I was originally making this for Rampage_Terranius' Bioharzard script, but he quit scripting and the server subsequently died. The mappack was never finished with atleast 3 maps still in the planning stage, but other than this all of the maps except Suburbia have fully functioning waypoints. On all of these maps bravo team are the zombies. I am willing to complete the map pack, however you will have to catch me quickly because after 2 days I will stop checking this thread and any hope of the other maps will die out.
A general run around and survive layout.
If the zombies get to the centre of the map, the survivors are screwed.
There are more ways into the main area at the bottom than meet the eye.
The zombies can get up into the Hueys however the suvivors cannot shoot out of the Hueys to prevent camping.
zs_Suburbia (Not waypointed):
The survivors cannot shoot down from the rooves of buildings.