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- Added new AntiCheat API- Added support for up to 8 mouse buttons- Added support for widescreen resolutions- Added support for setting custom resolution in the config- Added OldScoreBoard option in soldat.ini which can be used to render the scoreboard like it was before 1.6- Added text to the change key buttons' hints to show the currently assigned key- Added second weapon choose with ctrl+1, ... , ctrl+4- Added weapon gets automatically selected when there's only one available weapon in the category- Added tab toggles next respawn weapons menu show state when not dead- Added tab hides weapons menu when weapons are chosen- Added speedhack detection- Added a check for loaded third party DLLs- Added widescreen resolutions to config for unregged users- Added teamspeak support to clientserver- Added anti-anti votekick support to clienteserver- Added /votekick command to server- Added custom update popup- Added developer credits to Exit tab- Added Scale_Interface option in soldat.ini which allows to scale interface with resolution- Added Option to Force Background Colors in maps to one defined by the player- Added Option to enable/disable FPSLimit as well as option to enable/disable high resolution timers- Added missing translations in gui- Added 3 new CTF maps: Campeche, Triumph, Scorpion- Added 4 new HTF maps: Feast, Dorothy, Mossy, Tower- Added 6 new INF maps: April, Belltower, Changeling, Motheaten, Warlock, Flute- Added Fuzzy Hashed HardwareIDs- Added ability to paste IP:Port/Pass formatted strings into the IP field of the Join Game tab. soldat:// URL's are also supported- Added 9 new Polygon types: Only (Team Colour) collide Polygons, and Only (Team Colour) + Enemy Team Bullets collide Polygons. Carrying a flag will disallow the player passing through any of these Polygon types- Added Polygon type: Exploding Polygon. Touching an Exploding Polygon will instantly blow up the player and throw their limbs around like confetti- Added Polygon type: Hurt Flaggers. Touching this kind of Polygon while holding a flag will periodically do damage (double 'hurt' poly damage)- Added Polygon type: Only flaggers collide. Anyone carrying a flag will be unable to pass through this type of Polygon- Added Polygon type: Bounce polygon (polygon normal magnitude determines bounciness)- Added 'End of round...' text will display to Spectators in Survival Mode. Appears above 'Following <Player>' text- Added Score Board (F1) will now display the current Server Name at the top left corner- Added Score Board (F1) will now display the "Server Info" message under the server name- Added Option to disable rendering of background scenery for improving performance on low end systems- Added FPS Limiter- Added top right label color changes on inactive/active window - like it was in good old Soldat- Added option for minimum respawn time for team based games- Added bots now have a unique icon appear in place of their ping in the scoreboard- Added ingame Weapon Statistics for Registered players (Press F2)- Added "Offline/LAN Mode" for playing Soldat multiplayer with no connection to the Internet. To join a server in Offline/LAN mode, the server must have "Connection=LAN" set in its soldat.ini, or started with the -lan parameter- Added "Spectators can only use Team Chat in Survival Mode while a round is active" can be enabled with AntiSpy_Chat=1 in soldat.ini- Added Join_Password line in soldat.ini- Modified can't send empty chat messages, can send chat messages only containing spaces- Modified the link to the forums to point to http://forums.soldat.pl- Modified changed default window fonts in Config to Arial- Modified changed fontsize of checkboxes to be more readable- Modified RayCast to use line intersection tests instead of checking several points on the line- Modified removed bot seeing quality options from Config.exe (no longer needed)- Modified weapons menu can now be disabled when alive- Modified removed Raycasting_quality setting from soldat.ini- Modified improved readme- Modified updated translations- Modified enabled minimap for non-registered users- Modified ESC menu is now centered in the screen always- Modified ingame keys - ALT + F1 is now hide player names, F2 is weapon stats, F3 is minimap on/off and ALT + F3 is FPS- Modified replaced many of default maps with remakes: Veoto, ctf_Kampf, ctf_Lanubya, ctf_Maya2, ctf_Ruins, ctf_Run, ctf_Snakebite, ctf_Viet, inf_Argy, inf_Fortress, inf_Outpost- Modified