When trying to autoupdate from 1.5.1e:
C:\Documents and Settings\Nick\Desktop\( Desktop )\(Games)\Soldat v1.5.1.20\Config.exe
An error occurred while trying to replace the existing file:
DeleteFile failed; code 5.
Access is denied.
Click Retry to try again, Ignore to skip this file (not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation.
Abort Retry Ignore
Tried "retry" - same thing. Tried "abort" - it rolled back changes, then I restarted update and got the same error. I hit "ignore" but then the same error occured for Soldat.exe. Had to download the patch which installed normally.
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Weird numbers that reacted to mouse scroll wheel don't show up anymore. Check.
Annoying "OK" popup when assigning keys gone. Check.
Move Left is back. Check.
GJ. Check.
I noticed a nice little side effect from the "Force BG colors" feature (btw, I like how you made it global instead of map-specific). When I enable BG override - minimap's BG becomes transparent. To me it looks much cleaner and less distracting that way (especially for small maps with huge off-map areas like Airpirates). Do you think you could make minimap BG transparent without having to override map colors?
Minor GUI issues:
1) When I click on radio buttons (I mean the round dots in the menu) - the last button I clicked on gets stuck in "Hover" state. When focus on other windows it becomes normal "On" state, but when I focus on Soldat window again - it highlights in "Hover" state again.
2) When assigning something to "Tab" button (weapon menu in my case) - when I press tab - the "Player Name" field highlights.
3) Old bug actually: When I start up Soldat - Default profile is highlighted and marked as "last used" (even though I use my own custom profile all the time). If I just press OK without clicking on any profiles - it takes me to my custom profile. After that if I go back to profile menu - I can see my custom profile highlighted, but Default profile is still marked as "last used".
Start.exe still can't launch modded Soldat.
Stats still don't work in multiplayer (instead they show stats from your single player game if you didn't restart Soldat after playing single player). Also, if you start a new Single Player game - stats aren't reset.
Anti-aliasing doesn't work (hasn't been working ever since 1.4, I think). Using XP Pro (SP3)
Also one small request:
Please add 1152x864 resolution option to the config. My screen is 1280x1024, and 1152x864 is great for running Soldat in window but keeping its window large enough at the same time. I'm tired of editing Soldat.ini each time I change something in config. :S
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How FPS limit works for me: (I'm running Soldat in windowed mode, 1024x768 res)
FPS Limit: 60
High Resolution Timer: On
Result: Around 54-57 FPS, runs nice and smooth.
FPS Limit: 60
High Resolution Timer: Off
Result: Counter shows fixed number of 41FPS, but the game runs at around 25 or so (it's playable, but during fast movements you can see the choppiness).
FPS Limit: 999
High Resolution Timer: On
Result: 160-180FPS, runs smoothly
FPS Limit: 999
High Resolution Timer: Off
Result: Counter shows fixed number of 66FPS, runs smoothly