Author Topic: Soldat 2057  (Read 7851 times)

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Offline Gnoblar

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Soldat 2057
« on: May 21, 2008, 11:53:23 pm »
OK. You may have read that I am making amap pack for futuristic games. well I'm making a mod for it. The mod is roughly %50 done. I have all the weapons modded, and have also edited their power, not just the look.

It is set in 2057 AD, and will be released along with my maps. Screens will be posted ASAP (Probably tomorrow).

Offline Boots

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Re: Soldat 2057
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2008, 01:49:50 am »
Oh my fucking god

Seriously, im not going to give a fuck, because your another idiot who can't post there mod in the right place. How hard is it, to read. This is were full mod's go, not discussion about mods, not half finished mod. Full mods. I would'a thought some of you could atleast figure that out, with out some moron pointing it out for you. Jebus bloodeh christ.

/end rant.

Your unlucky, im just really annoyed at the amount of people that do this. Good luck, can't wait to see what you've done.
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I think she's serious
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Offline Hair|Trigger

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Re: Soldat 2057
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2008, 02:36:36 am »
If your gonna have screens ready tomorrow why post it NOW ?

Player since late 2007

Offline Evil Noob

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Re: Soldat 2057
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2008, 03:35:52 am »
If your gonna have screens ready tomorrow why post it NOW ?
Exactly >_>

Offline Pie

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Re: Soldat 2057
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2008, 03:39:21 am »
hype? Although screens are, pretty much, the sole generator of hype for a game/mod. you're off to a rocky start.
Lol, internets.

Offline Magus86

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Re: Soldat 2057
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2008, 03:54:25 am »
Maybe he posted it here because when it's done it will be a full mod, as in change everything or close to everything... That's what Full mod means to me. A mod that's totally done is not necessarily a full mod. I could have made a mod that changes one gun skin, and nothing else. if it's completed, it bleongs here??? Are you retarded? that's called a COMPLETE mod. this is not the COMPLETE mod section, it's the FULL mod section. I'd say my mod counts as full because I changed weapon names, sounds, skins, gostek, interface, cursor, pretty much everything... The only thing I didn't change is the chainsaw and the law ingame sprites. Now quit yer twatin'. Heaven forbid someone who's new to this place doesn't know all the friggin' rules... Why does every single internet forum I've ever been to have to be full of elitist snobs with their heads up their almighty asses?

You dick, it's not hard to read, but when you don't even use the right feckin word to describe what's meant to be posted in the forum, how do you expect people not to make that mistake? And of course, rather than maybe say "hey could you not post this here? It doesn't belong in this forum," you start cursing at him and giving him hell immediately. You, sir, are an asshole.

HEY LOOK WHAT THE SITE'S DESCRIPTION OF THIS FORUM SECTION SAYS: "When you take the effort of changing all (or most) of the stuff that you can change in soldat, your mod goes here," Not only are you a fecking asshole, you're also WRONG!!!! I don't see anything that says nobody can discuss mods that haven't yet been made here.

Now feck off, and leave him alone. 

Just in case there's any confusion, that was directed at boots...
« Last Edit: May 22, 2008, 04:01:33 am by Magus86 »

Offline Gnoblar

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Re: Soldat 2057
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2008, 04:43:15 am »
OK. I'm sorry. I didn't realise not posting a picture or two would cause so much flaming. If you really want, get a moderator to delete this topic and then I'll make another one when it's complete. I just thought I would tell everybody that I'm making it. I didn't mean to annoy anybody.

Thanks for sticking up for me magnus86.