renamed maps: ctf_Maya2 as ctf_Mayapan, ctf_Death2 as ctf_Death, ctf_Dropdown2 as ctf_Dropdown, ctf_MFM2 as ctf_MFM- Modified changing mouse sensitivy ingame now increases/decreases by 1% per button press rather than 5%- Modified players can no longer grab the flag when a round of Survival has already ended. You can still capture or return- Modified Spectators can only use Team Chat in Survival Mode while a round is active. Only applies to Spectator team- Modified Dead/Spectator players in Realistic mode can only see enemies the player they are following can see- Modifier players can not see enemy team chat in Realistic mode if the enemy player is not visible- Modified Team Bink is now reduced by 50% when Friendly Fire is disabled. You will get no Team Bink at all if you are not moving- Modified Score Board (F1) has been redesigned for team-based game modes- Modified Score Board (F1) can now be scrolled up/down (only if required) by using the Page Up/Down keys. An arrow will appear on the right-center side of the board if scrolling is available- Modified Score Board (F1) is now sorted by caps/kills/deaths- Modified Weapons Menu will now only display non-default values (on Mouse Over) if joining a Weapon Mod server- Modified complete rewrite of start.exe- Modified profile box menuitem selection is visible on startup and tabchange- Modified window tabmenu look is the same like in old Soldat 1.3.1- Modified Config.exe has a Soldat gui theme- Modified did some small Soldat.exe gui changes- Modified calculations of checksums for weaponmod/maps- Modified inactive tabtextcolor to be easier to read- Modified pressing escape while typing will now clear chat buffer- Modified Auto Updater will pause Soldat while updating- Modified dead/spectator players in Realistic mode can not use freecam.- Modified dead players can not spectate other dead players in Realistic+Survival- Modified Setup, Config, and Soldat executables to use higher quality icons with alpha transparency- Modified Big Text message (DrawText) on-screen limit is now 3 instead of 1 (Script devs: See Script Core changelog)- Modified improved Jungle- Fixed mouse buttons getting "stuck"- Fixed "is not a valid integer" error when starting Soldat- Fixed empty or very short (1 character) taunts not working- Fixed a bug making it possible to get the flag instantly after switching teams- Fixed bouncing issues with layered polygons- Fixed flag being throwable through thin polygons- Fixed Remote Admin could join server with 32 players- Fixed player doesn't get SERVER_FULL server message when server is full (e.g. 32 bots)- Fixed mouse is not visible until clicking when player was kicked out of the game- Fixed adminlog exploit- Fixed labels overlap in vote box when using languages with longer text- Fixed saved Game Password doesn't get put into the Game Password input field on startup- Fixed wrong message when mousewheel is used for toggling weapons menu show state- Fixed mouse is not affected by in game events while escape menu is open- Fixed issues with sending unicode text- Fixed minigun and chainsaw being able to shoot while reloading- Fixed intentional warp bug (wasting jets and jumping left/right)- Fixed switching between reloading weapons being faster than switching between fully loaded weapons- Fixed canceling file download not working- Fixed client not automatically downloading files and rejoining server- Fixed nondedi servers 'register with lobby' code- Fixed access violation while registering to lobbyserver- Fixed server removes player/bot with slot 32 on mapchange and players can't join then- Fixed index out of bounds error in profiles list when pressing pagedown key- Fixed main window hiding after ok is clicked on splash window in windows vista- Fixed message box appearing after assigning the space key to an action- Fixed Config opening up between the screens in a dual monitor setup- Fixed controls sometimes being freed after they are read (causing jets to act differently while playing online)- Fixed broken unicode input ingame- Fixed Soldat window is not centered when using 640x480 with 2 screens- Fixed the context menu in the nag screen window opens with an offset- Fixed able to see enemy team players behind player when spectating while dead in realistic mode- Fixed vote player and vote map in ESC menu cannot be clicked when Playerlist window is visible- Fixed Weaponmenu is not visible