I have a very unimportant and ultra low priority suggestion, which is multiple explosion animations.
There will be different explosion animations in different folders in sparks-gfx/explosion folder.
Like sparks-gfx/explosion/1/ , sparks-gfx/explosion/2/ and so on.
Client will choose one of them randomly and play it for explosion.
Because its so ugly to see same graphics side to side when there are more than one explosion at the same time.
(Our explosion animation is so ugly too...)
And we want to make soldat more beautiful.
I also support that Soldat needs a fully new graphical modification.
Of course we also will be able to choose the old one via "run soldat modded" option that we already have.
New graphics must be more attractive for new players.
They must say "woah!" instead of "this is ugly, I will play Battlefield 3 instead" ^^