
What would you like to see in 1.7.2? (You have 10 votes)

add auto mouse capture after alt+tab
7 (1.8%)
add assist for kills and caps
10 (2.6%)
add show image at posx/y with scripting
4 (1%)
add sound pack download
2 (0.5%)
add grenade throwing during reload
5 (1.3%)
implement downloading custom weapon gfx
3 (0.8%)
fix issues needed to be resolved for steam
13 (3.4%)
fix menu scale issues in old gui
7 (1.8%)
fix playersound
0 (0%)
do general bugfixing
10 (2.6%)
make fists on teammates conditional on FF only
4 (1%)
add more player skin options
7 (1.8%)
add multitypes for polygons
4 (1%)
add new mod format
6 (1.6%)
implement open chat links in browser on click
5 (1.3%)
add paralax background
5 (1.3%)
add ranked / integrated gather system
11 (2.9%)
allow throwing nades while prone
2 (0.5%)
remove useless gamemodes (pm, htf, tdm)
6 (1.6%)
roll back to pixel graphics
4 (1%)
update sound
3 (0.8%)
add banner in gui for discord channel
10 (2.6%)
add banner in gui for sctfl
9 (2.4%)
add chat cursor (aka chatmod)
5 (1.3%)
add dragonflies
7 (1.8%)
fix polybugs
10 (2.6%)
port soldat to linux
11 (2.9%)
improve polyworks
6 (1.6%)
fix first join game click on server doesn't work
3 (0.8%)
remake maps with new sceneries/textures
9 (2.4%)
remove aim syrup/smoothing
7 (1.8%)
remove ugly/useless maps
6 (1.6%)
bring powerthrow back
5 (1.3%)
add single player campaign for newcomers
5 (1.3%)
add new graphics
4 (1%)
implement lights/shadows
5 (1.3%)
implement detailed models
1 (0.3%)
fix team change color bug
7 (1.8%)
fix netcode
24 (6.3%)
fix netcode - fix team change color bug
7 (1.8%)
fix netcode - fix magnets
5 (1.3%)
fix netcode - fix fatass bug
6 (1.6%)
fix netcode - fix specbug
7 (1.8%)
fix netcode - fix eats
17 (4.5%)
implement anticheat
21 (5.5%)
implement matchmaking
14 (3.7%)
implement new gui
22 (5.8%)
bring back bloodsaw
6 (1.6%)
improve scriptcore
5 (1.3%)
port to macOS
4 (1%)
add google translate option
1 (0.3%)
add cvars
5 (1.3%)
add new maps
2 (0.5%)
fix inttostr server crash
7 (1.8%)

Total Members Voted: 46

Voting closed: October 15, 2017, 07:26:56 am

Author Topic: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?  (Read 30039 times)

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Offline Shoozza

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #40 on: October 08, 2017, 07:27:49 am »
Ok Suggestion time is over, I made a poll. Go vote!
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Offline DutchFlame

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #41 on: October 08, 2017, 08:00:12 am »
I get the feeling that this is some kind of a joke Shoozza..

Are you taking us seriously or not?
I mean if i look at this poll list i get alot of mindfucks.

Did you not already work on stuff in the meantime?
The priorities of 1.7.2? really ?add dragonflies? this is a troll joke

<@Tanaka> makes me sad
<@Tanaka> to see things like "add google translate option" or "bring back bloodsaw" on equal footing with fixing netcode, polybugs and anticheat
<@Tanaka> it shouldnt take a poll to realize that most of those changes are gonna have virtually no impact on the playerbase
<@Tanaka> and that some of them are absolutely paramount if this game is ever to be successful on steam

You already told us lots of these things are not going to be done in 1.7.2.. why did you add them they'll not be finished in 2 months.

Offline duz

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #42 on: October 08, 2017, 08:12:38 am »
port to macOS, add dragonflies...

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Offline soldat-game

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #43 on: October 08, 2017, 08:24:00 am »
Download Images Pack and ImageObject
First add if server start get check all images using in scripts. Next create pack, add checksum for this pack, next if player try join to server first check does he have soundpack if dont have he must download serversoundpack, if have check checksum if is good player can join if not download again.
Next create tables:

ImagePath:String; R
ImageObjectID: int64; R
LayerType: byte; RW
Layer: integer; RW
TimeStart: int64; RW
PosX,PosY,Transparency,Time,StrengthenTime, DisappearanceTime,Rotate,Scale: single; RW
Paint: boolean; RW
Color: longint; RW

ImagePath:String; R
InterfacesObjectID: int64; R
Layer: integer; RW
TimeStart: int64; RW
PosX,PosY,Transparency,Time,StrengthenTime, DisappearanceTime,Rotate,Scale: single; RW
Paint: boolean; RW
Color: longint; RW

