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uhm...wtf?you want to know how to edit skin colors? Start soldat -> go to "player" and search
The colour codes are Delphi's "TColor" format. Which is just $AABBGGRR, each letter combo being a HEX value of 00->FF (1->255). You can either use the above $ format, built in colour strings such as clRed, clBlack etc, or an integer representation of the $ code, but that's silly.
DustyYou sure it's RGB?
L[One]R gostek viewer don't work...
It doesn't if you have registered the game. It only changes soldat.ini, not the .ini files in the profiles directory.
go to your soldat directory. open up profiles. click your config file. not the .txt file.locate (ctrl+f) skin_color. here, you'll find =... whatever. replace skin_color=... with skin_color=65793.that's black.if you want like, lime green, make your hair color lime green in soldat.exe while modifying players, go back into your profile config, locate hair_color, and copy/paste the number it gives you for lime green hair to your skin_color. hope that helps.