Author Topic: inf_Rescue  (Read 5653 times)

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Offline Suowarrior

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« on: January 03, 2010, 04:58:49 am »


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Re: inf_Rescue
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2010, 06:15:51 am »
This is a good map, but ... ugh, look at the visuals ... :-X

Offline Suowarrior

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Re: inf_Rescue
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2010, 09:09:31 am »
Defending too easy: easy camp place at the flag, easy to stop attackers before they get even into base.

This sort of map is reason why I prefer ctf over inf.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2010, 09:14:14 am by Suowarrior »


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Re: inf_Rescue
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2010, 09:24:02 am »
I do prefer CTF to INF, too, since it´s way easier to balance CTF than INF. If this tunnel that is leading into the base of bravo was twisting it would be easier for the alpha team to get to the flag. Escaping is not a problem on this map.

Offline Crimson Goth

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Re: inf_Rescue
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2010, 04:33:02 am »
I think its fine the way it is

Offline Poop

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Re: inf_Rescue
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2010, 01:35:57 pm »
In a pub environment (Which is the only environment in which Infiltration is even played), its not an easy map to defend. 3v3 this map is easy as hell to defend on, 5v5 its very balanced and should be left alone.

This is why I don't really consider 3v3 testing for infiltration too useful, because while doing that in ctf is fine (Since CTF maps impact 3v3's most), in this case infiltration maps impact 5v5 pubs more, so that's what should be considered.
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Offline zakath

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Re: inf_Rescue
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2010, 02:26:44 pm »
In a pub environment (Which is the only environment in which Infiltration is even played), its not an easy map to defend. 3v3 this map is easy as hell to defend on, 5v5 its very balanced and should be left alone.

This is why I don't really consider 3v3 testing for infiltration too useful, because while doing that in ctf is fine (Since CTF maps impact 3v3's most), in this case infiltration maps impact 5v5 pubs more, so that's what should be considered.

As you can choose whatever maps you want in a pub enviroment its not really a criteria when choosing maps for default. Also as I mentioned elsewhere the vision me and Suow have for infiltration are more fast paced teamwork orieantated 3vs3 maps.

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Offline Poop

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Re: inf_Rescue
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2010, 04:11:22 pm »
In a pub environment (Which is the only environment in which Infiltration is even played), its not an easy map to defend. 3v3 this map is easy as hell to defend on, 5v5 its very balanced and should be left alone.

This is why I don't really consider 3v3 testing for infiltration too useful, because while doing that in ctf is fine (Since CTF maps impact 3v3's most), in this case infiltration maps impact 5v5 pubs more, so that's what should be considered.

As you can choose whatever maps you want in a pub enviroment its not really a criteria when choosing maps for default. Also as I mentioned elsewhere the vision me and Suow have for infiltration are more fast paced teamwork orieantated 3vs3 maps.

#1: Infiltration is played only in pubs. And pubs are usually 5v5+. Therefore infiltration maps should be large maps

#2: I can assure you that there will never be infiltration clanwars. Yes, fast paced is usually more popular, but It seems you are starting to think that this applies all across the board (Which is not the case).

#3: The entire point of infiltration is to be slower paced and be hard to rush, because you need 1 cap every 2.5 minutes to actually win the map if your alpha. That is 3 caps over a 10 minute period when you consider flags dropping off base/people carrying flags. When you standardize this with ctf play, that means that 3 caps per 1 ctf round is how infiltration maps should be paced for them to be balanced for both alpha and bravo. Yes, that might seem horrible when you look at it from a ctf perspective, but that is what is balanced in infiltration. Not some stupid s**t like 3 caps in 1 minute and alpha wins.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2010, 04:35:05 pm by Poop »
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Offline zakath

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Re: inf_Rescue
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2010, 04:42:32 pm »
In a pub environment (Which is the only environment in which Infiltration is even played), its not an easy map to defend. 3v3 this map is easy as hell to defend on, 5v5 its very balanced and should be left alone.

This is why I don't really consider 3v3 testing for infiltration too useful, because while doing that in ctf is fine (Since CTF maps impact 3v3's most), in this case infiltration maps impact 5v5 pubs more, so that's what should be considered.

As you can choose whatever maps you want in a pub enviroment its not really a criteria when choosing maps for default. Also as I mentioned elsewhere the vision me and Suow have for infiltration are more fast paced teamwork orieantated 3vs3 maps.

#1: Infiltration is played only in pubs. And pubs are usually 5v5+. Therefore infiltration maps should be large maps

#2: I can assure you that there will never be infiltration clanwars. Yes, fast paced is usually more popular, but It seems you are starting to think that this applies all across the board (Which is not the case).

#3: The entire point of infiltration is to be slower paced and be hard to rush, because you need 1 cap every 2.5 minutes to actually win the map if your alpha. That is 3 caps over a 10 minute period when you consider flags dropping off base/people carrying flags. When you standardize this with ctf play, that means that 3 caps per 1 ctf round is how infiltration maps should be paced for them to be balanced for both alpha and bravo. Yes, that might seem horrible when you look at it from a ctf perspective, but that is what is balanced in infiltration. Not some stupid s**t like 3 caps in 1 minute and alpha wins.

1. #soldat.gather.nordic, also there are two projects in motion that will benefit infiltration in a non public manner
2. Wanna bet on that?
3. you can still have hectic fast play without have 3 caps in 1 minute. no reason to slow down a map by haveing 10 seconds of useless running without action. just to acheive that.

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Re: inf_Rescue
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2010, 04:43:53 pm »
2. Wanna bet on that?

I'm pretty sure he wasn't talking about one or two clanwars.

Offline Crimson Goth

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Re: inf_Rescue
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2010, 12:11:30 am »
I agree with Poop. Inf isn't suppose to be fast paced. It's tactical and needs stragedy. I've been in a few inf cws with my old inf clans and it's more intense than public inf. And the maps are 'slowed downed' for balance reasons. Bravo gets 1 point every five secs i believe. So that makes up for the 30 points alpha gets for one cap..

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Re: inf_Rescue
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2010, 09:15:19 pm »
This map is ok, visuals aren't completely horrible (although there is a plenty of room for improvement).
Theres a crapload of polybugs though. Blue base is filled with them. Sceneries could use a little tweaking as well - sometimes it's hard to see what's a collider and what isn't.