Next add new function:
function: AddImage(ImagePath:String; LayerType: byte; Layer: integer; PosX,PosY,Rotate,Scale,Transparency,Time,StrengthenTime,DisappearanceTime: single; TimeStart: int64; Paint: boolean; Color: longint;): TImageObject;
ImagePath - Destination image file.
LayerType - 1 back 2 midle 3 front as in polyworks.
Layer - Image layer.
PosX - Position X map cords.
PosY - Position Y map cords.
Rotate - Rotating angle image.
Scale - Scaling the image size in percent.
Transparency - Transparency 0 to 100 in precent.
Time - 0 to until further notice, >0 image duration.
TimeStart - Frame number if animated image. 0 to start, ignore it if image don`t be animated.
StrengthenTime - Resume effect, the appearance of the image from alpha to color. Is time the duration of this effect. 0 to off.
DisappearanceTime - The effect is analogous to the above, it's all about the disappearance of the image. Is time the duration of this effect. 0 to off.
Paint - Coloring true or false.
Color - If Paint is true next coloring for this color.

And new function InterfaceImage: (Some may know from 1.5.1f however, you can use only selected elements and here you can use all downloaded items)
function: AddInterfaceImage(ImagePath:String; Layer: integer; PosX,PosY,Rotate,Scale,Transparency,Time,StrengthenTime,DisappearanceTime: single; TimeStart: int64; Paint: boolean; Color: longint;): TInterfaceObject;
ImagePath - Destination image file.
Layer - Image layer.
Rotate - Rotating angle image.
Scale - Scaling the image size in percent.
PosX - Position X inteface cords (But, you need to fix scaling to higher resolutions, because as with bigtext on low resolution u see text in right corner but on big resolution u see text on middle)
PosY - Position Y inteface cords (But, you need to fix scaling to higher resolutions, because as with bigtext on low resolution u see text in right corner but on big resolution u see text on middle)
Transparency - Transparency 0 to 100 in precent.
Time - 0 to until further notice, >0 image duration.
TimeStart - Frame number if animated image. 0 to start, ignore it if image don`t be animated.
StrengthenTime - Resume effect, the appearance of the image from alpha to color. Is time the duration of this effect. 0 to off.
DisappearanceTime - The effect is analogous to the above, it's all about the disappearance of the image. Is time the duration of this effect. 0 to off.
Paint - Coloring true or false.
Color - If Paint is true next coloring for this color.

Next add procedure:
procedure: ImageObejctKill(ImageObjectID: int64); This function immediately removes ImageObject.
procedure: InterfacesObejctKill(InterfacesObjectID: int64); This function immediately removes InterfaceObject.

Download Sound Pack
The same system as the imageobject for download soundpack.
First create tables.

PlayID: int64; R
SoundPath: string; R
PosX,PosY,TimeStart,TimeEnd,Volume,StrengthenTime, DisappearanceTime: single; RW

Next add new function:
function PlaySound(SoundPath: string; PosX,PosY,TimeStart,TimeEnd,Volume,StrengthenTime, DisappearanceTime: single) TPlaySound;
SoundPath - Path to sound (Plese add can mp3 codec no only wav)
PosX - Position X
PosY - Position Y
TimeStart - Start time. 0 is start from the beginning.
TimeEnd - End time. 0 is end at the very end.
Volume - Volume in precent.
StrengthenTime - Sound reinforcement. Duration of reinforcement.
DisappearanceTime - Decrease volume. Duration of decrease volume.

function PlaySoundOverall(SoundPath: string; TimeStart,TimeEnd,Volume,StrengthenTime, DisappearanceTime: single) TPlaySound;
SoundPath - Path to sound (Plese add can mp3 codec no only wav)
TimeStart - Start time. 0 is start from the beginning.
TimeEnd - End time. 0 is end at the very end.
Volume - Volume in precent.
StrengthenTime - Sound reinforcement. Duration of reinforcement.
DisappearanceTime - Decrease volume. Duration of decrease volume.

Next add procedure:
procedure: PlaySoundKill(PlayID: int64); This function immediately removes PlaySound.

Download Custrom Mod
Open Server.ini and
CustromServerMod=Example soldatserverfolder/MeDiabloWeaponsPack/
If server start server create package and and checksum. Files those are default in soldat, they are skipping.
Server Custrom Mod package have in a container "gostek-gfx" "interface-gfx" "objects-gfx" "sfx" "sparks-gfx" "txt" "weapons-gfx".
And analogy as in the above two cases, downloading and checking is performed. But player if server have this option must use downloaded pack. When entering the server, it automatically gets activated.
If server recompile scripts again, check if media data has changed, and if changed create new pack and players must download again. Or create a system that can only replace the files in your package, whose sum control does not match the server.

The checksum so that if a group of servers have the same set of sounds is not to charge separately for each server the same package. Of course, modifying the package will change its checksum.

Change and add in Weapons Mod:
First change:
Let each of these values, however, will be different although marginally.

Next add:
Name=Default mod
HidenWMinServerName=True|False - Lets hide this stubborn thing. In the server name. there is a corresponding tab.

