TK in Soldat. Fun or dumb? If dumb than how put the end to this?
- Its good. And fun. And i like gay parties.
9 (25%)
- Its fun. Lets keep those silly banpoints.
4 (11.1%)
- I dont caaare. I dont know what i forgot here.
3 (8.3%)
- Soldat? What is this??
2 (5.6%)
- Its awful. Lets do something with friendly fire.
3 (8.3%)
- Awful. Lets change the ban system.
- 0 (0%)
- I hate TKers! I wana cut their hands off with my bloody chainsaw!!!!11
10 (27.8%)
- Awful. Lets change the ban system. ... But i still want to cut their hands off with my bloody chainsaw!!!1
5 (13.9%)
Total Members Voted: 35