Author Topic: Soldat Phys & other Improvements. Please Discuss.  (Read 4839 times)

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Offline John_Dombi

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Soldat Phys & other Improvements. Please Discuss.
« on: February 20, 2009, 07:11:38 am »
I've Played in sloldat from the 0.0v Times. I love this Game and I'm Sure that it have big potential.
But in few years the project didnt go forward too much i think. Weapons , maps , skins , 1000's mods., YES thats it! But Many Years Of Playing bring me this Thoughts


Why Not To go forward? Cause the old its very popular?? 1000 players it's not a guiness record...
Fear of Change its very sad. This Game will die, if somebody wont do some hard work at this project.


-Where is Water? It Could Be. Bullet stopping/slowing full phisical water. It's not a prob in this soft an hardware times. I Was inspired by PHUN  Full and Free 2d phisical sandbox program.

-The soldat engine Could use some kind of this source code.

-Remember RED FACTION 3d game? The Destructive Buildings and walls? 2d = Easier to Do! And MUUUCH more PhUn ;)


Number of Weapons is Good but Why not do the extras and customize weapons for points or ranks:

-scopes (liitle more range like beretta)
-mounted grenade launchers
-smoke granades
-Weapon Colours (why not?)


-The .Bmp format is Old and memory Havy . Could Be .jpg = more effective and stable .
-In my opinion bullets are much too slow and range is too short. This improvement should make players do more tactics.
-Right up Corner mini map, with ally players and foes when seen.
-Some dynamic lights for terrian.
-Ranks and points for registered players. Showed near the nick during Game.

This sounds little bit like soldat 2. But.. What you think? This Could be a bigger Subject to do but nothing its to difficult for good coders.

Peace! :)

« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 07:22:48 am by John_Dombi »

Offline STM1993

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Re: Soldat Phys & other Improvements. Please Discuss.
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2009, 07:36:56 am »
First of all:

1. No new weapons will be made, as MM has said.
2. We can use the .PNG format instead of .BMP
3. Adding water etc would mean that the map format have to be changed, and that won't happen until MM decides to change it. Same for destructible terrain.
4. Minimap is already there, go and register yourself and you can use it.
5. Weapon colours, the closest suggestion which was accepted is that each team would have its own weapon-gfx like the gosteks, rather than one common weapon-gfx. Probably won't be coming out soon, but it's been considered.
6. The bullet speed/range is perfectly fine. It can be modified with the weapon.ini anyway, and we often discuss the weapons balance here so that Soldat would be a very balanced game - not biased towards certain weapons.
7. Soldat is meant to be a simple game, so not too many complicated stuff would be added. If anything, those suggestions should go to MM's new upcoming projects, such as Link Dead.

Actually, Soldat has improved a lot, doesn't seem like you really played the old versions. Think about it:
  • You can backflip (very important upgrade!)
  • You can prone
  • Jumping backwards doesn't force you to slow down to almost a halt before you can jump backwards
  • Barrett has a scope when you crouch/prone, and was greatly changed compared to all the old versions
  • The chainsaw was implemented, which now has an actual reload unlike last time, and its range is increased
  • The knife can be thrown to kill, not just stabbing around. In newer versions, you can charge your knife to throw it further
  • The M72 LAW can only be fired on the ground
  • Colt 1911 was changed to a better USSOCOM
  • Colt M4A1 was changed to the Steyr Aug
  • Desert Eagle is now dual-wielded - Desert Eagles
  • You have bonuses such as Flamer etc
  • Your turret will overheat from continuous fire
  • The graphics were upgraded a lot since 1.4
  • Spas reloads shell by shell rather than by a full clip
  • Bullets from any weapons (except the Barrett, explosives and the turret) will lose about 50% damage if they fly further than what you can see on your screen.
  • We recently have something known as "Scripting", which allows many things not normally possible in Soldat to become possible
  • You can modify the weapon.ini since 1.3, both for normal and for realistic. In later versions, we can even add a recoil in the normal mode weapon.ini
The list goes on. Go and take a look at the version history.

Trust me on it, Soldat will survive. Many games nowadays may have nice graphics etc, but very few have the substance even compared to an old 2D game like Soldat - which has a simple engine and simple design, but allows for great complex stuff and is really fun. I consider it has one of the best games ever made.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 08:04:41 am by STM1993 »

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Re: Soldat Phys & other Improvements. Please Discuss.
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2009, 01:52:44 pm »
I don't aggree with John_Dombi's suggestions, but in general, I think Soldat will need some serious improvements soon. No matter how good it is, it'll eventually get old (not to be pessimistic, but I'm already getting that feeling). Indeed, there have been a lot of changes, but most of them are too small to add much new to the gameplay.
So at some point there will HAVE to be things like water, map format change, better graphics, or something more than backflips and new weapons.ini.

