Author Topic: SOLDAT 1.6.8 RELEASED!  (Read 64763 times)

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Offline Viral

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« Reply #60 on: November 07, 2014, 09:24:21 am »
There is a huge difference. I started using prone cancel recently and the way i move around the battlefield isn't comparable to what i was able to do without PC. The effect is clearly visible and to prove my point i can just point at Haste and all the "speedhack" messages he gets when i meet him on pub servers :d

Offline Moroes

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« Reply #61 on: November 07, 2014, 10:02:57 am »
Not sure if Mr. % is troll or just dumb.

Offline Damian[Eater]

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« Reply #62 on: November 07, 2014, 10:10:38 am »
Since I started playing 1.6.8 I get this randomly:

It doesn't occur all the time, but mostly when I'm dead or just respawned. I am using Intel HD Graphics 4600 and its drivers are up to date.

Offline %%%%%%%

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« Reply #63 on: November 07, 2014, 06:32:38 pm »
There is a huge difference. I started using prone cancel recently and the way i move around the battlefield isn't comparable to what i was able to do without PC. The effect is clearly visible and to prove my point i can just point at Haste and all the "speedhack" messages he gets when i meet him on pub servers :d
Honestly, when they updated it, I (like a lot of HnSers), assumed the change was equal to the effects of PC (maybe it was and there's been a change since?). I PCd with weapon change so, if weapon change PCs don't work, that may have added to it.

Even so, after just testing it out right now, it doesn't feel like there's that big of a difference to me, especially if you're good about pressing up coming out of prone after touching down, and wouldn't be of much use in a battle, especially.

Not sure if Mr. % is troll or just dumb.
Neither, most assuredly, but I'm not surprised you misunderstood.

Offline Shoozza

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« Reply #64 on: November 08, 2014, 07:20:36 pm »
Thanks for the info.

Could you create a bugreport for that? (
Please include the windows version you use and the driver version if possible.
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Offline Nawl

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« Reply #65 on: November 09, 2014, 05:18:23 pm »
- Fixed knife colliding against position where someone had died #390
Sure, nice try, liars.
Can't get it, how it is possible that every newer version game is getting more bus? You made needless ScriptCore3(500 unnecessary adds,fixes and modifies) and you didnt fixed serious game bugs. Even more, you made next serious bug. As a dodgeball player i have not seen any good changes since 1.4.2 version

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Offline Shoozza

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« Reply #66 on: November 09, 2014, 07:04:27 pm »
Can you be more specific what doesn't work?
If you have some bugs you want to get fixed please mention them (links to the bugtracker are best).
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Offline JotEmI

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« Reply #67 on: November 09, 2014, 08:17:33 pm »
Can you be more specific what doesn't work?
If you have some bugs you want to get fixed please mention them (links to the bugtracker are best).
He's referring to this:
I haven't played much since I reported it so I can't really tell if its fixed or not.

He's got a point actually, bugs #390 and now #598 practically killed Dodgeball mode (#598 affects all Survival modes, including CS). On the other hand there were beta tests, they should have tested it.
I guess devs and DB community should really test Survival mode in the next beta.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2014, 06:15:01 am by JotEmI »

Offline Furai

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« Reply #68 on: November 10, 2014, 02:41:33 am »
He's referring to this:
I haven't played much since I reported it so I can't really tell if its fixed or not.

He's got a point actually, bugs #390 and now = practically killed Dodgeball mode (#598 affects all Survival modes, including CS). On the other hand there were beta tests, they should have tested it.
I guess devs and DB community should really test Survival mode in the next beta.
I'm pretty sure this happened to me in the newest soldat version.
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Offline Nawl

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« Reply #69 on: November 10, 2014, 07:43:40 am »
Can you be more specific what doesn't work?
As i quoted and as JoTeMi said the bug is #390. I fixed it by script - victim was moved to spectate then back to team, so body and collider was disappearing. You said you fixed it but bug still exist lol. New bug is #598. I fixed it by script too - after join team, player is respawned and killed after short while (by that way, player's body will appear on map and thx to that he will not respawn). But one fix is colliding with another and i can't fix both bugs in enough satisfactory way.

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Offline TheOne

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« Reply #70 on: November 10, 2014, 04:06:28 pm »
I don't know much about server side issues but since the last update we get flamed arrow rambo bows instead of laws and sometimes flamers when we play TTW. Some tasks don't get weapons at all. Will there be a fix for this?

