Author Topic: Soldat Configuration Help  (Read 7326 times)

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Offline homerofgods

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Soldat Configuration Help
« on: November 04, 2013, 08:42:54 pm »
Soldat Configuration Help
STAY Vertical Sync OFF
Vsync is used to synchronise the output of your graphics card with the display of your monitor.
When your graphics card has finished rendering the next frame it waits for the monitor to finish displaying the current one before switching to the new one. This means that the maximum framerate you can obtain will be equal to the refresh rate of your monitor (which is usually 60hz, 75hz, 85hz, or 100hz). If you disable Vsync then your graphics card will continuously render without waiting for the last frame to be displayed in its entirety. With fast graphics cards this means that your monitor may switch to a new frame halfway down the screen. This effect is known as tearing as there appears to be a visible line separating two different halves.
*Using this at the same time as fps limiter, may cause FPS issues.
STAY Animated Scenery ON
Allows seeing animated scenery on maps that use animated scenery
REMOVE Dithering ON
Only relevant when using a color depth of 16bits.
Creates a dissolving effect when fading between neighbor colors.
More about dithering:
Smoothen hard pixel-ish polygon edges
*Antialiasing doesn't work
Reported in the bugtracker:
STAY Fullscreen OFF
More info needed

REMOVE Windowed mode resize %: 0

0% = no resize; 100% = fullscreen
If you want a lower resolution in windowed mode you can scale it up to fit your screen.

STAY Fps Limit ON-500
Limits FPS (Frames Per Second). Some players have reported that setting this can reduce stutterissues. Some others need to uncheck it to get a smooth experience. Try both.
*Using this at the same time as Vertical Sync, may cause FPS issues.
REMOVE High Resolution Timer ON
Uses a high resolution media timer as base for the FPS limiter.
It's a timer with a higher accuracy which costs more "CPU" when calculating fps and fps limits.
*This timer isn't available on old Windows versions (pre Windows 2000).

Video Adapters: AUTO DETECT

More info needed

REMOVE Bitrate 32
Sets the color depth of the game.
*Better left at default
REMOVE? Refresh rate ?
*MM confirmed that this option actually does nothing at all
Reported in the bugtracker:
<skoskav> If you're using fullscreen and don't have compatibility mode enabled then the refresh rate is being picked up and stuffed into DirectX
<skoskav> but Average and High does the same thing
<skoskav> Default does something different
AUTO-DETECT Resolution
640x480 - Standard soldat resolution
854x480 - Soldat 1.6.0rc1added support for widescreen resolutions, which means you are able to see a wider area of the map, but to keep widescreen from being too OP, player is not at the edge of the screen, meaning the extra view will be behind you, not in front of you.
STAY Scale Interface ON
Scales the interface images to your screen resolution
*This is also used to emulate malfunctioning fullscreen mode on Windows 8.


REMOVE Sound Quality HIGH
More info needed

REMOVE? Sound Output Type: AUTO-DETECT
More info needed

REMOVE? Sound Driver List: AUTO-DETECT
More info needed

REMOVE Particles on screen Max
Limits the particles showing on screen.
There's a setting in soldat.ini where you can set the number of particles even lower than 'Even less'. If you set it at its lowest (Max_Particles=43) you will sometimes not see jetpacks or explosion images if there's a lot of action going on.
*Better left at default
STAY Render bullet trails ON
Renders a trail after a projectile, making it easier to see the projectile trajectory. (Doesn't apply to knives)
STAY Render weather effects ON
Enables rain, snow and wind.
*If turned off you will still hear the sound of weather effects
Reported in the bugtracker:
REMOVE UNLESS RECODED Render smooth polygons OFF
Draws edges around polygons. The image used is located in soldat\textures\edges and has the same name as the texture used for the map.
STAY Render background scenery ON
Turns on drawing of scenery set behind players and polygons.
REMOVE File logging OFF
Saves log files with information about what happens in the game.
STAY Auto record OFF
Automatically saves a demo of every map you play.
STAY Show Death Console ON-7
You can customize KillConsole_Length= in soldat.ini
*Since the rendering of fonts is slow in soldat, turning it off can result in an increase of fps.
REMOVE Network
This whole tab can be in sildat.ini only
REMOVE Video Compatibility OFF
MM said it might help in some cases, but nobody seams to know exactly what it does.
REMOVE Force Software OFF
Runs the game without hardware video acceleration. Graphics are rendered by the CPU. Doomed to be slower, only use this if it doesn't work without it OR if it somehow magically is faster.
REMOVE UNLESS REWRITTEN Fix black screen during power-ups (ATI cards) ON
Old ATI graphics cards would sometimes draw the bonus overlay for berserker, flame god, and predator without the alpha (transparency) value, making the screen appear blank. This option disables drawing it completely. Use it either if you're playing on a potato or if you dislike the overlay effect.
REMOVE Troubleshooting: FAQ
Link is dead

DOES IT WORK? Backbuffer Count 2
When you render things, you're actually rendering to a backbuffer. After you finish rendering a single screen, you flip this buffer so that it's visible on the screen.
You can have more than 1 backbuffer. Just using 1 is called double buffering, 2 is triple buffering, and 3... I dunno, let''s call it  quatra-buffering.
In a double-buffered system, you wait for the vertical retrace of the monitor before flipping. This makes sure an effect called "shearing" doesn''t happen. However, you could be waiting a while before the flip takes place since 1 surface is being shown and 1 surface was just drawn. However, if you're on a triple-buffered or more system, you don't have to wait until the flip happens to draw the next frame. 1 surface is shown, 1 surface was just drawn, and in the wait to flip those two surfaces you can render your next frame to another surface. Using more buffers obviously takes up more memory.
*Better left at default
Plays intro.sdm demo on startup

