Hello folks!
fist I have to apologize for not posting the devlogs, I know you noticed it.
Anyways here is the latest devlog:
* Fixed pressing multiple conflicting keys (reload, throw grenade, throw weapon, change weapon) should only perform the latest key pressed
* Fixed some beta 1 issues
* Fixed some beta 2 issues
* Modified decreased the freecam movement deadzone so the sudden speed change won't be as abrupt
* Fixed server crash when downloading files
* Prototyped usage of SDL2 for Soldat
tested bindings for object pascal
looked for possible binding which could be used in Soldat (license compatibility issues etc)
* Tested lua bindings for pascal on the same prototype (just for fun)
* Released beta 1 (takes so long to do :<)
* Released beta 2
There were 2 beta releases as you probably noticed and there was quite a discussion about the changes to the movement system.
We had internal talks about it and I had some long talks with players as well.
Thanks for the feedback guys, you know I have an open ear when it comes to such stuff.
The changes to prone cancel will be reverted for 1.6.6. But we will look into it for 1.6.7 and try to find a solution which makes everyone happy, or ok most of the people (reality check, meh).
I know that it's frustrating at times and I want to make sure we don't cause too much drama but it's not always possible.
I also worked with players on documenting the prone cancel move and there is a Soldat movement guide in the works so that's good.
The release of Soldat 1.6.6 will happen really soon, I'm not sure if we need another beta to confirm that the movements are fine so we will see.
So that's it for now make sure you join the SCTFL!