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I think it's stupid to have a whole designed out website which at the moment has only the purposes of downloading the game and as place where many useful links are on one place. We should use the ressources we already have. The "soldat.pl"-website looks great. Use it. -That's how you bring the players back to "soldat.pl".
→ Climbing as an official gamemode (just too much of a hassle, really, and doesn't count as a true Soldat gamemode for violence-loving masses )
they should not change soldat that much but add some new game mods like destroy the objective,domination and add some weapons
Guys, please do not expect too much from the dev team. I don't want you guys to think the next update will try to change every little and large bits everybody wants changed, and I don't want to see everybody get all angry/disappointed in the new dev-team after the next update due to this. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure some bits (whether small or big) will be changed/fixed/whatever, but not necessarily everything everybody wants (at least right away / in the next update).
Guys, stop asking for all the new features. That's what everybody was so angry about when EnEsCe was developer. It's about the bugs. And we shouldn't even think of new features till we have seen some new versions which fix an amount of bugs / show some progress. Who knows what the future brings? Who knows how capable (no offence) they are, how much time they have? We already have a load of suggestions here in the forum - makes no sense to add new ones and add pressure to the developers-team.They first need to get used to the source-code and try changing some tiny bits and then see how it reacts before they could even think of bigger changes which lead to other even bigger unwanted changes...
Seconded.Let's not get carried away here, or both players and devs will get hurt.