when Playerlist window is visible- Fixed clientserver decreases bullets too fast for certain weapons- Fixed too small buttons for translation text in control group box in Player tab- Fixed attempting to download files from server even if they don't exist- Fixed intended warp bug caused by holding F4 key- Fixed very slow window restoring (disabled semi helpful cheat detection)- Fixed access violation on game termination after directx initialization fails- Fixed tab order in all tabs- Fixed Soldat not being centered in active desktop- Fixed missing collision poly on Airpirates- Fixed various bugs in maps, see maps/changelog.txt for details- Fixed Vsync to work for windowed mode- Fixed alt+number taunt chooses weapon when weapons menu is visible- Fixed alt+number taunt chooses team when team menu is visible- Fixed tabmenu delay on tabchange- Fixed flicker on switch to first tab- Fixed alt + tab changes weaponsmenu visibility when dead- Fixed Wrong Map Version Errors- Fixed player names being invisible on F1 list- Fixed custom maps not downloading Textures or Edges from server- Fixed Computer Time in F1 menu being frozen- Fixed lobby frequently stopping while retrieving server list- Fixed splash screen will now display in the center of primary desktop when using multiple monitors (Instead of middle of both monitors)- Fixed graphics freeze caused by the Vista/Win7 logon screen (ctrl+alt+del) or UAC- Fixed Jetpack sparks appearing in Realistic mode when the enemy player is not visible- Fixed lobby list items 'Yes' & 'No' not reading from translation file- Fixed Tab ordering in the Join Game menu- Fixed LAN lobby server scan. Will not work for servers on the same computer- Fixed online bots flying up into the air when spawning with a Parachute- Fixed a bunch of corrupt network packets, resulting in them being dropped or doing funky things- Fixed Change Team menu randomly appearing and other weird things happening for no reason- Fixed Access Violations and Corrupt Data occuring when recording/playing demo's recorded with Soldat 1.5.0- Fixed names with a trailing space character resetting to 'Major'- Fixed Players with Predator being visible to new players that join after they obtained the Bonus- Fixed Weapon Bink not resetting correctly after reloading weapon and not releasing the Fire button- Fixed Bot Team frame not appearing when exiting a single player game- Fixed 'Too many bots' message counting Charlie/Delta Bot Count when Teammatch is not selected- Fixed background music not stopping when Intro demo has finished playing- Fixed server timeleft countdown not pausing on map change/restart (via Commands or reaching score limit)- Fixed Spas12 reloading while firing no longer allows infinite shots- Fixed Raycasting for bots so that they dont try to walk through a opc and grab a flag grenade etc.- Fixed buggy head collision with the first polygon on a map- Fixed scaled window is below taskbar- Fixed spelling errors in english.txt- Fixed respawn timer sometimes exceeding the maximum respawn time in team based games- Fixed empty or missing ini keys destroy your ini settings- Fixed kickplayer bans when it should kick (when bantime is 0)- Fixed "Crouch Float" bug- Fixed InterfaceText/Image custom resolution scaling- Fixed IP field being selected after exiting a game in fullscreen- Fixed Survival/Realistic game freezes- Fixed Registered/Bot icons not working correctly when joining- Fixed Soldat being unable to run while having ingame dedicated server running- Fixed massive FPS lag- Fixed scoreboard will show Charlie/Delta team players in CTF- Fixed Auto Updater when running in Fullscreen- Fixed pressing escape with Change Team menu open being annoying- Fixed CTF tooltip with points error- Fixed console text overlapping Respawn Timer and other Survival messages- Fixed WorldText Scale parameter not working- Fixed Access Violations when using an ItemID higher than 10- Fixed registration star appearing for bots and players who aren't actually registered- Fixed registration Star on F1 menu not appearing while using default jet flame colour- Fixed Soldat Installer will set correct file write permissions under Windows Vista / 7- Fixed editing a maps background colours and not getting kicked for wrong map version.- Fixed the Auto Update feature corrupting Soldat.exe when downloading other updated files that already exist- Fixed blank profiles after clicking 'Add' and cancelling it.- Fixed Spectators no longer have the "dead" player marker next to their name- Fixed console chat messages not being transparent while F1 is open- Fixed players losing control of their sprite when someone joins Spectator team- Fixed Berserk bonus no longer does 4x damage to self- Fixed Flame Thrower not being able to drop in multiplayer- Fixed missing local /say command output on nondedicated server- Fixed polybugs in ctf_Laos
