Hey guys!
This mod I like to use for quiete public rounds to play for fun or training!

The interface is created for 854x480 resolutions, but its working with higher ones too!
(Example: In 1600x900 you need just a little bit to fix the jet-bar position.. you will see)
It's a mix of:- Fryer's SoldatStream Mod , thanks to Fryer
https://forums.soldat.pl/index.php?topic=44349.0- Clutter free [1.7+] , thanks to homerofgods
https://forums.soldat.pl/index.php?topic=43946.0- [HD REMAKE] Neon-Ring Explosion , thanks to CCalp
https://forums.soldat.pl/index.php?topic=44132.0- Uniform looking Gosteks/No Text
https://forums.soldat.pl/index.php?topic=42826.0- Digital Display Interface [reg]
https://forums.soldat.pl/index.php?topic=43370.0New things:- weapons-gfx ( for good seeable bullets if "Render Bullet Trails" is OFF. )
- Edited the coursor to be a small dot
- Edited the Digitag Display Interface
- New Font
What makes the mod at all:-Textures: Blurred for a less distracting experience.
-Medikit and grenadekit simplified. Bonus kits not modified.
-Edges: Black fade for clarity.
-Flag pole: Lighter for improved visibility.
-Removed Clutter.
-Neon Ring Explosion.
-Colored weapons and bullets to be fast seeable.
-Small dot cursor.
-Almost no more texts ingame.
-No more individually styled Gosteks.
-No names.
-Invesible player stats.
-Invisible teams caps.
-Invisible chatconsole.
-Invisible Ping dot, Spawnspark, Jetflames.
-Shows you for much things a symbolic letter instead of a text.
(Team Alpha actions in down left corner / Team Bravo actions in down right corner)
Red " P " = Alpha scores
Blue " P " = Bravo scores
Red " Z " = Alpha returned their flag
Blue " Z " = Bravo returned their flag
Red " X " = Alpha is stealing Bravo flag
Blue " X " = Bravo is stealing Alpha flag
Green " X " down left corner = Alpha Player dropped Bravo flag
Green " X " down right corner = Bravo Player dropped Alpha flag

http://imgur.com/a/dhLixHow to install:1. Use Google to find out how to install fonts on your system and install the fonts
2. Put the folder "BHFun" in the folder ".../soldat/costom-interfaces/"
3. Put the folder "BlackHolesFunMod" in the folder ".../soldat/mods/"
4. Backup your files from ".../soldat/txt/" and replace the new into.
5. Create a "/muteall" taunt in your "/soldat/taunts.txt", try download a taunt editor
(you need /muteall to count how much players in the server or in each team)
6. Use the "SoldatStarter" to start Soldat "..soldat/starter.exe".
Then select "BlackHolesFunMod" and cliick "RUN SOLDAT MODDED"
7. Go to the In-Game options > Custom Interfaces, select "BHFun" here.
8. Done!
Note:-Enter /muteall + F1 to see how much players on the server. (you should create a taunt for that"/muteall")
-You can see the names of players by Esc>Kick.
[X] Scale Interface , put scale interface on
-In DM all gosteks black, in CTF alpha = black and bravo = blue shirt/black, in TM the colors are buggy(Alpha/Charlie looks buggy)
all gosteks are looking total same, you dont see anything different in style/color/name
-Font2 is total invisible to get the Team Player names in the screen edges away for a cleaner screen
because of that Stats and Player names in F1 menu away too.. but its very clean looking screen even in 10vs10 with much team members..
-If you want a chat console and playerstats ingame then you have to change the Font2 font
in ".../soldat/txt/font.ini"
I hope all works fine. Post here pls if anything is wrong. Also have fun!