Next add in all weapons:
RecoilPlayer= (How do you shoot with a minigun or a spasm to feel the rejection of the player)
ShootMultiple=(How many missiles should be fired, For example, shotgun shoots 2 bulllets)
ShootVelMax= (
ShootVelMin=      For these shots to be delayed,  shotgun shots are not flying evenly )
ExplodeTime= Some things like grenade or m79 bullet is exploding we can change it plese. See cluster granade explode in air :O Nice effects :) And this good for createbullet explode create :)
Effects= You can create some fun effects example 1 is if bullet hit this creates a small explosion :D

I believe that these few simple steps will create us many new servers and will attract many modscreators:) New servers and mods = new players ;) Because new interesting stuff
« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 07:13:23 am by soldat-game »

Offline soldat-game

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #44 on: October 08, 2017, 09:26:08 am »
Ahh and instead of procedures to kill object. Can be example TImageObject.Kill

Offline Shoozza

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #45 on: October 08, 2017, 10:33:01 am »
This isn't a joke.. I just included the options you suggested.

E.g. dragonflies could be added as an April Fools joke.
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Offline Monsteri

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #46 on: October 08, 2017, 11:35:46 am »
It's just that the topic is titled as what you'd like to see in 1.7.2 - it doesn't seem like a general wishlist.
Sorry if I'm insolent.

Offline L[0ne]R

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #47 on: October 08, 2017, 11:41:48 am »
I noticed you have "multitype polygons" in the poll. While this would be awesome, I think if would be far more useful to have proper multitexture support instead (which for whatever reason no one suggested). Polygon multityping isn't that important since most maps are made using the basic single polytypes just fine, but ability to use multiple textures (as opposed to a texture atlas) would *greatly* improve quality and reduce the amount of work required when we remake maps.

Considering map remakes are still high-priority (even if they don't make it into 1.7.2), multi-texturing should be too.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2017, 11:46:26 am by L[0ne]R »

Offline Viral

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #48 on: October 08, 2017, 05:56:48 pm »
XD just filter out the things that can't be physically done for 1.7.2 and im quite certain you will end up with less than 10 options xD Also you didn't add stamina i asked about.

Offline CheeSeMan.

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #49 on: October 08, 2017, 08:01:51 pm »

new gui

ez, need vote for this? Appoint me project manager.
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Offline Irlandec

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #50 on: October 08, 2017, 08:33:35 pm »
Why you made so much netcode fixes when its okay to have one?

Offline gor

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #51 on: October 10, 2017, 10:15:53 am »

in that order(thanks CheeSeMan for making it easy)

Offline jrgp

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #52 on: October 10, 2017, 04:59:23 pm »
in 1.7.2, just general bugfixes. nothing revolutionary as that takes longer to build and polish and release
in 1.8, linux+mac support. the code is there and I've tried it, it just needs ui menu polish
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Offline psy.

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #53 on: October 11, 2017, 12:44:14 am »
Barrett is too powerful (too small bink, too short trigger, too fast reload) and destroys CTF mode because everyone playing only barrett. Typical "over-power" weapon. It is very frustrating. Can not balance it?

In 1.4.2 version barrett M82A1 was perfect.
Correct a great idea barret 1.4

Offline kicikici

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #54 on: October 11, 2017, 01:10:54 pm »
please add new option to this poll: fix bug used by some turkish random dickhead which cause very small and irrelevant problem that soldatserver wants to eat my entire cpu without leaving at least very small piece
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Offline Hubiq

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #55 on: October 12, 2017, 01:55:29 am »
please add new option to this poll: fix bug used by some turkish random dickhead which cause very small and irrelevant problem that soldatserver wants to eat my entire cpu without leaving at least very small piece

True. Many people talk about it. This fool attacks the servers and CPU usage increases to 200-1000%.

It looks like dos/ddos attack or something like that.

Offline Savage

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #56 on: October 12, 2017, 11:49:51 am »
True. Many people talk about it. This fool attacks the servers and CPU usage increases to 200-1000%.

That's some filthy overclocking

Offline jrgp

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #57 on: October 12, 2017, 12:11:29 pm »
please add new option to this poll: fix bug used by some turkish random dickhead which cause very small and irrelevant problem that soldatserver wants to eat my entire cpu without leaving at least very small piece

True. Many people talk about it. This fool attacks the servers and CPU usage increases to 200-1000%.

It looks like dos/ddos attack or something like that.

I think I'm experiencing this. Do you guys know his IP address so I can iptables block it?
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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #58 on: October 12, 2017, 01:22:10 pm »
also this one .. https://forums.soldat.pl/index.php?topic=44957.0

there are just way too many exploits to attack soldat servers - that really needs to be fixed..
 don't register your server to lobby..
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Offline kicikici

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #59 on: October 12, 2017, 02:22:44 pm »
Do you guys know his IP address so I can iptables block it?
He uses random turkish ip.
Classic banana