Author Topic: Daybreak_R  (Read 10481 times)

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Offline Akinaro

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« on: March 02, 2016, 07:23:09 am »
« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 10:16:11 am by Akinaro »

Offline CCalp

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Re: Daybreak_R
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2016, 08:02:40 am »
So because of that two problems map, like most of them, is here just to look pretty and smile for one week before people forget about it :D

No offense, but what else do you expect with statements like:
A. Those maps are not made to be default in any way
B. This method is not perfect, and even if you could adapt it to full 4k its still not that great.
C. Those maps are not polished at all just like they not optimized, if you would making map to be default it would be made in different way ant they would just look different.

I mean, why bother remaking default maps if you don't aim for replacing them at all? Why would people actually care about your maps for longer than a few days if you always state that this is just a test, needs tweaks and fixing and/or is not going to be developed any further?

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Re: Daybreak_R
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2016, 08:51:28 am »
Being someone who has never made any Soldat map, I always have the same question in my mind when I see your map posts: "Apparently the map is finished for >90%, so why did he decide to publish it now knowing that the whole effort he put in this map will never be used since the map won't be finished anyway INSTEAD of spending a bit more time in order to finish the remaining 10% of the map and thus creating a fully finished map which will eventually be used in the one or the other way, actually giving something back to the map maker?"

So, I am really not trying to discourage you from remaking Soldat maps. On the contrary, I have tried to encourage you to finish your remakes so they can actually be used.

I totally got that this is just a hobby and fun for you, but do you really prefer posting a great, almost finished map every week knowing that "people forget about it in a week" instead of being honoured as good map maker by seeing your remakes included as default maps in next Soldat release?

Because the same I can say about custom interfaces or gostek... why people care to make them if maybe 2-5 people would use it?
I can only speak for myself, but I wouldn't release an interface or a mod which is not finished yet, since then NOBODY would use it. Instead I finish my mods so at least "2-5 people" find them useful :)
« Last Edit: March 02, 2016, 08:55:07 am by CCalp »

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Re: Daybreak_R
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2016, 10:58:40 am »
And you seriously dont get how Soldat Map Team work, because it doesnt work at all, and even if you would have here post after post saying "this should be default" its not gonna be default. Go back to post from 2007-2014 and count how many maps and ideas where here that dont need any changes in game it self and people like them a lot.
The problem is that you think you're 101% right, all the time. The size is a real problem. If you have a 1TB internet connection and don't bother downloading a game with 2GB, ok. But Soldat is not that game.
You can be an awesome map maker, but you're terrible when you don't get the arguments against the size of these textures etc.

If you can't sacrifice some visuals in favor of it, stop asking them to act different. Is clear that this is an established situation.
I've tried to be at your side, but it's so hard. There's no perfect world for everyone.
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Re: Daybreak_R
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2016, 12:33:11 pm »
I really like your work, there are some awesome colors.

Offline %%%%%%%

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Re: Daybreak_R
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2016, 12:53:19 pm »
Oh Jesus fucking Christs, how many time I need to say that THOSE FUCKING MAPS ARE NOT TO BE DEFAULT.

Because do I said that this map should be default? No.
Do I said that size of my map is a problem? Yes. So why you repeat it?
The size is a real problem.
You can be an awesome map maker, but you're terrible when you don't get the arguments against the size of these textures etc.

If you can't sacrifice some visuals in favor of it, stop asking them to act different.
Wrong, the size is not a real problem. I'm going to put that shit to bed right now.

Soldat 1.6.9 was 18MB.
Soldat 1.7.0 is 103MB.

That's almost 6x, or 600%, the size it was before. This is already implemented and people aren't bitching at all; now compare that to y'all who are bitching about the size of a few maps that haven't even been implemented.

Now, as Akinaro has mentioned a couple of times, without proper multitexturing, you can't expect to have HD without having HD maps that are bigger sizes. If you think you can, you're retarded.

Let's say he, or anyone else, (re)made 7 maps that were each 7MB (I'm being generous to show you how retarded this filesize point is, plus 7's my favorite number) and all of them were made into default maps.

That's 49MB, now add that to the 103MB of 1.7.0. 152MB (yeah, I can math); that's 1.47x the size it was before (less if they're remakes, when you subtract the old map).

Price of HD Soldat: 6x the size
Price of 7 default HD maps: 1.47x the size

6/1.47=4, so mathematically, people would bitch 1/4 the amount they did for 1.7.0's huge file size, which was virtually zero bitching, than they would for 7 new 7MB maps being added as default.

So, no, map size isn't the problem. It's a symptom of the problem.

The problem is that Soldat needs proper multitexturing.

So, until we have proper multitexturing and the maps can be remade, the increased size of new/remade default maps (not other maps, as no one wants to wait while they download in between games) is an allowable and forgivable temporary issue.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2016, 01:03:18 pm by %%%%%%% »

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Re: Daybreak_R
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2016, 03:58:40 pm »
Those maps are made to look nice, not to be default or have perfect layout.
No, I get that; I'm just saying that size isn't important and, for those complaining the maps are too big, it's not a legitimate reason for them not to be default maps. With a 600% increase in size for HD, it's hardly an issue if 10 huge 7MB maps barely make a 200% increase.

I think most of us would agree that it's only logical that, if the waypoints and stuff was all done (everything except the "big size"), they could be made defaults -- if you wanted, and if whoever's in charge of maps didn't shit all over it for no reason, because them being big is a NON-ISSUE.

Offline CheeSeMan.

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Re: Daybreak_R
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2016, 02:23:52 am »
in 2007 maps had to have bridges, if you had a nice jungle bridge it can be default! Your bridge is pretty small Akinaro but its not too bad, remember need bridge to be default thats how Soldat has always been!


ps. This remake really looks sexy. Really just get Akinaro + anyone else who is good at making maps, revamp all the DM maps let DUZ decide if they are okay and BOOM you done.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2016, 02:30:20 am by CheeSeMan. »
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Re: Daybreak_R
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2016, 03:42:12 am »
I think the map looks super fun to play, and it goes without saying that it's beautiful.

I host a server with a bunch of custom DM maps, and I wish you'd release the map so I could add it to my rotation.
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Re: Daybreak_R
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2016, 07:22:00 pm »
I was a bit aggressive, sorry Akinaro. I'm between your good remakes and the file size issue, thinking: f* bro, decrease the size of it and let's roll on these awesome remakes.
After reading some arguments and calculating things, seems a decent deal.
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Re: Daybreak_R
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2016, 12:15:40 pm »
I on the other hand won't talk about the texutre, scenery etc. But I'd like focus on one thing that some people maybe didn't notice, but makes this map stand out - the background color is top notch. Great choice. I honestly don't know why I like it so much xD.