Great. Yet another another fight between Major and DC because of a simple misunderstanding and the urge to insult each other. :/ But I have to agree with DC.. a little. Major, you gotta write more than one sentence describing your suggestion. Otherwise people end up bashing your thread like now, and like a few threads before.
Did anyone notice the irony?
Yeah, it's all over his comment:
Alright now, let's all give each other a hug and get back on topic.
I support this idea. Spectators should either have minimap always enabled regardless of what server setting is, or there should be 2 separate lines for enabling/disabling minimap for spectators and non-spectators.
Why? Because minimap is often the only way to make spectating fun. For that purpose a minimap would be especially helpful on R/S servers where you have to spectate a lot, and where minimap is often disabled. Not to mention non R/S servers that have that issue.
If they want to spy - they will. Even if minimap is off - it won't stop them.
By the way, in 1.5.1 spectator's chat won't be visible to non-spectators.
wtf if it's disabled then it must be for a reason
That reason usually goes for players that are actually playing. It doesn't always apply to spectators.
naked grannies
I have to agree on that one.