Offline Pie

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Re: Soldat 2057
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2008, 06:42:52 am »
Maybe he posted it here because when it's done it will be a full mod, as in change everything or close to everything... That's what Full mod means to me. A mod that's totally done is not necessarily a full mod. I could have made a mod that changes one gun skin, and nothing else. if it's completed, it bleongs here??? Are you retarded? that's called a COMPLETE mod. this is not the COMPLETE mod section, it's the FULL mod section. I'd say my mod counts as full because I changed weapon names, sounds, skins, gostek, interface, cursor, pretty much everything... The only thing I didn't change is the chainsaw and the law ingame sprites. Now quit yer twatin'. Heaven forbid someone who's new to this place doesn't know all the friggin' rules... Why does every single internet forum I've ever been to have to be full of elitist snobs with their heads up their almighty asses?

You dick, it's not hard to read, but when you don't even use the right feckin word to describe what's meant to be posted in the forum, how do you expect people not to make that mistake? And of course, rather than maybe say "hey could you not post this here? It doesn't belong in this forum," you start cursing at him and giving him hell immediately. You, sir, are an asshole.

HEY LOOK WHAT THE SITE'S DESCRIPTION OF THIS FORUM SECTION SAYS: "When you take the effort of changing all (or most) of the stuff that you can change in soldat, your mod goes here," Not only are you a fecking asshole, you're also WRONG!!!! I don't see anything that says nobody can discuss mods that haven't yet been made here.

Now feck off, and leave him alone. 

Just in case there's any confusion, that was directed at boots...
And if you would be as kind as to read the rules, you would see that it also is stated not to post mods that are under construction. You understand that, Construction right? Like as in, Oh look, that building is UNDER CONSTRUCTION as in it is currently being built and is somewhere between, started and complete.

No one is saying that he WILL NEVER complete it, they are saying that IT ISN'T completed, and therefor goes in a different section. And if you took the time to read the post and understand what he initially meant, you would be able to comprehend that because a wave of bollards have been posting incomplete mods in the COMPLETED MODS GO HERE section, and as it is a trendy thing to do, you know, flaunt the rules, every one and their dog has begun to do it. So really it was a case of you got the short end of a particularly knobbly stuck up your arse as a result of your own misunderstanding. You, Mr self righteous i'm better then you, and hence the irony of me calling you an elitist can learn to shut up and realise that he was in the wrong, that does not by any means make the statement correct, or the way it was said correct in anyway.

I'm sorry for the rant, but I feel that all this tomfoolery is getting us no where and that this particular thread should be locked. Try and post your incomplete mods in the proper section next time, no harm done but.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2008, 06:56:30 am by Pie »
Lol, internets.

Offline Gnoblar

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Re: Soldat 2057
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2008, 06:58:05 am »
OK. I didn't read the rules. I'm sorry. Remove this thread, lock it, what ever. Just STOP argueing around me instead of saying something simple like "This is the wrong board, put it in <insert appropriate board> instead". Stop saying "He" and tell me what to do so I don't start these silly rants.

Offline Evil Noob

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Re: Soldat 2057
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2008, 07:00:41 am »
I guess Boots kinda discouraged u huh. >_>

Offline Magus86

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Re: Soldat 2057
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2008, 12:54:57 pm »
Uh... Okay, so if the rules say that only completed mods go in this forum, then it should be called the COMPLETED mod section, not the full mod section. It shouldn't go in the partial mod section if it's going to be a full mod but isn't yet completed. I'm not the one who doesn't know how to name and describe my forums properly. And besides, if it doesn't belong here, then why don't the mods get off their lazy asses and do something about it?

And I'd like to know how trying to tell snobby elitist pricks who live on these damn forums to leave someone who made a mistake alone or at least tell him nicely what he's done wrong is being a snobby elitist prick... I never said or implied anything about being better than anybody. I see this kind of bullbollocks everywhere I go, and I'm sick of it. Everybody hating on newbies for making a few mistakes that they were never told about in the first place. It all boils down to this: if he did something wrong, then fine. Let him know. Just don't be such a feckin prick about it. All that does is discourage people and turn them away.

EDIT: Either I'm blind,  or your reading comprehension is non-existent... how do you get "do not post incomplete mods here" out of this???

