Author Topic: BlackHoles Fun Mod[1.7+]  (Read 8356 times)

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Offline BlackHoles

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BlackHoles Fun Mod[1.7+]
« on: July 17, 2016, 09:01:51 am »
Hey guys!

This mod I like to use for quiete public rounds to play for fun or training! :)
The interface is created for 854x480 resolutions, but its working with higher ones too!
(Example: In 1600x900 you need just a little bit to fix the jet-bar position.. you will see)

It's a mix of:

- Fryer's SoldatStream Mod , thanks to Fryer

- Clutter free [1.7+] , thanks to homerofgods

- [HD REMAKE] Neon-Ring Explosion , thanks to CCalp

- Uniform looking Gosteks/No Text

- Digital Display Interface [reg]

New things:

- weapons-gfx ( for good seeable bullets if "Render Bullet Trails" is OFF. )

- Edited the coursor to be a small dot

- Edited the Digitag Display Interface

- New Font

What makes the mod at all:

-Textures: Blurred for a less distracting experience.

-Medikit and grenadekit simplified. Bonus kits not modified.

-Edges: Black fade for clarity.

-Flag pole: Lighter for improved visibility.

-Removed Clutter.

-Neon Ring Explosion.

-Colored weapons and bullets to be fast seeable.

-Small dot cursor.

-Almost no more texts ingame.

-No more individually styled Gosteks.

-No names.

-Invesible player stats.

-Invisible teams caps.

-Invisible chatconsole.

-Invisible Ping dot, Spawnspark, Jetflames.

-Shows you for much things a symbolic letter instead of a text.
 (Team Alpha actions in down left corner / Team Bravo actions in down right corner)

Red " P " = Alpha scores
Blue " P " = Bravo scores

Red " Z " = Alpha returned their flag
Blue " Z " = Bravo returned their flag

Red " X " = Alpha is stealing Bravo flag
Blue " X " = Bravo is stealing Alpha flag

Green " X " down left corner = Alpha Player dropped Bravo flag
Green " X " down right corner = Bravo Player dropped Alpha flag



How to install:

1. Use Google to find out how to install fonts on your system and install the fonts

2. Put the folder "BHFun" in the folder ".../soldat/costom-interfaces/"

3. Put the folder "BlackHolesFunMod" in the folder ".../soldat/mods/"

4. Backup your files from ".../soldat/txt/"  and replace the new into.

5. Create a "/muteall" taunt in your "/soldat/taunts.txt", try download a taunt editor
(you need /muteall to count how much players in the server or in each team)

6. Use the "SoldatStarter" to start Soldat "..soldat/starter.exe".
    Then select "BlackHolesFunMod" and cliick "RUN SOLDAT MODDED"

7. Go to the In-Game options > Custom Interfaces, select "BHFun" here.

8. Done!


-Enter /muteall + F1 to see how much players on the server. (you should create a taunt for that"/muteall")

-You can see the names of players by Esc>Kick.

-[X] Scale Interface , put scale interface on

-In DM all gosteks black, in CTF alpha = black and bravo = blue shirt/black, in TM the colors are buggy(Alpha/Charlie looks buggy)
all gosteks are looking total same, you dont see anything different in style/color/name

-Font2 is total invisible to get the Team Player names in the screen edges away for a cleaner screen
because of that Stats and Player names in F1 menu away too.. but its very clean looking screen even in 10vs10 with much team members..

-If you want a chat console and playerstats ingame then you have to change the Font2 font
in ".../soldat/txt/font.ini"

I hope all works fine. Post here pls if anything is wrong. Also have fun! ;D
« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 09:13:10 am by BlackHoles »

Offline homerofgods

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Re: BlackHoles Fun Mod[1.7+]
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2016, 01:35:33 pm »

Cool that you're using Clutter Free, and cool that you're messing around with different mods, I've been doing the same all day actually. I have some feedback for you to make this even better for the public

1. You should make it so that you can put the mod in ".../soldat/mods/" so that you won't have to make backups or have a second soldat installed

2. If you were going to use this kind of overwriting anyway you could have placed the interface in interface-gfx instead of custom-interfaces so we didn't have to set it in soldat.

3. The fonts are horrible, I know it's hard to find good fonts, I'm still looking around and will perhaps make a post if I find some really good ones. You can try this for Font2 though:

4. The gosteks are black for both Alpha and Bravo? How can you see who's enemy?

5. If you really want the gostek to be all black you can change the colour of the shoes as well:
« Last Edit: July 17, 2016, 01:57:27 pm by homerofgods »

Offline BlackHoles

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Re: BlackHoles Fun Mod[1.7+]
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2016, 04:09:40 pm »

Cool that you're using Clutter Free, and cool that you're messing around with different mods, I've been doing the same all day actually. I have some feedback for you to make this even better for the public

1. You should make it so that you can put the mod in ".../soldat/mods/" so that you won't have to make backups or have a second soldat installed

2. If you were going to use this kind of overwriting anyway you could have placed the interface in interface-gfx instead of custom-interfaces so we didn't have to set it in soldat.

3. The fonts are horrible, I know it's hard to find good fonts, I'm still looking around and will perhaps make a post if I find some really good ones. You can try this for Font2 though:

4. The gosteks are black for both Alpha and Bravo? How can you see who's enemy?

5. If you really want the gostek to be all black you can change the colour of the shoes as well:

1. Thx
2. Thx
3. Font2 is total invisible to get the Team Player names in the screen edges away for a cleaner screen
because of that Stats and Player names in F1 menu away too.. but its very clean looking screen even in 10vs10 with much team members..

4. In DM all gosteks black, in CTF alpha = black and bravo = blue shirt/black, in TM the colors are buggy(Alpha/Charlie looks buggy)
all gosteks are looking total same, you dont see anything different in style/color/name

5. Thx, I will try :)

Offline CCalp

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Re: BlackHoles Fun Mod[1.7+]
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2016, 06:49:54 pm »
Wow, I really appreciate your effort contributing to the community! Nice to see a new full mod again... :)
Little request: Could you provide the archive as ZIP or 7Z file type, please? Cheers!

Offline BlackHoles

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Re: BlackHoles Fun Mod[1.7+]
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2016, 09:47:18 am »

Hey guys i have here some new things finished for this Mod. :)

-Changed: Way of installing and Archivetype to .7z

-Added: Blue Boots for Bravo gosteks.
(big thanks to homerofgods, very good idea for me)

-Removed: The white dot and the flag symbol in the F1 Menu.
 (you should not remove the "smalldot" if you want use the ingame map)

-Changed: The mute symbol.

-Changed: The "noflag" symbol.

-Changed: The interface-bars to 1color simple theme

-Added: Health- and Jet-bar in same color as text (red/blue, experementially)

Changed: Colored Weaponmenu guns and changed position to more right.
                (you can click on the gun somehow to select it)

-Added: A green " X " symbol if Flag get dropped in different position for each team.
    (  Green " X " down left corner = Alpha Player dropped Bravo flag
       Green " X " down right corner = Bravo Player dropped Alpha flag  )


Red " X " = Alpha is stealing Bravo flag :


Green " X " down left corner = Alpha Player dropped Bravo flag :

-Added: Health- and Jet-bar in same color as text (red/blue, experementially):

The download is in the first post!
Have fun guys! ;D