Author Topic: Post you list of approved mods!  (Read 1788 times)

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Offline -Skykanden-

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Post you list of approved mods!
« on: November 17, 2007, 12:52:54 pm »
Better than make different topics, so put them there!!!


Days of war - Slayer DZ
Warzone - Slayer DZ and Will
Neo Soldat - Papasurf
Neo Arsenal Cut-Out [just a show?] - Papasurf
Modern Firearms MOD - COBRA
Ma Secret Project.... - -Skykanden-
Planetside Mod - -Skykanden- [needs to upgrade]
Soldat Armageddon Creations - Yamo
Tactical Soldat - Shivorken
Predator - Mangled*
Project Larzus - Henito Kisou and Temp3st
Epic Wars [should be finnished] - Bunny, Temp3st, Espadon, -Skykanden- and other helps
Crismonland Mod - Lord Frunkamunch
W40K mod - Deadeye Rob
Universal Forces - PaFel
.·´¯`·Deadly Project last page·´¯`·. [another show...] - Dairy
« Last Edit: November 17, 2007, 01:17:10 pm by -Skykanden- »

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Re: Post you list of approved mods!
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2007, 01:05:15 pm »
1. Soldat Reborn by Slayer DZ
2. Days of War I by Slayer DZ
3. Warzone 1.0 by Slayer DZ
4. Special Operations 2.0 by Field Marshal
5. World War Two: The Complete Sage by Field Marshal
6. Warhammer 40,000: Bigger Booms by Deadeye Rob
7. Gears of War Mod by FlagshipVG
8. Tactical Soldat by Shivorken
9. Soldat Enhanced by Mangled*
10. OriginalSoldier 1.9 by Mr Killer (RFL)
11. Eradication Wars 6.0 by numgun
12. Night Forces by PaFel
13. LandWarrior 2.1 by Taehl
14. Planetside Mod 1.0 by -Skykanden-
15. Rainbow 6: VEGAS by Dairy
16. Crysis Mod (Beta 1) by blackdevil0742
17. Crimsonland mod 1.1 by Lord Frunkamunch


Dang, i forgot about Lazarus Project :D
It's good too :) Was one of my first mods :D (like user, i don't make it :D)
And about Soldat Armageddon Creations... i've never heard of it :D *d/l* :D
« Last Edit: November 17, 2007, 01:13:43 pm by Freedom »
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Re: Post you list of approved mods!
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2007, 03:46:23 pm »
In no particular order, here are mods which I think are good:
Special Operations 2.0 by FMBM
Assassin Mod by Sam
Last Bullet by R0L4ND
CSoldat 2.5 by Mentos
Day of Defeat by Mentos
Soldat Enhanced by Mangled*
Heretic Soldat II by Ivan
Eradication Wars 6.0 by numgun
Mecha Soldat 2.3 by Ivan
World War 2: TCS by FMBM
Halo XP by PapaSurf
Hitman 2 by BManx2000
Soldat AC by yamo
Killing Arms 1.3 by Wraithlike
LandWarrior 2.1 by Taehl
Modern Firearms (beta) by Dairy
SUPERMAWD! by Rambo_6
Hardwar: TACTICS! by Bladerunner (for the awesome config program, mostly)
Rainbow 6: Vegas (beta) by Dairy
Oldat (based on Evolved, but still good) by PapaSurf
Soldat Evolved (new) by MZ
Land Warrior 2.0 by PapaSurf
Metal Slug by FMBM
Militias Reborn / Militias by Rambo_6
Killzone by Vltava
Killzone (beta) by tetnis shot ninja (no images, trust me on this one)
Aliens vs. Humans (beta) by tetnis shot ninja (same here)
Modern Firearms 2.7.5 by COBRA
Modern Weapons by Vltava
Soldat Reborn by Slayer DZ
Kashi by Vltava
4891 by Vltava
Trigger Happy by Vltava
Neo-Soldat by PapaSurf
Nerf Mod 2 by BManx2000
Perfect Dark by Anna (yes, she mods and programs)
Red Faction 2 by BManx2000
Soldat Source by PapaSurf
Special Force by ZeRo
Ultimate CS mod by BManx2000
UT Uber mod by PapaSurf
Blood II by Urhos
CelDamage by Atticus
Warhammer 40000 by Deadeye Rob & friends
Tactical Soldat by Shivorken
WarPaint (link broken) by Rambo_6
Futuristic Mod Valhatros by Valhatros
Quake 3 Arena by Serial Killer
48 mods and climbing.

I'm probably making my biases clear here, so PM me if you want me to give your mod another, closer look. I'm probably just being a xenophobic asshat.

EDIT: WH4K, Tactical, Militias on here added
EDIT2: WarPaint
EDIT3: Futuristic Mod Valhatros
EDIT4: Quake 3
« Last Edit: November 19, 2007, 05:09:00 pm by xtishereb »
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Offline -Skykanden-

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Re: Post you list of approved mods!
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2007, 07:54:46 am »
xtishereb... lets see if tomorrow i can be in your awesome list :] My mod is coming... And i'm working hard to the ''Chrismas Project' a projecta that i left on the air adn i never finished it... :]
ah I can't see the images from tetnis shot ninja :P

Offline Aarni Valkea

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Re: Post you list of approved mods!
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2007, 11:37:00 am »
I haven't been here very long, so my list of approved mods is short:
Soldat Evolved
Killzone mod
Deadly Project
(yes, i'm too lazy to link them or write down the creators ;))

You're releasing a mod soon, Skykanden? That means I can't post mine or i'll be lost below the titans :/ Well, atleast I got some time to upgrade it :P

EDIT: To keep it clean, answering through here: It was actually the warzone mod, got mixed with the names. Skykanden: I'm not working on the apocalyptic mod now, though I will redo it before chrismas (hopefully with a map).
« Last Edit: November 19, 2007, 02:28:32 pm by Aarni Valkea »
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Offline Mangled*

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Re: Post you list of approved mods!
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2007, 01:18:59 pm »
I think we should limit this thread to one post each... no replies.. otherwise it will just be chaos...

I'll edit this post when I've compiled a list.
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Offline -Skykanden-

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Re: Post you list of approved mods!
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2007, 02:16:47 pm »
Aarni... you can do the weapons better, but at the moment looks quite nice! :] i will play it, the ini looks funny, and don't like a lot the deagles replacement... :P
Hey... that Killzone mod, what one is?