to everyone. Am I really that bad of a person?
In no particular order...
MM - This doesn't even need explanation.
echo_trail - Can be occasionally flamey, but otherwise quite a respectable person.
Flab - For putting up with us.
His tolerance level is high, and he helps almost everyone he can. Plus, he's pretty much the godfather of the entire U13 community. Come on, how can you not like him?
Toumaz - Always respectful, always willing to help. Great person, and he should be a moderator in the future.
Chakra - Incredibly witty, but rather cynical... kinda like Maddox.
SadistAtHeart - Great guy to have around, honestly.
VijchtiDoodah - One of the more intelligent forum members we have the pleasure of having around here. Also, his avatar is one of my favorites. Let's hope he never changes it...
Anna - Although she apparently is rather biased against men somehow, she's probably smarter than the majority of us here... she's almost like the female version of Vijicht.
jrgp - Never seems to insult anyone, or maybe he gets insulted and never retaliates. Very composed.
Graham - Humble man who worked at Wal-Mart. He's cool.
chrisgbk - Really knows what the hell he's talking about. I mean,
really knows.
Kazuki - Again, a respectful member whom I appreciate.
Law Gamer - His writing style reminds me of someone I know on the Metanet forums... both of them are devoted Christians, as well. Can be very long-winded in debating.
Keron Cyst - Huzzah. He should already know what the reason is.
SDFilm - Reminds me of echo_trail... fellow Minimi user!
Wraithlike - Excellent MS Paint skills... also respectable.
Dascoo - Only because we both have similiar computers and are Canadian.
Sirjamesaford - Something about this guy makes him really cool... I don't know what it is, perhaps it's his writing style, but I like this guy.
Mangled - Created the Soldat Enhanced mod. It's amazing, to say the least.
numgun - For creating the ERA mod 6.0. One of the best that I've played.
Smegma - I don't know why, although he can be rather vague, he's an intelligent man.
a 4 year old - Okay, this guy is very pessimistic, and he can be very insulting, but I still enjoy reading his posts... for one reason or another.
karmazon - Read a 4 year old's reason.
EnEsCe - The server developer, and very knowledgeable with the errors involved in Soldat and servers themselves. Unfortunately, I think he's an asshole sometimes...
I am sure there are more people I have forgotten, but I'm tired right now...
I honestly don't dislike anyone at the moment... except possibly L/, but that's because he's a troll.