It wouldnt if I wouldnt write some critism... (better than just congrats)
-Some weapons are too small and some are too big in comparsion to others - Chainsaw is the smallest
(OICW is too big) ...but as I look once again its like they are in two styles - some bigger some smaller.
-If it isnt necessary cut the too much dark parts (pixels) out or replace them with something more bright - I hope you didnt use black (0,0,0)
-SG 551 doesnt looks too much like one. (But it has got really nice metalic shading.)
And now. My personal tastes. The OICW is hell sexy. MM1 GL is neat too and you made the metalic shading perfectly. RPD is cool and the brown on wood parts is pretty realistic and nicely shaded. US socom is great, love that. RPG-7 is nice too and its rocket looks beastly.
P.S: didnt play it so I cant tell the weapons gfx and sounds.
Overall - 7.5/10