Author Topic: qb Mod-Pack [REG] [SCTFL proof]  (Read 32437 times)

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Re: qb Mod-Pack [REG] [SCTFL proof]
« Reply #20 on: February 28, 2016, 05:43:53 pm »
Doesn't work for me (v1.7)
No head img, grenades, bullets and explosions effects

Offline urraka

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Re: qb Mod-Pack [REG] [SCTFL proof]
« Reply #21 on: February 28, 2016, 07:50:13 pm »
Some .bmp files fail to load in v1.7 which might be the problem there. I'd suggest to convert all .bmp's to .png (photoshop can do this in a batch afaik).

Offline L[0ne]R

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Re: qb Mod-Pack [REG] [SCTFL proof]
« Reply #22 on: February 28, 2016, 10:25:09 pm »
You might still need Health.bmp, Ammo.bmp and Jet.bmp since they're used for relative positioning of other elements. If you only have .png versions of these files - then things will appear offset. At least that's how it is with default interface, not sure how it works with custom ones, but most likely the same.

Offline SyavX

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Re: qb Mod-Pack [REG] [SCTFL proof]
« Reply #23 on: February 29, 2016, 04:11:28 pm »

The reason why interfaces from this mod doesn't look as on ginn's screenshot is that they were made to use with 854x480 (16:9) and 748x480 (16:10) only.

Here is my quick remake that can be used with all resolutions. If you still want to reproduce "Ammo text" and "Weapon name" positions from ginn's version, feel free to adjust them to fit your ingame resolution.

« Last Edit: February 29, 2016, 04:22:10 pm by SyavX »

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Re: qb Mod-Pack [REG] [SCTFL proof]
« Reply #24 on: March 17, 2016, 12:30:33 pm »
I think the devs should rollback this update, since it's broken all the mods.

You can't release a new version, which breaks all interfaces, and all mods. That's just killing the game, I'm not coming back, and I hope a lot more people do the same thing, until they fixes the mods for people, or just gives us a playable version.

Offline Akinaro

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Re: qb Mod-Pack [REG] [SCTFL proof]
« Reply #25 on: March 17, 2016, 12:50:25 pm »
I think the devs should rollback this update, since it's broken all the mods.

You can't release a new version, which breaks all interfaces, and all mods. That's just killing the game, I'm not coming back, and I hope a lot more people do the same thing, until they fixes the mods for people, or just gives us a playable version.

1. Game is not ""broken"", at least not in terms of mods.
2. Most of mods work, for most of time they need just scaling(in mod.ini)
3. Most of interfaces was old as F, and you should be mad at people who made them to not udpate it.
4. Instead of be happy that you can have better quality mods, because of bigger res you bitching that mods from 999 BC doesnt work.
5. 3 and 4 are a lie, because no one give a crap about that anymore. Especially people that made those mods 1000 years ago.
7. Feel free to "rollback" to 1.6.x there are download links on forum.
8. Lots of people quit soldat, but not because of those mods but because they expected more from 1.7 and they just get tired of waiting(dont ask me about that)
9. There is no point n. 6
10. No matter what someone do, there is always someone who cry about something that have nothing to do with game it self, I would understand if it would be about graphic, sounds, maps, lags or weapons... anything related to game it self... but mods???
Its like saying Im not gonna drink this coffee, because spoon is small and dont have gothic ornaments on it.... LOGIC....

Offline SyavX

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Re: qb Mod-Pack [REG] [SCTFL proof]
« Reply #26 on: March 17, 2016, 12:50:55 pm »
I think the devs should rollback this update, since it's broken all the mods.

You can't release a new version, which breaks all interfaces, and all mods. That's just killing the game, I'm not coming back, and I hope a lot more people do the same thing, until they fixes the mods for people, or just gives us a playable version.

Changes from 1.7 version has nothing to do with "breaking" interfaces that were not made with different resolution ratios in mind. Blame MM who implemented wide resolutions support many-many years ago...

Offline ginn

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Re: qb Mod-Pack [REG] [SCTFL proof]
« Reply #27 on: March 17, 2016, 12:55:56 pm »
I think the devs should rollback this update, since it's broken all the mods.

You can't release a new version, which breaks all interfaces, and all mods. That's just killing the game, I'm not coming back, and I hope a lot more people do the same thing, until they fixes the mods for people, or just gives us a playable version.