Falcon said something about this. When I am at home, we will look quickly further into this issue.

hey. How far are you with this? Our script is now bugged so it can't really be played anymore. We'd be really thankful if there was a quick patch to fix this!

Offline Nawl

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« Reply #71 on: November 10, 2014, 05:22:25 pm »
seems not only dodgeball getting unplayable. Fast next version pls ^^

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Offline Kapitan Giuseppe

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« Reply #72 on: November 12, 2014, 10:31:26 am »
After 1.6.8 version my suggest is very simple. Please stop update this game, because is worse and worse. After each update, something doesn't works. It looks like You don't know what to do and how to do. You  fix 1 problem, and create 10 others...
On my server few scripts doesn't work now...When I asked why it doesn't work the answer was amazing: Now everything is Ok. No comments...
I'm afraid that when the version 1.7.0 will released, nobody will no longer play in soldat.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2014, 10:34:09 am by Kapitan Giuseppe »

Offline Mighty

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« Reply #73 on: November 13, 2014, 03:38:32 am »
(...) I guess devs and DB community should really test Survival mode in the next beta.

This. To anyone complaining devs got a version out with serious bugs affecting your gameplay - there aren't professional testers here testing every single thing. Betas were public for a reason, you can blame devs just as much as you can blame yourself. They don't break stuff intentionally, so when they do break something, it's up to the community to find the bugs and report them.
I have seen only one person testing online during Beta stage, and I've been there quite a few times. And we were both testing Scriptcore, not gameplay. Where were you then to fix your shit, so to speak?
« Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 03:41:39 am by Mighty »
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Offline DutchFlame

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« Reply #74 on: November 13, 2014, 10:22:47 am »
(...) I guess devs and DB community should really test Survival mode in the next beta.

This. To anyone complaining devs got a version out with serious bugs affecting your gameplay - there aren't professional testers here testing every single thing. Betas were public for a reason, you can blame devs just as much as you can blame yourself. They don't break stuff intentionally, so when they do break something, it's up to the community to find the bugs and report them.
I have seen only one person testing online during Beta stage, and I've been there quite a few times. And we were both testing Scriptcore, not gameplay. Where were you then to fix your shit, so to speak?

It has been like this for like 5 versions now.

I kept telling those who didn't test shit the same thing. Some people rather see bugs after a release then in a beta I assumed lmao

Offline darDar

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« Reply #75 on: November 13, 2014, 03:10:39 pm »
Why would people even get interested in testing a new beta which does not offer anything to test?
Should they test if the existing features were not borked in each of those versions?

The community integration is just that poor in Soldat, that no one would possibly test out a great beta, apparently.
No one even f***king takes note about a beta and some dont even take notice about the latest version due to that.
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« Reply #76 on: November 13, 2014, 03:23:53 pm »
i also don't know what we're supposed to test other than WM with bots (since theres no servers with players on), the only time i've seen people really test beta was in the SAS account system RC and the one before/after that, cause that's really the only time something new other than a modded WM was added

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Offline Balrog

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« Reply #77 on: November 14, 2014, 06:05:44 am »
I saw few servers, mostly Climb, so I have no idea why climb community is so pissed of...
beside why some people here have text "beta team" if they didnt write anything about those betas? what is the point of this team if they dont discuss testing in anyway, people should know what is tested and how more advanced players(I assume that beta team is made from such players) see new version.
 Its not like you need to spend all day playing, but as a beta tester you know what was changed and what you should test.

Beside as far as I know only people on this forum known about beta and taking in account how much people are here I have no idea why the hell you write that players need to test it... oh wait. you didnt implement any way for informing players via launcher that there is something new... because its so hard to make popup menu system that would inform players about news and info... you know we have 2014 and such technology is beyond Soldat...
« Last Edit: November 14, 2014, 06:07:37 am by Balrog »

Offline L[0ne]R

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« Reply #78 on: November 14, 2014, 11:26:59 am »
Beside as far as I know only people on this forum known about beta and taking in account how much people are here I have no idea why the hell you write that players need to test it... oh wait. you didnt implement any way for informing players via launcher that there is something new... because its so hard to make popup menu system that would inform players about news and info... you know we have 2014 and such technology is beyond Soldat...
That's a good point, though you didn't have to be so snarky about it. Soldat does have an update notification whenever a new version is released, but only for stable releases. Perhaps having one for betas would help.

Offline Balrog

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« Reply #79 on: November 14, 2014, 02:09:39 pm »
well without small amount of it it would disappear in discussion :] Its dangerous tactic but more people gonna get the point of it.