- Added new AntiCheat API- Added Hardware IDs- Added 3 new CTF maps: Campeche, Triumph, Scorpion- Added 4 new HTF maps: Feast, Dorothy, Mossy, Tower- Added 6 new INF maps: April, Belltower, Changeling, Motheaten, Warlock, Flute- Added admin command /banhw and /unbanhw- Added GetPlayerStat(ID,'HWID') for retreiving the hardwareid for a player- Added option for minimum respawn time for team based games named Wave_MinRespawnTime- Added new polygon types from client- Added NameToHW to scriptcore- Added IDToHW to scriptcore- Added HWID to console on join for parsing from remote client- Added anti admin flood- Added /MAXGRENADES command to admin console- Added information that the soldat dev team maintains and develops soldatserver- Added server prints used indy version- Added "Spectators can only use Team Chat in Survival Mode while a round is active" can be enabled with AntiSpy_Chat=1 in soldat.ini- Modified replaced many of default maps with remakes: Veoto, ctf_Kampf, ctf_Lanubya, ctf_Maya2, ctf_Ruins, ctf_Run, ctf_Snakebite, ctf_Viet, inf_Argy, inf_Fortress, inf_Outpost- Modified renamed maps: ctf_Maya2 as ctf_Mayapan, ctf_Death2 as ctf_Death, ctf_Dropdown2 as ctf_Dropdown, ctf_MFM2 as ctf_MFM- Modified admin command /ban to ban hwid- Modified admin command /unban and /unbanlast to unban hwid- Modified changed ini option Wave_RespawnTime to Wave_MaxRespawnTime- Modified RefreshX to include Hardware IDs- Modified RefreshX to include caps- Modified WeaponCheck to calculate a better checksum of weaponmod- Modified missing Connection ini value will now get loaded as LAN (was invalid value before)- Modified disabled knife cheat kick due to its buggy nature- Modified bouncy polygons don't hurt players in realistic mode- Modified RayCast to use line intersection tests instead of checking several points on the line- Modified removed Raycasting_quality setting from soldat.ini- Modified updated date and changed format to ISO date format- Modified soldatserver support channel is now #soldat.devs- Modified server hosts list updated to be alphabetic order and include European servers- Modified improved Jungle- Fixed Bots with parachute getting stuck in the roof- Fixed respawn timer sometimes exceeding the maximum respawn time in team based games- Fixed ForceWeapon crash- Fixed MovePlayer to work as intended- Fixed pm crash- Fixed socom kills showing as selfkills in Log- Fixed access Violation on shutdown- Fixed access Violation on setteam(e.g. with /setteam122222 1)- Fixed access violations when no scripts are loaded- Fixed parachute force to be the same as client- Fixed first join request always fails- Fixed server messages don't get send with server id- Fixed kickplayer bans when it should kick (when bantime is 0)- Fixed scoring of htf/inf- Fixed weaponmod gettings screwed up when doing /gamemode X- Fixed ASE queries not working- Fixed polygon bug occuring on ctf_Snakebite- Fixed a bug making it possible to get the flag instantly after switching teams- Fixed bouncing issues with layered polygons- Fixed bouncy polygons not being consistent in bounce power- Fixed flag being throwable through thin polygons- Fixed server crashes on full server with bots and player joins and waits a few seconds (because anti flood kicks id nr 255)- Fixed player doesn't get SERVER_FULL server message when server is full (e.g. 32 bots)- Fixed adminlog exploit- Fixed server removes player/bot with slot 32 on mapchange and players can't join then- Fixed Can't load maps from mapslist server infinite loop spam- Fixed issue with possible massflag anticheat detection- Fixed issues with sending unicode text- Fixed "Unknown procedure" errors appearing on the server if not all procedures are defined in every script- Fixed bullet damage reduction calculation based on time instead of distance- Fixed server loads config with -c commandline param twice- Fixed wrong commandline param info on server start- Fixed Joining team from spectator reduced your deaths by 1- Fixed polybugs in ctf_Laos
Finally! <3
...PC vs Mac is like AK47 vs M4A1...