Full Description:Script Name: MountainClimbing 1.7
Script Description Climb Mode
Author: DarkCrusadeCompile Test:
PassedCore Version: 2.6.5
Hosted by: Soldat Central - http://soldatcentral.com/Full Description:MountainClimbing was pretty famous one year back and I didn't find any scripts for it so I decided to code it myself. The result was version 1.0. I worked further on the script and added more features for admins and users, check the new script!
The point of MountainClimbing is, that the player climbs up a mountain with nothing more than his hands and feet. If he falls, he falls hard and looses health, so basically it's a more extreme version of climbing. The maps are huge and you need a lot of practice to master this gamemode!
Since BattleyEye is gone I added a MassFlag detection that is pretty basic but working. Hackers will be banned and reported to the admin console with IP and name for further punishment should they decide to come back with a changed IP.
v1.7 update:
-fixed (hopefully) all bugs
V1.69 update:
-changed the highscore table (creates a file for every map in the maplist.txt)
-fixed !heal
-fixed the interface
-fixed the access violation for Linux hosters
V1.65 update:
-added more admin commands
-added idle kicker
-added map highscores
-added interface that shows you power/saves ...
-added MassFlag detection
-fixed !nextmap
-fixed /move (to move players to yourself use /port)
V1.2 update:
-added !undo command for players
-added admin commands (list below)
-limited hardcoding stuff
V1.0 includes:
- Save/Load system
- HP regeneration (as long as a players health is below 50)
- Nextmap vote
- AntiBravo
- !heal command
Also you can adjust everything at the top of the script such as vote percentage or how often you can save/load/heal and such stuff. I release this script to see - hopefuly - some MountainClimbing servers again. Here are some links to mountainclimbing maps:
Download MappackBruns Summit v3EisbergCanyonBlackRockDevils CleftThe list contains only the best maps for the gamemode, there are more but you loose the 'feeling the mountain' effect due to their crappy looks. If this mode gets famous again I won't refrain from making new maps so it won't get abandoned again.
SETTINGS: ------------------------------------
Mode: CTF
Playerlimit: -
Speclimit: 1
Weapons: none
Realistic: On
ADMINCOMMANDS: -----------------------------
/acommands Display all admin commands
/setpower <Value> MaxPower setting for !health
/setsaves <Value> MaxSaves setting for !save
/setloads <Value> MaxLoads setting for !load
/setlimit <Value> VoteLimit setting for !nextmap
/setreg <Value> Health regeneration rate
/setidle <Value> Maximum idle time in spectator
/setregl <Value> Limit for health regeneration
/move <ID1> <ID2> Move ID1 to ID2, ID2 may not be your own
/port <ID1> ... <ID3> Move up to 3 IDs to your position
/god <ID> Grant god powers to <ID> (no damage by falling)
/resettimers Reset all timers
/showtimers Displays everyones time
/resethigh Reset the highscores
This is the old version. Due to problems that occured at SoldatCentral that have not been fixed yet you must please click on this link: Mirror