Author Topic: Solo Match Mode  (Read 2143 times)

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Offline Lou93

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Solo Match Mode
« on: September 27, 2010, 10:43:54 am »
Script Name: Solo Match Mode
Script Description: Good script for Solo Matches, and playing teammatches on CTF style.
Original Author(s): Lou93
Core Version: 2.6.5

::More info::
This script is allows you to run special solo match to specific number of frags. While player do a selfkill , script decrease him a 1 point. Script can restart/stop match (only admin) , and showing a current result (for all). While a solo match is playing, nobody can join to any team, except join to spectators team.

/soloon [value] - run script with to specific number of frags
/solooff - stop match
/solores - restart a solo match
!result / !wynik - see a current result

Now with more features! :
- added "match point",
- fixed AppOnIdle,
« Last Edit: October 13, 2010, 03:30:59 am by Lou93 »