REMOVE Clanmatch OFF
Team colors are based on first player in team

STAY Automatically take screenshot of final game score OFF
Mandatory in some leagues such as SCTFL

Press F5 after Killing/Dying and you can view+save that special moment! (Disabled in 16bit Bitrate)

DOES IT WORK? Texture Filters
Changes how the pixels of the map texture (and scenery textures?) are interpolated when the textures are stretched.
*Better left at default
DOES IT WORK? Resolution filters
Changes how pixels of the render target texture are interpolated when the texture is stretched over a screen area that has a different resolution than the resolution of the texture itself.
*Better left at default
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

The Gamer's Graphics & Display Settings Guide:
Win7 64' FPS issues?
Dramatic frame-rate drop after "F1" button?
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
I started the project of gathering information about the various config settings a while ago, and I've had help from other people:
(Fryer, Shoozza, Skoskav, Zakath, Dutchflame, MrBungle, AimlessArrow) <-- If I forgot someone please tell me.
 If you have additional information or corrections on one or more of the settings please don't hesitate to share, but keep the thread clean from unnecessary comments.
If you have questions you can ask them here or contact the devs in #soldat.devs @Quakenet
« Last Edit: November 11, 2015, 11:16:30 am by homerofgods »

Offline urraka

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Re: Soldat Configuration Help
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2015, 12:16:40 pm »
Some notes on the new 1.7.0a version:

Right now it's hard coded to be ON.
This is also relevant to remove banding in gradients. It helps on backgrounds mostly, although it may give a "sand" feel to it because it uses a 8x8 pixel pattern to alter the RGB values (See difference

Will be properly added later. Maybe instead of ON/OFF we'll need like other games do MSAA=0/2/4/etc.

I would keep this option because every game has it. It also might help in lower end systems to avoid the resize to native resolution pass that otherwise would be needed in "windowed fullscreen".

Windowed mode resize %
This doesn't work anymore and similar (or same) effect can be achieved by playing with Screen_Width/Screen_Height vs Render_Width/Render_Height or just using Fullscreen=2.

Fps Limit
For some reason this has a lower cap of 60fps right now. Should we allow to limit to less than that? I'm not sure why this cap was there in the first place.

High Resolution Timer
Don't switch this off.

Video Adapters
With OpenGL you don't get to choose the video adapter. You can change this through OS/driver settings I think.

Bitrate/Refresh rate
These options are completely ignored right now but could be properly implemented I suppose. They would be relevant only on fullscreen (fullscreen is the only option that will change display settings).

Scale interface
This only changes the size of game HUD graphics so they look similar to how it looks in 640x480. I don't see how it could "emulate" fullscreen.

Render smooth polygons
This have been slightly improved already (see for example old ctf_Death in 1.6.8 vs 1.7.0a The color will more correctly match the polygon vertex color basically. I wouldn't remove this option because in some maps it does look better. It's still far from ideal though, suggestions to improve it are welcome.
Also, this was a performance killer before but not anymore.

Show Death Console
The font rendering system has been completely replaced so maybe remove that note there. With that said, rendering less will be always faster than rendering more.

Video compatibility
This isn't used anymore and probably won't be used.

Force software
OpenGL doesn't have a software rendering option. Might be added later with a D3D9 renderer but doubt it would ever make anything better.

Fix black screen during power-ups (ATI cards)
The name of this option is kind of misleading. It just enables/disables the overlay used to change screen color when you pick up predator/flamegod/berserker.

Backbuffer Count
This is not used anymore. I think it's kind of Direct3D specific. I would just stick to normal double buffered anyway.

It should work fine and 16bit won't make any difference now. Does anyone use this option though? I only found out about it while reimplementing the graphics code. It's very annoying in my opinion. Every time you kill someone or get killed you will have a blinking text on the bottom saying "press f5 blabla".

Texture/Resolution Filters
There are only 2 filters supported now: point (aka nearest) and linear. It looks better with linear filter but it's slitghly more expensive than nearest, so only relevant on shitty PCs (or if you like the shitty look :P).
Right now, if you choose "none" it will use nearest and if you choose "anisotropic" it will use linear.
"Texture" actually covers *all* images rendered (map, scenery, sprites, interface, etc).

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Re: Soldat Configuration Help
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2015, 09:51:14 pm »
Nice, thanks for the breakdown.

Any ETA on when these will be implemented/fixed?

Offline homerofgods

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Re: Soldat Configuration Help
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2015, 06:25:10 pm »
Some of the text may be out of date now that the renderer is fixed.
We used this thread as a tool to get an overview of the different configurations in relations to maybe cut down on unnecessary settings.
If we were to remake the whole GUI for example we'd need to know the most important settings to keep, but nothing is planned yet.

Offline CCalp

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Re: Soldat Configuration Help
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2016, 12:21:30 pm »
Moderated: Unstickied. I will set it as sticky again once all information is up-to-date. Thank you for understanding.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 01:18:57 pm by CCalp »