I had time to spare this week, so I thought I'd fix some old and annoying issues.
* Fixed
bug #264 where you could hold down the fire button during reload to bypass the startup time.
* Fixed
bug #188 where you couldn't move while proning and reloading.
* Fixed
bug #129 so you can't throw away your weapon while still in the weapon switching animation. Especially annoying for knife users.
* Fixed
bug #176 where the flag wasn't thrown in the direction you were looking at when reloading.
* Fixed
bug #210 where a lot of animations would cause the bullet not to be fired in the direction you were aiming at.
* Fixed
bug #180 so you can only throw one nade when holding down the nade key, and increased the minimum time you need to hold the key before it's released by ~7%. Hopefully this should eliminate most nade accidents.
* Fixed some sound "popping" under heavy CPU load.
* Fixed some apparent randomness and strange behavior due to the push from bullets not being applied as expected.
* Modified chainsaw to only shake the screen when it's hitting flesh.
* Various minor bug fixes mostly having to do with bink and self-bink. Semi autos can now also use self-bink through the weapons.ini. Might be interesting to try on the Barrett instead of such a slow fire rate? Hmm.
Still no beta ready though. =(