

Offline Xxypher

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Re: I feel sorry for laggers...
« Reply #21 on: June 20, 2007, 07:25:54 am »
Yes, Mofonofo is right.
Lag issue has been really almost fixed, you still can't play with 1000 but yea, who cares.

Once you get past 300 ping you start sending slow data to the other computers causing that player to jump around the screen and almost be unhittable cause you have no ideawhere they are...