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You can change back to 1.5 on zabijaka .Players wont play there so much because of not working maps.
Maintain two map formats? You don't think we have enough work already :S
function ParsePMS(MapName : string) : TMap;begin...end;
procedure OnMapLoad(MapName:string);beginif Copy(MapName, Length(MapName) - 4, Length(MapName) = '.PMS' then OldParsePMS(MapName)else ParsePMS(MapName);end;
I understand how you feel with many maps of your favorite gamemode being broken, but making devs spend their already limited time to UNFIX the bugs - sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? You gotta move with the times.If you want maps fixed - you have more than enough people to do it yourself. You can work on fixing climb maps while devs work on fixing the game. I think that's fair enough.
If there is a climb community to save, it should be capable of fixing the maps, or at least create new working maps.
Adding PMSX is a job for max 5 minutes, you'd fix 1/2 map in such time, and you have like 500 to fix.
...PC vs Mac is like AK47 vs M4A1...
Some clarification on the matter: Bouncy polygons are not limited to 256%, but there seems to be a limit in Soldat to how fast you can go after being boosted by them. Also, in Soldat 1.5 you would be pushed out from the bug polygons a bit, like a small teleport before the boost. That probably made the bug polygons even more effective.What will be done about it: Sometime in the future, the map format will be redone, with the addition of real teleporters and other stuff that will make mapping more interesting and fun. Bouncy polygons will probably also be modified to work a bit more like they did with the bug in 1.5, maybe even before the map format is redone. Until that happens, there is a veeery small possibility that a temporary solution will be implemented, involving 0%-bounciness polygons.
bouncyCleaner will remove maps with bouncy polygons from the mapslist thats not a good solution to the problem ASE ;(