The first VB program project, as an exercise for the mod configurator I'm trying to build for a mod.
Does the same as the default mod launcher but it gives a preview of the weapons.

- Supports both .bmp & .png images.
all feedback is welcome
[edit 23 Dec 2008]
Added SyavX' suggestions
- New! Double click mod name to launch soldat modded
- New! option to close tool after soldat launch
- New! Remembers last settings
[edit 18 Jan 2009]
- New! Weapons stats (realistic or normal) summary on mouse hover.
- New! Plays the fire sound when left mouse click on image and reload sound when right click.
- New! Added Bow, flamer and stationary Gun
- New! When a bg image is available (modlauncherbg.png) in the mod folder it will load it as background when mod is selected.
[edit 1 Feb 2009]
- New! pickup boxes (click on them to play sound)
- New! a check for soldat.exe and /mods/ folder and if it's not in the same folder you will get a message to place modlauncher.exe in the your soldatfolder.
- Fixed text secondary and primary weapons switched
- Fixed crashing when weaponnames.txt is in mods folder but empty
- Fixed Not loading realistic weapons mod when no normal weapons mod is available
[edit 15 Feb 2009]
- Fixed secondary interface-gfx now better aligned with text
[edit 24 May 2009]
- New! Option to use default GFX/Sfx for missing files
- New! Frag grenade and cluster grenade ingame Gfx + explosion sound when you click on them
- New! Option to load default soldat files by selecting "\Default/"
- Fixed Damage not multiplied when loading realistic mode weapons_realistic.ini file.
[edit 23 Aug 2009]
- New! Can start modlauncher with a certain mod selected using arguments : -mod ModnameToload will automaticly select the referenced mod.
- New! Use argument -skip to launch soldat with the mod referenced mod (see above) immediately. (useful for creating shortcuts on desktop with mod installers)
- New! Right click on mod selection box and click 'Open mod folder' to open the folder of the selected mod.
- New! Option to ask to let modlauncher change the interface (when enabled) in soldat.ini when set in modlauncher.ini in the root folder of the mod.
- New! Config button added to config mods/soldat, automaticly works for ivan's configurator and can load program to use from modlauncher.ini in the root folder of the mod.
- New! Option to see weapon stats in plain numbers ('plain stats' checkbox).
- New! Mod folders without a modable soldat folder (f.e. weapons-gfx) or weapons(_realistic).ini file are not added to mod list.
Modlauncher.ini info for mod makers:
- modlauncher.ini must be in the modfolder (f.e. C:/soldat/mods/modfolder/modlauncher.ini)
- Modlauncher.ini options
let modlauncher ask to change the interface (when enabled) in soldat.ini
code: interface=Modinterface1;modinterface1_1280x1024;Modinterface2;modinterface2_1280x1024
Interface folder must be in /Soldat/Custom-Interfaces/ and player must be registred to make this work.)

- Load config program from modlaucher.exe
code : config=myconfigprogram
(without '.exe' and config must be in soldat folder or /mods/ (sub)folder).
When no config is set and a executable exists with the same name as the mod's folder in soldat main folder it will be assumed as the mod's config (Ivan's configurator)
code : closeonconfig=0/1
Close modlauncher on config launch yes(1) or no(0)
Modlauncher.ini Example