Since there was a beta release last week we had to collect and handle player feedback.
The forums were more active (like expected) and ExHunter was going most (if not all fixing).
There will be another beta this week.
We didn't get much feedback on the weapons part yet so that will probably not change in the next beta but check out the feedback thread if you want to help us with it. worked mostly on 1.6.8b1/previous bugs:
- Added cannot vote message for command /votemap
- Modified SC3 type TOnKillEvent declaration to procedure(Killer, Victim: TActivePlayer; BulletID: Byte)
- Fixed #491 health bar shows empty if health health exceeds limit
- Fixed #582 TOnWeaponChangeEvent does not hold valueable data
- Fixed #584 TActiveObject's Style is 0 (Flags)
- Fixed #585 TPlayer.OnFlagDrop Flag.ID can't be accessed or duplicates
- Fixed #586 Player.Alive := FALSE deals damage (doesn't always kill)
- Fixed SC3 TMapObject.Style results to be the same as in wiki
- Fixed SC3 WorldTexts non static position if scale interface is deactivated
- Fixed "no map has been voted." message if vote has been successful
- Fixed ban on bots in singleplayer mode should return a kick message
- Fixed to not start vote for voting client if server rejected the vote
- Fixed successful map votes did not change the map
- Reverted "Modified SC3 type TOnKillEvent declaration to procedure(Killer, Victim: TActivePlayer; Bullet: TActiveMapBullet)"
- Fixed website issues
- worked on build scripts to release the 1.6.8b1
- Released soldat 1.6.8b1
So this is it so far more next week