Internet friendships. Sounds gay after reading right? Not in the way some of us do it. Take one overly huge spraying hard-core soldat clanner, text_killer, take a minesotan moderator with slaver ancestors, n00bface, and take your humble forum troll with moderator powers, me. Mix it up with alcohol, and you get last friday: the first ever transatlantic Soldat meet-up.
N00bface was going around Europe with his mother ( a very nice lady ), and dropped by in Budapest, Hungary. Their room was the same as Putin and Bush was at, in the heart of the city: after text and me picked him up and chatted with his mom. Next stop: Szimpla kert!
n00bface is intellectual.
text is... a bit less intellectual.
His head is nice to rub though, you should all try it.
After drinking some sparkling water with soda, we were a bit drunk and decided to write a message for xurich, another Soldat player.
Artists at work.
xurich <3
we also got raped in foosball by some camping aimhacking haxing bastards
Me with n00bface. This is
These guys are hardcore. THEY PLAY SOLDAT.
He really did lick my face later on.
We were a bit drunk. A bit.
n00bface made some friends!!!
There are more pictures but I cba to link them all in. My life is awesome. And n00bface is awesome.
p.s. you all suck dicks.