"First of all, this forum is for NEW mods only. Help requests go to the help forum and the rest (ideas, input, etc.) to the general one.

Golden rule (you should know, valid for all the forums): don't spam, flame or revive old threads for no reason.
If someone breaks a rule, it's not needed that more than 1 person reminds him how to behave correctly. It counts as spam.

Of course, stolen/ripped/edited mods aren't allowed.
You can rip and edit, as long as you don't claim as your work some images you found on google and/or resized, give credit to their original author/source.
If you want to edit a mod of another member of the community ask for his permission.

Screenshots are required!

Do not revive dead/old topics unless they are your own. Even so, you will still need a proper reason to do this, such as updating a mod. If you have comments/questions about old topics, PM or e-mail the creator.

Possibly, list what the mod changes."

^copied from the rules thread for this section of the forums^

Perhaps you should backup your claims, seeing as they're wrong so far. This section is not called the complete mod section. it's called the full mod section, and nowhere in the "posting rules and guidelines" does it even say anything about complete or incomplete mods. And the section's description says nothing about that either... So if you really think you're right, then prove it... link me to these rules that you claim are there. If you can do that, then I'll drop it and shut up.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2008, 01:07:26 pm by Magus86 »

Offline Magus86

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Re: Soldat 2057
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2008, 02:35:51 pm »
You can sit there and twat at me all you want and tell me I'm wrong, but the fact remains that FULL and COMPLETE are not the same thing, and besides that, it never says anywhere in the rules that I found that you are not allowed to post a work in progress, so go suck a big fat cock, and learn to label your forums correctly. feck you, I don't care if you've been here longer than I.

And I really like how someone whose english sucks is trying to feckin argue with me about what an english word means. And by the way, Dairy, your M-16 shape sucks.

I'm not trying to sound like jack bollocks, and I never said anything about any damn war, but I'm sick and tired of seeing the same bollocks everywhere I go.

And for the last time, I said I didn't care whether or not people like my mods... that doesn't mean I don't care about anything at all...

Whether or not this topic should be moved depends on how much of the game he's modifying, not whether or not it's finished.

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Re: Soldat 2057
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2008, 02:56:47 pm »
Magus, I agree with you. Sorry for being such an asshole. I love you, love your work, your attitude. You're just so inovative ,great and so cool. How dare I bother you ? Shame on me.  :'(

Offline Espadon

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Re: Soldat 2057
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2008, 03:40:58 pm »
Calling in a Papasurfstrike... Hopefully we can start seeing some custom titles soon.

Just kidding... But really, this forum is for finished full mods. Please don't announce WIPs here because a lot of times WIPs don't get done for a while or get dropped.

We're being really picky about this because it's only going to cause more and more noobs to post WIPs here and therefore pollute the forum. So please respect the conventions... Magus... you haven't been here very long and you don't understand the customs. Please wait your turn.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2008, 03:46:45 pm by Espadon »
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Offline Magus86

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Re: Soldat 2057
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2008, 03:44:48 pm »
Oh shit, here comes the "I know everything about you from spatting back and forth on a forum" BS now... Dairy, you are the most intelligent being ever... How did you guess I was a kid? Oh wait, that's right. I'm not... my attitude is like a pile of shit because I tried to tell someone not to be a complete prick to somebody for doing something he didn't know was "wrong," and isn't against forum rules anyway??? Nice logic, you jackass.

You don't have to talk about what I made. I don't need some almighty forum god to tell me about my own mods. unlike your M-16, mine actually has the right shape, and where the fuck are the trigger guards(or the triggers, for that matter) on almost all of your guns? The magazine well does not stem from the pistol grip, and your shit is out of proportion. And I really don't care if my stuff sucks. It doesn't, but if it did, it wouldn't make a difference to me. I don't know if you've noticed, but I've only been making soldat mods for about a month, if that. I made my Rogue Spear mod in about a week. How long have you been modding? how long have you been working on your COD4 mod?

