I DID NOT create this mod and only ADDED things into the mod.
This modification is simply a re-furnish of Papasurf31's UTubermod
which can downloaded here
http://soldatmods.edgegaming.com/integramod/dload.php?action=file&file_id=268Back to the subject, i have added 2 new features into his mod to fully make this into an awesome UT 2003 part 2004 mod.
They are:
-weapons.ini files (both realistic and unrealistic) with weapon configs from UT2k3/2k4( as some weapons in Papasurf31's mod are from 2k4)
-changed weapon sound files to UT2k3 gun sounds and added new files ranging from character to environment sounds
NO screenshots will be shown as i have only added config and sound files.
Therefore, in favour of Papasurf31,
heres the download link: