Author Topic: Another Barret Topic - Two Suggestions  (Read 2397 times)

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Offline -Bendarr-

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Another Barret Topic - Two Suggestions
« on: September 26, 2011, 04:11:29 pm »
I've said these before but now is the time to be heard.

Proposal #1: The camera follows the bullet when you shoot while zoomed in, and follows it until it collides with a polygon or disappears. This leads to problems if you get attacked and then have to wait for the camera to return before you know what's going on. A solution would be to make it so that the camera only follows the bullet while holding down the button, so you can release the key to stop following the camera, or hold it down to see where the bullet goes.

Proposal #2 (balance): My idea for a long time has always been (with the ret) to have 0 delay and reload relatively quickly, but make it so that longer-distance shots = 1 shot kill (assuming bullet speed is still very high), and short-distance shots like being right next to people or while spawnkilling = 85% damage or something like that unless they get a direct headshot.

I use ret quite frequently, and in my experience as a rusher, at high speeds you can run right into someone and get a guaranteed kill before they can get a chance to react, it is almost like treating a ret as if it were a spas, while the purpose of it should be sniping. It is too easy to aim the gun since the bullet goes in a straight line very quickly compared to the spas and other close range guns.

In real life, try lugging the barrettm82 and run right at people and make a kill point blank range. Not to mention a high velocity round from far away builds up explosive power, capable of literally blowing up a persons torso or a limb, whereas close range it would just go clean through not even causing explosive force which is the real killer behind bullet wounds (why a pistol round can be more detrimental than other bullets after it causes shock and bile to force into the area of impact not to mention the bullet being lodged in the wound causing the body to attack itself) - Not to mention my idea makes much more sense in the Realistic mode setting, which I suggest would also need to have a lowered movement acc, because the idea of pointing your gun at your enemy and having the bullet go upwards or downwards in relation to where your barrel is pointing just because you're moving is absolutely ridiculous. This would also help solve the no delay and no movement acc hacker problems since MSAC will never be able to stop them. It would make the hackers EXTREME advantage pretty much null after this change.

Offline Clawbug

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Re: Another Barret Topic - Two Suggestions
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2011, 10:37:29 pm »

In real life, try lugging the barrettm82 and run right at people and make a kill point blank range. Not to mention a high velocity round from far away builds up explosive power, capable of literally blowing up a persons torso or a limb, whereas close range it would just go clean through not even causing explosive force which is the real killer behind bullet wounds (why a pistol round can be more detrimental than other bullets after it causes shock and bile to force into the area of impact not to mention the bullet being lodged in the wound causing the body to attack itself)

Sir, what the fuck are you talking about? Where does this "explosive power" come from? What exactly happens to the bullet in terms of physics? What kind of powers are affecting it as it flies through air? What causes that so-called "explosive power"?

To answer you: there is no "explosive power". There's absolutely nothing which would cause such "power". Pretty much the only "power" a bullet has is it's kinetic energy which can be calculated as E=0.5*mv^2.

What you talk about pistol is nonsense in this context. The only thing which holds true is the effects known as hydrostatic shock(especially ballistic pressure waves) and energy transfer which as such mean the stopping power of a bullet. These are rather complex subjects(not even mentioning bullet yaw) which would involve lots of explanating and studying to understand deeply enough, so I'll simplify things and introduce a following drag equation: Fd=0.5*pv^2CA, where p is the mass density of the fluid/tissue, v^2 the velocity of the bullet, C being drag coefficient and A being the area. Oh, this is also the actual equation used to calculate the loss due to air resistance. Fill in the proper values and you can calculate it yourself, and see how the kinetic energy of a bullet decreases as it travels through air. Faster bullets have higher drag.

What changes between different bullets:
v^2, the bullet velocity (e.g. ~720 m/s for standard 7.62x39 bullet used by AK-47)
C, the drag coefficient, (the shape of the bullet, how efficient it's aerodynamics are. e.g. rifle bullets have lower value than usual handgun bullets(e.g. parabellum), and some hollow-point bullets have higher than standard FMJ bullets)
A, the bullet area. E.g. 7.62 mm bullet has area of 3.14159*7.62² =182.41 mm², while 5.56 mm bullet has area of 3.14159 * 5.56² = 97.11 mm². Standard 9 mm handgun bullet has area of 254.46 mm².
Also perhaps worth mentioning(not related to the drag equation, but to the kinetic energy of a bullet) is the mass of a bullet itself, which obviously changes between the types of bullets.

Oeh, greets to dicko and Tanaka who can suck my cock. ;) <3
« Last Edit: October 05, 2011, 09:18:39 am by Clawbug »
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Re: Another Barret Topic - Two Suggestions
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2011, 05:08:30 pm »
vam; dicko
vagabonds & miscreants

Offline J4tk1n5

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Re: Another Barret Topic - Two Suggestions
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2011, 03:48:07 am »
If anything the sniper will do more damage at a closer range

Offline Bonecrusher

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Re: Another Barret Topic - Two Suggestions
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2011, 06:59:22 am »
all i know is that ret is way more easier to use in 1.6.2 than it was in lets say 1.5

Im chill like that

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Re: Another Barret Topic - Two Suggestions
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2011, 12:26:45 pm »
I think the idea for bullet doing more damage the longer it is in air would be more suitable for weapons like M79. (Less effective in close distance)

Barret needs no sexual satisfaction at the moment so stop groping it.