Offline amb2010

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Re: Soldat Phys & other Improvements. Please Discuss.
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2009, 02:22:44 pm »

This sounds little bit like soldat 2. But.. What you think? This Could be a bigger Subject to do but nothing its to difficult for good coders.
Peace! :)

Have you ever coded any of that in a game yourself? Have you ever seen the source code for Soldat? I highly doubt it, just because you think it sounds simple doesn't mean it is. STM left out the additions to 1.5 which also are major addons to the game imo.
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Re: Soldat Phys & other Improvements. Please Discuss.
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2009, 09:46:19 pm »
Soldat not meant for all this high graphic stuff improvements and whatnot. Its just a simple game but great game. Its great cause of the way it is...The vast majority of your suggestions I disagree with. If even 20% of your suggestions were implemented it would change the game completely and it wouldn't be Soldat anymore. It'd just be another crappy game based and shiny things and big explosions.

Offline scarface09

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Re: Soldat Phys & other Improvements. Please Discuss.
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2009, 12:07:25 am »
The water idea sounds good...I've always wanted the water in soldat to be way more realistic...
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Offline Kagesha

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Re: Soldat Phys & other Improvements. Please Discuss.
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2009, 03:47:30 am »
The water idea sounds good...I've always wanted the water in soldat to be way more realistic...

Yay more lag...

I wouldn't mind having ranks, although unlockables no.

Soldat not meant for all this high graphic stuff improvements and whatnot. Its just a simple game but great game. Its great cause of the way it is...The vast majority of your suggestions I disagree with. If even 20% of your suggestions were implemented it would change the game completely and it wouldn't be Soldat anymore. It'd just be another crappy game based and shiny things and big explosions.

Couldn't have explained it better myself... good work :)

Offline Hair|Trigger

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Re: Soldat Phys & other Improvements. Please Discuss.
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2009, 06:56:34 am »
We don't need any of this to be honest, besides soldat has already undergone quite a lot of physics adjustments (after playing 0.9.4c I found that the sense of gravity was different, or maybe that was because of the fullscreen >_>)

besides, I'm happy with the current engine

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Offline ValiS

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Re: Soldat Phys & other Improvements. Please Discuss.
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2009, 08:59:20 am »
  Soldat is too simple a game to ever get old, imho.. and even when it gets old for you, just take a brake and its like new again.
  I think this topic would be more useful if you would bring out some reasons for these changes: "i'd like to see X added to the game, because it would add tactical the following tactical possibilitites:...." something like that. I dont see how adding water would benefit gameplay. Could you swim then? What advantages would swimming give you? Could you catch fish and recharge your health by eating?

  I think you could say the same thing about boxing for example: boxing will get old, since its just punching with your hands, have you seen kickboxing? there are kicks also, so should we introduce kicking to boxing and make it kickboxing? Its true that some games have cool thingies like destructible terrain (which in my opinion would be probably the most promising change) but you cant have every cool thing in every game, thats why there are many games, not just one ultimate game.
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Re: Soldat Phys & other Improvements. Please Discuss.
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2009, 03:21:54 pm »

Number of Weapons is Good but Why not do the extras and customize weapons for points or ranks:

-scopes (liitle more range like beretta)
-mounted grenade launchers
-smoke granades
-Weapon Colours (why not?)

Just.. no...

The magic of Soldat is that it's simple and action packed. Make it more complicated? No thank you. The weapon set is already perfect the way it is. And if you want to have different weapons, why not make your own mod and mess with the weapons mod file?

'11ed this.
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Offline igotnousername

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Re: Soldat Phys & other Improvements. Please Discuss.
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2009, 06:52:56 am »
mines = annoying
smoke = useless
mounted grenade launchers = mounted m79 = annoying
weapon colors = gay
scopes = every person will be using this

Offline Zabijaka

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Re: Soldat Phys & other Improvements. Please Discuss.
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2009, 01:22:36 pm »
This PHUN is awesome, shooter 2D with this will be better than CS Source :]

Offline Ragnaros

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Re: Soldat Phys & other Improvements. Please Discuss.
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2009, 01:39:39 pm »
John_Dombi, it was just such a stupid post... *nothing to say*
STM1993 has said it right, no comments needed...

but i love this one:
This sounds little bit like soldat 2. But.. What you think?
maybeee... some years later... who knows?
SOLDAT 2 - sounds like a revolution (it can be real. Just give MM 99999$ and a year or two)
« Last Edit: March 14, 2009, 01:41:27 pm by Ragnaros »