People bitch even now, only difference would be additional word in their post containing "devs got donation"
But what we can do right now? Only talk about it. This is our only option for now. We not gonna make any decisions.
And yes we know that its still MM game, and this small "bug" actually is reason where Soldat is now. Instead of keeping good game alive, its was like dumping old bike in park.
Because no one for past few years didnt thought about Soldat future. No one thought about Soldat in a bit wider perspective.
No one thought: "Hey! Soldat is cool game, players like it, but people start talking about all that HD crap, they like nice looking stuff. So maybe to keep game alive we could slowly remake it to fit new trends". Exactly what you doing now, but it should start back then not now.
Because making game is just half of work. You can work your ass off, without any free time for yourself, and you end with game played by 10 people once per week. Keeping player base flowing, sticking to some new trends in games to make game playable for new players, its second part of it.
Its not the first project and not last that Im watching, massive amount of games end in trash because people forget that game is more that this, you need advertising and sometimes show something new to keep it alive.
Game can have bugs and problems and people would still buy it {cough}assassin's creed, ARMA, half of crap from GreenLight{cough}. But as far as you spam about it and keep it fresh you dont need to worry about it that much.
Also why not getting help from users? Its the same as donations.
Ask for ads, banners, new remake maps, graphic, scenery... Anything that can be made without looking Soldat under the hood.
Because you know why no one make anything for soldat now? Because people realize that no one gonna use it as default.
So why not ask people for it? Give them guidelines, post what you need, simple examples, overview.
Pick best one, polish it a bit if you need... and small work is done.
People made all that before by their own will but they stopped, because no one care, So give them sign that you care and you are willing to put their work in game.
Look at latest Sipar Menu mockup and Ccalp interfaces... they did it for free in their free time... and they would be happy like little puppy if they would know that they can make something that would be used in game. Just say exactly what you need. Make guidelines... and wait for it.
And advertising?
The same, most of you know each other, so it would be even easier to pick few people, because is not 24h work, once per few days you would write/spam a bit on other sites and forums about soldat. the same time you would spend here on forum.
Prepare info about next release, overview of Soldat that can be put on other sites and forums, pic some graphic and ads made by user.
Write to game sites and forums about Soldat, Spam a bit about it on social media.
Talk with some sites with free games to set small tip/news about soldat.
If you would prepare proper soldat port for linux you could talk with some small linux dist. devs like Linux LiteOS to set Soldat as a default game in it, and you could advertise their system in game/site/forum so everyone would be happy. Most of those small linux dist are made by one or few normal guys that also look for new users. Even small info with link in greetings popup after installation would be good.
Make visible for everyone list of what is made now, and to do list. People like to know that is going on.
There so much possibilities, but you need to think if you would stick to current plan of making soldat, or you would make it more community project?
Because its now or never. With every month there is less and less people here and in game, So if you would not get this plan now... you gonna end with game played by 5 or less people once per week.
Because for now its look like you think that 1.7 would refresh Soldat a bit, and you keep all your hopes in it. Im not that sure about it to be honest, because what is point of refreshed game if no one know about it and most important part where players spend 90% is almost the same?