1. Game is not ""broken"", at least not in terms of mods.
2. Most of mods work, for most of time they need just scaling(in mod.ini)
3. Most of interfaces was old as F, and you should be mad at people who made them to not udpate it.
4. Instead of be happy that you can have better quality mods, because of bigger res you bitching that mods from 999 BC doesnt work.
5. 3 and 4 are a lie, because no one give a crap about that anymore. Especially people that made those mods 1000 years ago.
7. Feel free to "rollback" to 1.6.x there are download links on forum.
8. Lots of people quit soldat, but not because of those mods but because they expected more from 1.7 and they just get tired of waiting(dont ask me about that)
9. There is no point n. 6
10. No matter what someone do, there is always someone who cry about something that have nothing to do with game it self, I would understand if it would be about graphic, sounds, maps, lags or weapons... anything related to game it self... but mods???
Its like saying Im not gonna drink this coffee, because spoon is small and dont have gothic ornaments on it.... LOGIC....

Soldat is broken in multiple ways now.

First with mods.
Soldat requires mods, it's impossible to play without them, you can't see shit, and it's just waaaaay too ugly.

A lot of the maps have changed, ctf_Death is ugly as fuck now, but it's also changed the lay out of it, so you really can't run at all on it, you get stuck everywhere.

What's even worse, the way med kits and grenades works have changed, more than occasionally (I think on DD bravo, it's every time). Previously they would stay on your side when taken, but now, they'll go over to your opponents side. That's a huge change, and it makes defending really bad, since you'll run out of supplies very quickly... It also removes tactical stuff, like actually removing nade packs instead of attempting a flag grab.

Offline Akinaro

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Re: qb Mod-Pack [REG] [SCTFL proof]
« Reply #28 on: March 17, 2016, 01:13:53 pm »
I didnt say that its not broken, Im just saying that mods are not broken.

Do Soldat need mods to play? No?

Is it ugly? Yes, as fuck, especially with cartoonish look of some part and "realistic" in other, and no one give a crap to get one style. not to mention GUI and fat-ass gostek.

Doest maps are ugly as Fuck? Hell yeah, some maps like this ctf_Death, that even that its not tragic is just "no, no" for default because its look too weird.
This is one of reason why Im pissed at 1.7 because I expected at least ONE proper remake, as a bonus and showoff/advertising... But Im assuming that IF we gonna have any remakes they gonna be in the same style as current maps but just "ugly in HD" and with changed layout because someone think that remake NEED modified layout.

And Med/grenade kits? I have no idea what you mean...

1.7 is not perfect at all, but its not broken. its actually playable and there is not much technical problems that screw game too much.

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Re: qb Mod-Pack [REG] [SCTFL proof]
« Reply #29 on: March 17, 2016, 03:47:51 pm »
What's even worse, the way med kits and grenades works have changed, more than occasionally (I think on DD bravo, it's every time). Previously they would stay on your side when taken, but now, they'll go over to your opponents side. That's a huge change, and it makes defending really bad, since you'll run out of supplies very quickly... It also removes tactical stuff, like actually removing nade packs instead of attempting a flag grab.
It's been like that at least since 1.6.x, ginn.

Offline urraka

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Re: qb Mod-Pack [REG] [SCTFL proof]
« Reply #30 on: March 17, 2016, 03:55:36 pm »
I think the devs should rollback this update, since it's broken all the mods.

You can't release a new version, which breaks all interfaces, and all mods. That's just killing the game, I'm not coming back, and I hope a lot more people do the same thing, until they fixes the mods for people, or just gives us a playable version.

There are only a few technical issues in this version that can affect a mod, none of which is a big deal:

1. Some bmps fail to load (convert to png or supported bmp variant).
2. If you replace default graphics instead of using the more appropriate mods folder you will need to adjust the scale values in mod.ini.
3. If you unpack some old bmps on top of the default graphics they won't load because png files take priority (delete pngs or move them out).
4. The soldier might have alignment issues which can be solved by tweaking mod.ini file.
5. We tweaked the alignment of the default interface, so old non-regged interfaces will probably need some adjustement.

For points 2 and 4 you can read how mod.ini works here:

I don't think anyone changed the way kits spawn on 1.7.0. Maybe it's an older change.

Also, nobody is going to babysit your mod and fix it for you. You can do that yourself.

Offline L[0ne]R

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Re: qb Mod-Pack [REG] [SCTFL proof]
« Reply #31 on: March 17, 2016, 04:01:43 pm »
I don't think anyone changed the way kits spawn on 1.7.0. Maybe it's an older change.
The only related change I recall was in 1.6.8 or 1.6.9. Grenade and medkits used to appear from every spawnpoint (including player, flag, statgun and bonus spawns). This has been fixed so grenades only spawn from grenade spawns, and medkits only spawn from medkit spawns. But that's about it.