Author Topic: Sniper Retical  (Read 3353 times)

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Offline japes

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Sniper Retical
« on: October 14, 2008, 07:44:47 am »
You know how in other video games there is the reticle with the lines representing the accuracy based on how fast you are moving? Why not have that for the barrette in Soldat? The reticle wouldn't have four lines (obviously) because Soldat is a 2-dementional game. I suggest having a two vertical lines representing how inaccurate the shot could be. When you started moving, the lines would separate and when you slowed to a stop the lines would contract. when you move the reticle away from the character the bars would again separate and when you brought it closer they would again constrict. Since not everyone will want this feature, it would be possible to "uncheck" it in the options tab.

Another idea concerning this:
Instead of the target constricting to represent reload, why not just have it represent accuracy? Most people have memorized the time and if they haven't, just take a peek down at the reload bar. Once again this would be an option.

This idea may have been posted before, so let me know if it has.

Give feedback please. Try to be polite.   :)

Edit: Every once and a while I see the target dialate, but it doesn't correspond with movement or reload time, so I'm kind of confused about that one.
Edit: Ok now I get it. It's a bink meter. Kind of like getting dazed for a sec.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2008, 11:42:58 am by japes »

Offline tehsnipah

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Re: Sniper Retical
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2008, 07:47:56 am »
I don't really know what you're talking about, but the aim circle tells you how inaccurate it is. When the circle gets larger, it's more inaccurate and have lower chance to hit the place you desire for.

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Offline japes

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Re: Sniper Retical
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2008, 07:57:42 am »
I don't really know what you're talking about, but the aim circle tells you how inaccurate it is. When the circle gets larger, it's more inaccurate and have lower chance to hit the place you desire for.

Every once and a while I see the target dialate, but it doesn't correspond with movement or reload time, so I'm kind of confused about that one.

Offline ~Niko~

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Re: Sniper Retical
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2008, 07:58:37 am »
I think that when you are skilled, there's no need to know where the heck will go the bullet if you are binked, plus I already know that, and I aim depending on it, no need for this, just practice.

Offline Pie

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Re: Sniper Retical
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2008, 08:00:13 am »
I don't really know what you're talking about, but the aim circle tells you how inaccurate it is. When the circle gets larger, it's more inaccurate and have lower chance to hit the place you desire for.

he/she means a bink meter.
As in, if you move, the aimer will increase on your screen, showing you by exactly how much the aim will differ. By using two lines, it will indicate the possible varying distance the bullet could travel in;
 Â                                                                   --
Person ->
 Â                                                                   --
The two lines would move depending on if you were stationary, or if you were moving, I.e The more you were moving, the further apart the lines would be and the more inaccurate your shot would be.

It's a decent idea, but it would need a code change as opposed to an interface change, and i dunno if Enesce would be bothered to add it...
Lol, internets.

Offline japes

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Re: Sniper Retical
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2008, 08:07:12 am »
^Pie has the right idea^
My original idea used vertical lines, but horizontal lines do look like they would fit better next to the redicle. They also show a more defined point of accuracy.

Thank You.

Offline Gotfryd

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Re: Sniper Retical
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2008, 09:57:02 am »
I don't really know what you're talking about, but the aim circle tells you how inaccurate it is. When the circle gets larger, it's more inaccurate and have lower chance to hit the place you desire for.

It does show how binked/selfbinked you are, but it does not represent movementAcc. I agree that size of cursor could represent MovementAcc also.

Offline KYnetiK

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Re: Sniper Retical
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2008, 11:51:21 am »
It would be nice if it represented overall accuracy onscreen (meaning all bink and moveacc), esp for beginners. If one had a total representation of accuracy, one could learn how to offset their aim based on the scale of the cursor properly.

Even though many of us have learnt how to baz already, its not a bad addition, although i suspect its more likely to have the cursor scale as it does now, only take into account moveacc aswell.
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Offline japes

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Re: Sniper Retical
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2008, 12:03:16 pm »
I think that when you are skilled, there's no need to know where the heck will go the bullet if you are binked, plus I already know that, and I aim depending on it, no need for this, just practice.
I understand that experience is pretty much everything when it comes to skill, but I thought this would help peticularly to find the speeds where it is practical or impractical to take a shot. Also with this feature you can decide if proning while airborne helps with accuracy. I don't think it does. Keep in mind, if this was added, it wouldn't be forced on you. It definitly would be an option.

What do you mean when I am skilled?  :P
Since the update which caused the barrette to change accuracy with movement, I have been trying to find the most efficient speed. I've tried proning while airborne, but that doesn't seem to help. Eventually I came to believe that the only way I could use the barrette would be to wait untill my character stopped before I fire. Of course, this didn't last long. I later learned that if you hover in the air and stay nearly stationary you still get a shot pretty close to the perfect shot that you get while proning or standing still. I didn't use the barrette much untill snipe and slice came out. I've been playing Soldat for 4 years, but really haven't been appling myself to the barrette as much as I am now.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2008, 12:17:30 pm by japes »

Offline Noobinabox

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Re: Sniper Retical
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2008, 01:57:36 am »
Well, if you're a skilled barrett-user, you'll be able to aim in a fashion that will maximize your chances of hitting the target, even if you're binked heavily.

As for shooting without movementacc, just let go of all the keys the moment you shoot.
Another tip: get as close to an auto if you're stuck with them in an enclosed space (i.e.tunnel). Your gun does more damage, and if you're point-blank, bink doesn't matter.

I, for one, would be annoyed by having my cursor increase and decrease constantly as a result of movement.
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Re: Sniper Retical
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2008, 04:04:54 am »
actually he/she means a movementacc meter and bink meter.

Offline japes

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Re: Sniper Retical
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2008, 11:53:44 am »
As for shooting without movementacc, just let go of all the keys the moment you shoot.
Another tip: get as close to an auto if you're stuck with them in an enclosed space (i.e.tunnel). Your gun does more damage, and if you're point-blank, bink doesn't matter.

I, for one, would be annoyed by having my cursor increase and decrease constantly as a result of movement.
I am not complaining about movement's effect on accuracy. I think that was a great addition. It made the Barrette more matched to other guns. Yeah, I almost always am standing on the ground or hovering (close to stationary) in the air when I take a shot. I understand that this could be annoying to some people, so this would definitly be an option. I just think a movementacc meter would help to decide when to take a shot.
I see an enemy. I start slowing to a stop. I watch my meter. Hold fire.....Boom! I take my shot just as the meter reaches the size of the enemy, guaranteeing a kill.
actually he/she means a movementacc meter and bink meter.
I'm a guy. :)
Yeah, thats exactly what I mean.