I see, this mod have some potential, but you dont see few things.
1. Interface-gfx/Guns1 Little too big
Law (Portable Sile) is too big, it's very disgusting when from one side looking ok, but another you have this at head as somekind of custom-turret.
Weapons-gfx1 are too big, after throw, they looks as normal guns
2 can be better
3 doesn't looking as at interface
4 -+-+-+ same
5 better, but need some improvements
7 need some corrects with design and functionality (invisible, when you throw)
8 need more work, colors etc.
9 looking good, but make better handle part of weapon
0 Not exactly same as at interface
x1 one side looking same as dual version
x2 one side is wrong, little too dark
x4 weapons is oversized, this cause some bugs= you have this weapon at shoulders
Dont use more black color than neccessary in weapon-gfx
Some bugs with gosteks.