And as for Espadon, since even though he hasn't come to bitch at me just yet, I'm sure he'll be here sooner or later to flame me, he's been working on his fucking halo mod for "a few years," according to his thread... So good job, it takes you years to make a mod when I can complete one in a week or two. You guys are so amazing, I only wish I could be as cool as you... fucking douchebags. Oh shit, I guess I spoke too soon. There's Espadon now...

If you don't want works in progress posted here, THEN POST THAT IN THE FUCKIN RULES AND/OR CHANGE THE NAME OF THIS SECTION TO COMPLETE MODS. HOW HARD IS THAT? It doesn't say that now, so until you fix it, you can only expect people to make what you see as a mistake.

I don't care how long I've been here, and would you learn how the hell to read and stop calling me Magnus? There is no N in my name. Get it right.

Offline Espadon

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Re: Soldat 2057
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2008, 03:47:29 pm »
Sure, changed it. I'll also bug Surf to get the forum descriptions assraped for you.
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Re: Soldat 2057
« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2008, 04:34:33 pm »
I don't think a simple "I started a topic in the wrong section" deserves that much flaming.(boots).

still I say coodos magus for sticking up to the newcomer. shame on boots for flaming one. But still I think we should have all dropped in right there instead of adding more bs to the topic.
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Offline Wraithlike

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Re: Soldat 2057
« Reply #17 on: May 22, 2008, 06:05:08 pm »
* Wraithlike bashes head his against the wall.

I'm sorry. I have nothing against you Magus, but you're wrong. The following answer the questions and solve the problem.

Right now, he has no mod, just an idea.

Front Text:
When you take the effort of changing all (or most) of the stuff that you can change in soldat, your mod goes here. (don't forget to read the stickies)

From the Rules:
First of all, this forum is for NEW mods only. Help requests go to the help forum and the rest (ideas, input, etc.) to the general one.

Screenshots are required!

From Partial Mods section:

Front text:
This section is for graphical modifications that change only a part of the game, ranging from silly headgears to nuclear arsenal. Sound mods and mods in progress also go here.

From the rules:
Works in progress can be posted here, as long as you have a decent screenshot.

Offline Magus86

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Re: Soldat 2057
« Reply #18 on: May 22, 2008, 06:33:36 pm »
Yes, I see that he has no screenshots yet, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be here. It shouldn't be here YET, but when he has at least some screenshots, as long as it will be a full mod, It should go here. Yes, I see that the partial mod section mentions posting WIPs in it, but this one has no rules saying that they SHOULDN'T be put here. And that wasn't my main point in the first place. Tell him politely to post it elsewhere, or just leave it alone. when he makes some progress, I'm sure he'll post it. Just don't be a total dick to him the second he makes a mistake. Can somebody please tell me why that's so hard? Why do some of you insist on being such assholes about this? So maybe I was harsh in my backlash, but the original bollocks was harsh in the first place. Now we see there was a misunderstanding, and the rules aren't entirely clear. Complete and Full aren't the same thing.

Yes Espadon, the descriptions SHOULD be changed to say what the hell you guys really intended them to MEAN. If you don't say what you mean, how can you expect someone to get the message? Besides that, what makes you think if he thinks it should go here, he's gonna check the rules for any other forums to see where it really belongs? Is he supposed to make two separate threads? one to announce that it's coming, and another to show it off once he's made some progress/taken screenshots?

Whatever, I'm probably just waisting my energy typing this. The assholes will continue to be assholes, rules won't get changed so they're clear to everybody, and people will keep getting flamed.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2008, 06:44:11 pm by Magus86 »

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Re: Soldat 2057
« Reply #19 on: May 22, 2008, 07:47:37 pm »
If your gonna have screens ready tomorrow why post it NOW ?
Anticipation my boy!
Make your Coca Cola fresh!